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Published byBrianna Copeland Modified over 9 years ago
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 Apologies : F. Linde, B. Asman, M. Calvetti, N. McCubbin (Friday) Guest for 2008 Meetings : Rolf Heuer Guests for Lison Meeting : Roy Aleksan, Marcello Giorgi
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 A couple of remarks from the may, 2001 visit to Portugal (ECFA/RC/01/292)
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 Chairmans Report 2007 December Council Week (SPC, FC, Council, 1st European Session of Council) 2008 January Council WG on Strategy (2 meetings) >> Appears under Agenda Item 10 February ICFA / ILCSC Meeting at DESY March Council Week (SPC, FC, Council, European Session of Council)
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 SPC December 2007 - Reports from LHCb (Schneider) and ALICE (Wessels) on prospects for physics with the first 2 years of LHC operation - Reports from LHCC (Wyatt) and SPSC (Dainton) SPSC : diverse non-LHC-accelerator and non- accelerator programme, possible reorganisation, funding situation critical during the LHC start-up years. - Discussion on CSC (Council Strategy Commission), importance to use / involve existing committees (SPC, ECFA) pointed out.
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 1st European Session of Council December 2008 Chair : Akesson CERN Member States (2 delegates each) ex-Officio : CERN-DG, ECFA/SPC/FALC/FC chairs, representative of national labs (Zinn-Justin, Saclay) observers in open session : Turkey, Russia, EC reps. - Relation to EC - Establishment of the CSC (Council Strategy Commission) : Council : List of proposed candidates (with large contribution from ECFA) not matched to the (not too well defined) remit of CSC. Council returned task to the Herten Group : clarify remit, determine profile of members, define selection procedure of members (more under A.I. 10 today)
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 1st European Session of Council December 2008 cont’d - Annual Report from ECFA, Report from FALC Essential role of ECFA in the strategy process and the re- definition of the CSC pointed out during discussion Petronzio pointed out the importance of a global plan for the ILC in view of the implications of the required stepwise funding process in the US (budget cuts in US and UK were not fully known at that point)
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 ICFA Meeting DESY, February 2008 - ICFA Statement on budget cuts in US / UK : Message to particle physics community that there is a desire to continue the ILC, and to politicians that being a reliable international partner is important in science. Continuity in science funding is crucial, as is honoring of past commitments. Statement is available on ICFA Website and ICFA members were asked to make it known to their respective communities. - SLAC will host the next ICFA Seminar on Tuesday 28 October to Friday 31 October 2008.
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 ICFA Meeting DESY, February 2008 cont’d - Report from January FALC Meeting in Vancouver ILC : R&D for ILC will be slowed, but a 2015/2016 start for construction is still possible. GDE to produce a new schedule for July FALC meeting. India will join the Common Fund, and Spain has already joined. - Regional / Lab Reports FNAL : Layoffs and rolling furloughs, ILC work is “almost at a stop”
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 ICFA Meeting DESY, February 2008 cont’d SLAC : Persis Drell new director, ILC work will have to be terminated at SLAC for the remainder of the fiscal year 2008, B-factory will shut down in April 2008. Involuntary layoff of 120 SLAC staff in addition to 80 person voluntary layoff. - Future ICFA Meetings : During ICHEP08, 2nd August ICFA Seminar 28-31 October 2008 at SLAC at KEK on 12/13 February 2009
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 ILCSC Meeting at DESY, February 2008 - GDE Report (Barish) US efforts this year effectively zero, but US continues to support common fund. Global help offered via visiting appointments, travel etc. New plan with strict prioritization : TDP1 until 2010 : gradient, electron cloud, cost TDP2 until 2012 : 501 cavities tested Strong use of XFEL synergy Coordination with CLIC : e+ source, damping, detectors, BDS Worries about UK ILC decision which is more policy than budget motivated, US planning for FY09 looks good again (at this point in time)
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 ILCSC Meeting at DESY, February 2008 cont’d - ILC Detectors (Yamada) New detector timeline in synchrony with that of GDE Six-month delay in the LOI deadline date. Detector design in two phases, as GDE TDP1 and 2 Phase I (2010) : Emphasis on prioritized R&D, validation of detector specifications, update of physics performance. Phase II (2012) : Reaction to LHC results, completion of necessary R&D, financial plans, and complete technical designs.
