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Presentation on theme: " SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon January 2015 29 5 13129282726 252422212019 181715141312 1110876 4323130 23 16 9 1 One month per page."— Presentation transcript:

1 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon January 2015 29 5 13129282726 252422212019 181715141312 1110876 4323130 23 16 9 1 One month per page Space to write on your own events One month per page Space to write on your own events 2015 monthly calendar template

2 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon January 2015 29 5 13129282726 252422212019 181715141312 1110876 4323130 23 16 9 1

3 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon February 2015 3029282726 1282726252423 22212019181716 1514131211109 8765432 131

4 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon March 2015 272625 3130 29282726252423 22212019181716 1514131211109 8765432 128 32145 2324

5 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon April 2015 130292827 26252423222120 19181716151413 1211109876 54321 23 3031

6 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon May 2015 30292827 31302928272625 24232221201918 17161514131211 10987654 321

7 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon June 2015 230 29 2827 26252423 22 2120 19181716 15 1413 1211109 8 76 5432 1 1 5 4 3

8 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon July 2015 313029 28 27 2625242322 21 20 1918171615 14 13 12111098 7 6 54321 29 21 30

9 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon August 2015 31302928 31 30292827262524 23222120191817 16151413121110 9876543 21 321654 27

10 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon September 2015 3029 28 272625242322 21 201918171615 14 1312111098 7 654321 21 31 43 7pm Bible Study Psalms 1 & 23 10 am Praise & Worship 10 am Praise & Worship 10 am Rest Home Praise & Worship 10 am Praise & Worship 7pm Bible Study James 1 8pm Community Meeting – Prayer Walk 7pm Bible Study James 2 7pm Bible Study James 3 7pm Bible Study James 4 10am Prayer Walk Pastor McColl out of town over weekend Notes: Sunday, 9/20 Rest Home Service - Meet at Church at 9:30am Saturday, 10/3 Church Family Dinner Sunday, 10/4 World Communion Day October date to be selected for Baptism October date to be selected for Church Meeting Think Coats & Shoe Boxes for upcoming projects


12 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon October 2015 3029 28 131302928 27 26 2524232221 20 19 1817161514 13 12 1110987 6 5 4321

13 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon November 2015 30292827 30 29282726252423 22212019181716 1514131211109 8765432 131 432156 26

14 SunSatFriThursWedTuesMon December 2015 131302928 27262524232221 20191817161514 13121110987 65432130 32

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