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DASH Developmental Approaches in Science, Health and Technology Sumiko Hirata Tatashi Binejal Lucy Samuel Lucia Hisaiah.

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Presentation on theme: "DASH Developmental Approaches in Science, Health and Technology Sumiko Hirata Tatashi Binejal Lucy Samuel Lucia Hisaiah."— Presentation transcript:

1 DASH Developmental Approaches in Science, Health and Technology Sumiko Hirata Tatashi Binejal Lucy Samuel Lucia Hisaiah

2 Purpose of DASH Climate Education For Grades 3& 4

3 Contents of DASH Weather Wind Rain Temperature Clouds Monthly Weather Summary Severe Weather Introduction to Climate From Islands to Atolls Water Cycle Erosion Human Impacts Year End Weather Summary Concept and Skill Inventory


5 Inventor’s Box Storage technique

6 Concept Maps 1. Assess students’ prior knowledge of the topic. 2. Summarize, organize, and assess ongoing learning about the topic. 3. Assess class knowledge of the topic.

7 Activity: Work in small groups to make concept maps about weather. STUDENT ROLE Meteorologist MATERIALS chart paper markers

8 Example of Concept Map

9 Working Dictionary

10 Example of a working definition A refrigerator is an appliance used for keeping things cold and making ice. It is usually box-shaped, comes in many colors, has a door with a handle and shelves, and needs electricity to operate.

11 Activity: Working Definition of Weather Meteorologist MATERIALS chart paper markers

12 Responsibility Chart Assign classroom jobs and responsibilities

13 Science Record Book Store student’s notes, data, plans and other work SRB

14 Wonder and Discovery Book Record student’s questions Wonder and Discover Book ? ? ? W & D Book

15 Connections and Reflections Reflect on their learning in science and to look for connections, relationships and application C & R Book


17 Clouds OBJECTIVES Identify stratus and cumulus clouds. Estimate and record the daily amount of cloud cover. Hypothesize about temperature in a cloud’s shadow and in sunlight. Measure temperatures under cloud cover and in sunlight. Make hypotheses and generalizations about temperature and cloud cover.

18 From Islands To Atolls(Island Formation)

19 Grouping Children learn more from each other Develop social skills needed Built self-esteem Why do it?

20 Some ideas on group sizes Pairs: For most interactions 2-3: For problem solving projects 4-6: For big projects Class: To give directions

21 Let’s try some hands-on activities

22 Temperature Why is temperature important? What does temperature mean? What do you know about temperature?

23 Strategies for this lesson Concept mapping Collect data Record data Working definition

24 Materials Thermometer Poster Markers Daily Temperature data sheet

25 Let’s try Get into a group Get your group materials Work together (Brainstorm and create concept map)

26 Thermometer

27 Daily Temperature Data Collection Date Temperature 1Comments Time°C°F Meteorologist(s)

28 Group work Get a thermometer Record this room temperature (measure and record °C and °F) Record outside temperature (measure and record °C and °F) COMPARE THEM WITH OTHER GROUP DATA THEY HAVE COLLECTED







35 Water Cycle Game with Lucy

36 GAME DIRECTIONS PLAYERS 2–4 players 1 judge MATERIALS PER GROUPS colored game marker for each player one die game board set of question cards RULES 1.Each player chooses a colored marker and places it near START on the game board. 2.Each player rolls the die. The player rolling the highest number goes first. Players take turns, rotating clockwise around the group. 3.Each player in turn rolls the die. The number on the die indicates the number of spaces the player may move. 4.HOWEVER, before a player moves, the judge will draw a question card from the deck and ask the question of the player. If the answer is correct, the player may move the number of spaces shown on the die. If the answer is incorrect, the player must remain on the same space until the next turn. THE JUDGE’S DECISIONS ARE FINAL. 5.If a player lands on one of the special spaces (see game board), the player must follow the directions given on the game board for that space. 6.The winning team is the first one to have all their groups players reach FINISH.

37 That’s All For Today Thank you very much

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