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 ILCSC Detector Report cont’d Formal progress : EOIs (identify groups preparing LOIs) requested by March 2008, LOIs to follow by March 2009. LOIs will be validated by IDAG No selection of 2 detectors at that time. Validation to determine detector capability for the physics, and strengths of proposing groups. Next ILCSC : 4 June 2008 at JINR, Dubna
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 SPC March 2008 - New members of SPC : Enrique Fernandez new chairman replacing Ken Peach J. Aysto, G. ‘t Hooft new members - LHC Report on machine and setectors (DG Report today) - Herten group report (see A.I. 10 today)
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 SPC March 2008 (cont’d) -Reports on LGC (LHC grid) and EGEE (e-science) LGC : 165.000 jobs per day, technical limitations appear on the horizon, el. power (=cooling) limit at current CERN CC expected to be reached in 2010 EGEE to finish in 2010, EGI (European Grid Initiative) to ensure long term development beyond 2010
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 CERN Council March 2008 - Approval of new Herten group paper. Gregor to remain interim secretary until next (June) council meeting. 2nd European Session of Council 2008 - E. Council members will be asked to propose candidates for CSC chair. - Relations to EC and update of the ESFRI roadmap (draft in June, publication in october. Reciprocity pointed out, ESFRI should refer to European strategy process (as before)
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 Agenda Item 10 ECFA Role in European Council - Past Events and new Proposal by Herten Group approved by Council - ECFA Terms of Reference (ToR) - Discussion of Changes to ToR - Decisions on next steps
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 November 2007 : 11 (+ Ken Peach as interim chair) CSC members proposed to Council. Proposal rejected by council. Herten group to come up with a new proposal. January 2008 : Two meetings of the Hertan group. New structure and remit of the CSC. Secretarial role in preparation of European Council Meetings and 5 yearly strategy process. March 2008 : Approval by council
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 Extract from 2006 Paris RECFA Meeting : Italy had asked earlier to change the ex-officio membership from LNG (Gran Sasso) to LNF (Frascati). This required a change in the Terms of Reference of ECFA. Some discussions took place on this matter. Although a representation of the Frascati director was thought to be a natural choice, Gran Sasso was also considered to be very important for the European particle physics research. On the other hand, there were many other important laboratories in Europe like PSI and others, which were not directly represented in R-ECFA. The Chairman finally suggested discussing this matter together with other changes in organisation of ECFA, which were likely to follow the Council decision on the European strategy document in Lisbon. Until any new organisation of ECFA was to take effect, the director of Frascati would be invited as an observer to all ECFA meetings.
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 ECFA (RECFA in particular) will be more visible in monitoring the state of particle physics in the member states and RECFA delegates will be represented in the extended CSC. ECFA should demonstrate, that it’s members do in fact represent their respective communities. Proposal to RECFA delegates : Collect a list of selection procedure for RECFA / ECFA delegates in the member states. Compile and discuss this list for the next RECFA meeting in Sweden.
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 Mid-term reports during this years P-ECFA meetings : DESY Meeting : mid-tern report Finland (cancelled last timeI CERN Meeting : mid-term reports Austria, Italy, Slovak Republic
ECFA - European Commitee for Future Accelerators RECFA Meeting Lisbon - March 2008 Next Meeting : Sweden (Uppsala) may 9th / 10th Dear all, I have started to prepare a web page for the RECFA meeting in Sweden, Uppsala but it is not ready yet. However, since there is a big conference going at the same time and the hotels are getting full, it is very important that you book a room soon. There are 30 rooms pre-booked at Hotel Uppsala from May 8 until May 10. These rooms have to be booked before April 7! When booking you have to state the reference number ?RECFA-30863?, if not they will tell you that the hotel is full. The phone number to the hotel is +46 18 480 50 00. The email address is A single room costs 911Skr the night between May 8 and 9 and 750Skr between May 9 and 10 A double room cost 1007Skr the night between May 8 and 9 and 800Skr between May 9 and 10 More information about the hotel can be found on: Best regards, Barbro
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