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09.10.2015 Seite 1 Human Rights and Gender in Development Cooperation Kathrin Lottmann Joseph Matimbwi Dar es Salaam – May 2009.

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1 09.10.2015 Seite 1 Human Rights and Gender in Development Cooperation Kathrin Lottmann Joseph Matimbwi Dar es Salaam – May 2009

2 09.10.2015 Seite 2 Human rights are:  Universal  Indivisible  Interrelated and interdependent  Freedom and entitlements of rights holders  Obligation of duty bearers  Legally guaranteed by human rights law  Right to life  Right to liberty and security of person  Right to an adequate standard of living (water, food, housing)  Right to education  Right to health  Right to development

3 09.10.2015 Seite 3 Germany’s Commitment Objectives  systematically integrating human rights into German development policy  supporting processes at global, regional and national level, that are contributing to the realisation of human rights.  includes such measures as promoting the implementation of international human rights conventions  foresees to step up support to human rights institutions  strengthen human rights work in association with civil society and non- governmental organisations In 2004 the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) adopted its first Development Policy Action Plan on Human Rights. (2008 – 2010) It says “Every person has a right to development”

4 09.10.2015 Seite 4 Human Rights in Tanzania  Bill of Rights was incorporated into the Constitution in 1984  Guarantee of fundamental human rights Right to life Social welfare (security) Article 8 (b) “…The primary objective of the Government shall be the welfare of the people”  Tanzania ratified some core international human rights treaties, for example; The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) – in 1976 The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) – in 1976 The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) – 1985 The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) – 1991  Existence of human rights institutions Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance - 2001 Legal and Human Rights Centre - 1995

5 09.10.2015 Seite 5 Why human rights in development cooperation?  Instrumental to development strategies  Addresses power inequalities and discrimination  Deals with weaknesses in accountability systems  Objective framework to manage conflicts and seek redress  Intrinsic value  based on universal values  Universal legal standards for a life with dignity

6 09.10.2015 Seite 6 Development challenge - Rights not fulfilled Basic /structural causes Society, Policies, Resources Underlying causes Services, Access, Practices Immediate causes Status, and direct influences

7 09.10.2015 Seite 7 HRBA - Conceptual framework  Lens of analysis  Obligation for accountability  Minimal service standards  Planning and action framework  Cooperation

8 09.10.2015 Seite 8 Lens of Analysis  Entitlements  Duties  Disadvantaged / underserved Groups  Violations of HR principles  Responsibilities Minimal Service Standards  Accessibility  Affordability  Appropriateness  Relevance  Quality

9 09.10.2015 Seite 9 Planning- and Action Framework  Good Governance  Poverty Orientation  Participation  Empowerment  Non-Discrimination  Gender Rights Broadening Partnership and Cooperation  Partners creating  Coalition Building  Networking

10 09.10.2015 Seite 10 The right to health  Tanzanian German Programme to Support Health supports the health sector process in Tanzania in achieving its goal “to improve the health and well-being of all Tanzanians with a focus on those most at risk...“ A Human Rights Based Approach in TGPSH  Support from GTZ cross-sectoral project: Realizing Human Rights in Development Cooperation  Conducted a Workshop with component leaders  Identfied challenges and crosscutting issues  Recommended entry points  Developed Activities and M&E

11 09.10.2015 Seite 11 TGPSH Human Rights Orientation  access to information on health rights so as to be able to claim them and to use reproductive health and HIV/AIDS services  adopting measures to abolish harmful traditional practices affecting the health of children and young people  advocating for the human rights of vulnerable groups  decentralised structures at district level i.e. Council Health Service Boards (CHSB), for both male and female representatives of the health administration  enhancing the capacity of health service providers to provide quality services  modular training course on district health management.  development of pro-poor health financing models – in cooperation with TNCHF  support participation of district medical officers in a public health master course at MUHAS

12 09.10.2015 Seite 12 Further HR strengthening is based on:  More information on health rights and services  Supporting the health care ethics initiative  Facilitating links between RHS and legal aid services  Networking with NGOs – Advocacy for the right to health and its underlying determinants  Encouraging participation in the InWent/WHO e-learning course on health and human rights  Strengthening equal and meaningful participation in local health structures and decision making processes  Following up policy issues via networking etc.

13 09.10.2015 Seite 13 Challenges  The need to address gaps in legislation and policy  The definition of a child  Marriage law  The restrictive abortion law  The education sector – expelling of pregnant girls from school  Restrictions of the right to privacy and confidentiality by the HIV/AIDS prevention and control act.  The need to better inform rights holders on where to seek advice and redress, in case their rights have been violated.

14 09.10.2015 Seite 14 Gender rights...... are always Human Rights Gender equality = women and men enjoy the same status = equal conditions and opportunities for exercising their human rights  TGPSH considers Gender and Human Rights together  Tanzania has ratified core international and regional human rights treaties aimed at promoting and safeguarding gender equality  Gender = cross-cutting issue

15 09.10.2015 Seite 15 “Mainstreaming” Gender within TGPSH  Conducted a gender study analyzing the gender sensitive work within TGPSH; came up with recommendations  TGPSH-Workshop on gender and HR o Developed a Gender-HR-matrix providing an overview of related activities  Gender and Human rights sensitive approach included in the routine work  nothing additional; easy to adopt

16 09.10.2015 Seite 16 TGPSH Gender orientation - so far  Gender focal person appointed  Gender sensitivity to be included in the annual staff performance assessments, if applicable (e.g. focal person)  Gender and HR are on the Management-Team-Meeting agenda  Gender is part of the Results-Based-Monitoring  Gender specific activities, e.g. » Male involvement enhanced (PMTCT, Family Planning) » Equal opportunity policy observed in recruitment  Gender balanced selection of participants in trainings such as peer education, community based distributors, council health service board members etc.

17 09.10.2015 Seite 17 Further Gender strengthening I  Enhance inter-component cooperation on gender specific topics, e.g. maternal mortality  Repro, Health Financing, Quality Management and PPP component should discuss the possibilities of improving infrastructure for transport for pregnant women to the hospitals and health facilities  Cooperation with Development Partners and the Ministry of Health, e.g.:  join Development Partner Group Gender  advocate for including aspects of gender relevance in national strategy papers/guidelines  support the Ministry in further adapting and implementing the WHO tool on gender mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS counseling and treatment in the Tanzanian context

18 09.10.2015 Seite 18 Further Gender strengthening II  Conduct operational research on, e.g.:  early pregnancies and the prevalence of sexual violence at schools  women’s access to health care through community health funds  gender-specific movement patterns of health personnel for health services  Discuss the topic of sexual corruption and harassment in workplace programme trainings for public and private sector  Advocate for change of the practice expelling pregnant school girls from school and support respective NGO moveme nt

19 09.10.2015 Seite 19 Asanteni sana

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