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Presentation on theme: "GETTING THE MOST OUT OF BIBLE STUDY 2 Timothy 2:15."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why do we study? What is the goal?  we study to get to Heaven  we will be judged by our life according to God’s standard (2 Cor. 5:9-10)(Jn. 12:47-48)  God’s design and desire for us is revealed in the Scriptures (1 Cor. 2:9-16)(Eph. 3:3-5)  therefore, Heaven is only accessible through understanding! study  understanding  application

3 Considerations for Studying  some form of reading/study each day  like prayer, often falls off our busy schedules – priorities? (Mt. 6:33)(1 Thess. 5:17)(Ps. 1:1-3)  study and prayer should be inseparable (Ps. 119:18)(James 1:5)  develop the habit of reading find suitable time, surroundings, material, expectations if it’s important to us, we’ll find the time

4 Considerations for Studying  occasions for study  sermons/bible classes (Acts 17:11)(1 Tim. 4:13, 15-16)  general personal study (2 Tim. 2:15)(2 Pet. 1:5)  general family study (Deut. 6:6-9)(Eph. 6:4)(Josh. 24:15)  doctrinal questions (Acts 2:42)(Acts 15:4-7, 12, 15)  important decisions (1 Chron. 15:13)(Prov. 3:5-6)(2 Cor. 5:7) if we are lacking in one of these areas, we are endangering ourselves, and possibly others

5 Considerations for Understanding  understanding essential to proper study (Eph. 5:17; 3:3-4)  many rely on aids for study, stopping short of the goal (1 Cor. 2:4-5)  for proper understanding? read the Bible, meditate, pray (Rom. 10:17)(Ps. 119:11, 15-16)  read and discuss Scriptures with others for greater effect (Acts 8:30-31)(Prov. 27:17)

6 Considerations for Understanding  aids to our understanding  daily reading programs  commentaries, study Bible notes  lexicons, original languages  Bible history, archaeology, apologetics  the Old Testament (Gal. 3:24-25)(2 Tim. 3:24-25)

7 Considerations for Application  studying bears its fruit outside of study time (James 1:21-22)  do whatever you must to remember – notes, etc. (James 1:23-25)(Prov. 7:1-3)  think about application during study – then go do it don’t just understand its meaning, understand what it means to you in your current situations (1 Pet. 1:22-25)

8 Considerations for Application  topical studies (lessons, books, etc.)  useful for examining a topic or application in greater detail  helpful tools: concordances, word studies  possible to lead to out-of-context interpretations if no foundation of broader Bible knowledge already present

9 Concluding Thoughts  build and maintain the habit of careful study, proper understanding, and dutiful application  our hope of Heaven relies on our diligence (Heb. 11:6)  for those needing help or just getting started:  get a quality Bible (for durability, readability, and accuracy)  start reading a few chapters a day from the New Testament  set aside an hour or two each week to study the past week’s daily readings in more depth, especially for application  study and talk with others as well, especially your family

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