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Increasing Educational Opportunities in Healthcare through Partnerships Carolyn Lewis, PhD, RN, CNAA,BC, Assistant Dean, Nursing Division Laura Fraebel,

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing Educational Opportunities in Healthcare through Partnerships Carolyn Lewis, PhD, RN, CNAA,BC, Assistant Dean, Nursing Division Laura Fraebel,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing Educational Opportunities in Healthcare through Partnerships Carolyn Lewis, PhD, RN, CNAA,BC, Assistant Dean, Nursing Division Laura Fraebel, BA, Nursing Grants Project Director Bluegrass Community and Technical College

2 National Problem: Nurse Shortage Survey released July 2006, 55% of the nurses that responded will retire between 2011 and 2020. HRSA projects a need of one million nurses by 2020 AHA reported in April 2006 a present need of 118,000 nurses needed nationally Public/Private Partnerships

3 National Problem: Education 2005-2006 nursing schools turned away 41,683 qualified students 2005-2006 Southern Region Board of Education (SREB) survey revealed 432 faculty vacancies 12% shortfall of faculty needed in the SREB area Public/Private Partnerships

4 Kentucky Need: KHA survey in 2002 found 1,750 full-time RN vacancies In 1995 Kentucky ranked 28 th in concentration of population over 65 Bluegrass growth expected to increase from 389,264 to 468,841 between 2002 and 2010, thus an increase need of 20.4% in the healthcare workforce BCTC receives over 400+ applicants each year, only accepted 125 Public/Private Partnerships

5 BCTC Public/Private Partnerships  Workforce Development Bluegrass ADD District, $200,000/yr over 5 years  Department of Labor Grant (2.5 Million over three years)  Community Partnerships Universities/Colleges Clinical Labs Classrooms Clinical Faculty Scholarships Public/Private Partnerships

6 Public/Private Partnerships (Continued) Two RN programs (evening/weekend) on two of our rural campuses in August 2007 (Sharing of regional resources) Harrodsburg Area Technical Center Web-based PN program IUON students LTC facilities

7 Nursing Career Lattice Program Developed by CAEL/US DOL Implemented regionally by BCTC Working with Louden Company ESL/Adult Education Includes Specialty Modules and Apprenticeship

8 ESL/Adult Education Brought ESL Classes to LTC facilities Adult Education – Communications/Soft Skills Modules

9 Nurse Aide Apprenticeship Developed by The Louden Company, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, and the Kentucky Department of Labor First apprentices registered on April 20, 2007 First Health Care Apprenticeship in Kentucky 2,000 hours OJT/144 hours related instruction Participants earn certificate/pay raises Employers get better retention/less re-training costs Can be duplicated in other areas

10 Mission Statement Serving the needs of the community is the core of our nursing program at a community college level, and should be our first strategic priority. There is a need to build bridges that have never been built before to meet this need. By 2020 health care will be diminished due to a decreasing workforce and this will touch every individual, family and community.

11 Contact Information Dr. Carolyn Lewis Assistant Dean, Nursing Division Bluegrass Community and Technical College 470 Cooper Drive, Lexington, Kentucky 40506 859.246.6488 e-mail: Laura Fraebel Grants Project Director, Nursing Division Bluegrass Community and Technical College 164 Opportunity Way, Lexington, Kentucky 40511 859.246.6730 e-mail:

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