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Bird Orange/yellow beak or black Black feet Black back, wings, and head White breast feathers.

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2 Bird Orange/yellow beak or black Black feet Black back, wings, and head White breast feathers

3 Krill Fish Squid Crustaceans ( Rock crabs and shrimp )

4 At sea On ice Half of their life on sea and half on land Parts of Africa, Australia, and, South America

5 There are 17 different kinds of penguins Penguins can’t breathe underwater Wings morphed into flippers Torpedo-shaped bodies allow them to swim fast.

6 Babies must be kept warm in their parents broad patch Eggs may be white to bluish or greenish They lay eggs spring through summer They have 1 or 2 eggs per year They often mate every 50 days

7 Feet pressed tightly against tail to aid in steering. Under the skin there is a layer of blubber/fat that keeps them warm. Penguins have heavy solid bones that help them float lower in the water Penguins are the only birds who migrate by swimming

8 The World of Penguins, Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1988 World Book, 2004, P15, p.239 www.National Geographic\ Kids. Com\surfing\antartica\pen guins

9 Yeah, Where’s my mama?

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