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Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Chaos Game Rules:  Starting point is any point in the plane of triangle ABC.  Second.

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Presentation on theme: "Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Chaos Game Rules:  Starting point is any point in the plane of triangle ABC.  Second."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Chaos Game Rules:  Starting point is any point in the plane of triangle ABC.  Second point is half the distance from current position and one of the vertices (A, B, or C) that has been randomly selected. (C)  Continue plotting points following the above rules.  Vertex B  Vertex A  Vertex B  Vertex C, and so on... 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Playing the Chaos Game..  Players (2) Materials: Chaos Game transparency, ruler, overhead pen, number cube.  Player 1: Plot a starting point on the transparency (any place on the paper)  Player 2: Roll the number cube to determine vertex A, B, or C. [0 or 1 (A); 2 or 3 (B); 4 or 5 (C)] Player 1: Using the ruler, plots the next point which is ½ the distance from the starting point and the vertex determined.  Continue this process and plot at least 30 points. Player 2 determines the next vertex and Player 1 finds the next point..

3 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Playing the Chaos Game..  In your group, stack your individual transparency results from playing the Chaos Game. Be sure and align the transparencies so the triangle ABC looks like one triangle.  Do you see any patterns?  Share results on a document camera.  Now, let’s try stacking everyone’s transparencies to see if we can see any patterns developing.  Discuss findings.

4 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Playing the Chaos Game..  Let’s see what we find if we use technology.  A program was written for the Chaos Game. The triangle ABC is defined. When prompted to enter the distance to the new point, enter ½.  Watch to see if any patterns develop. The points will be plotted much faster and more accurate than we could do with our tools. Use Graphing Calculator

5 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Playing the Chaos Game..  Let’s try the Chaos Game again but this time use a different distance than ½ and see what happens.  Do you see any patterns developing?  Here’s a link with some good information about chaos and when fractals are Use Graphing Calculator

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