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Objective ATC 02.7 ESSIP Plan 2014 Ingrid FEIJT DSS/PEPR 19.09.2014.

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1 Objective ATC 02.7 ESSIP Plan 2014 Ingrid FEIJT DSS/PEPR 19.09.2014

2 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.72 Comprehensive Explanation (1/2)  Implementation of Approach Path Monitoring (APM) functions.  Can be considered as an extension of MSAW (alert to a/c proximity to terrain or obstacle) in the final approach.  ECAC applicability (except Georgia, Greece and Slovak Republic).  Depending on airspace organisation, it might include a lower portion of TMAs and CTR. This objective is not applicable to the en- route airspace.  Military authorities: Military ATC are invited to consider implementation of APM level 2 when providing ATS surveillance services to GAT.

3 Comprehensive Explanation (2/2)  APM checks the extrapolated track positions (based on Surveillance data-current track position performing a linear extrapolation using detected ground speed and rate of climb/descent), applying QHN correction and identifies the predicted or actual conflicts against the terrain during the final approach.  Terrain can be build up using digital terrain data or set of polygons that sufficiently accurate shape the vertical environment.  FP data is not used.  APM requires an appropriate presentation of predicted / actual conflicts to the tactical controllers and ATC supervisor.  APM requires careful optimalisation / tuning to minimise false alarms. ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.73

4 Link to European ATM Master Plan  [CM-0801] – Ground Based Safety Nets (TMA, En Route) ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.74

5 Most important SLoA(s)  ASP01 “Implement the APM function. Put into service ground-based safety tool systems and associated procedures supporting the APM function.”  ASP to check the compliance of the implemented APM with the requirements stated in the specification, the related guidance material and the relevant training and safety requirements. ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.75

6 Finalisation Criteria  Ensure that Ground systems have been upgraded to support the APM function.  Ensure that the technical file (TF) with evidences of compliance and the EC declaration of verification of systems (DoV) has been delivered to the competent National Supervisory Authority (NSA).  Ensure that the APM function is in operational use.  Ensure that the training plans have been updated and a training package has been developed by the ANSP for the use of APM functions. ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.76

7 Supporting Material  The EUROCONTROL specification for APM issued in May 2009 (edition 0.9) which is still a draft.  The EUROCONTROL Guidance Material for APM issued in May 2009, Edition 1.0  EUROCONTROL Guide “ Safety Nets Ensuring Effectiveness, dated 21 May 2011 This if for guidance only, and is not compulsory.  Council Decision of 30 March 2009 endorsing the European ATM Master Plan of the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project (2009/320/EC) ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.77

8 ESSIP Report 2013  A slight improved progress has been made in the deployment of this Objective, compared to 2012.  Majority of the States declared to have plans for implementation between 09/2016 and 12/2016 end of the full operational capability date  Achieving ATM MP (IP1) in time could be jeopardised. ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.78

9 Contacts  Objective Coordinator: FEIJT, Ingrid +32 2 729 5044  DNM Objective Expert(s): BAKKER, Ben +32 2 729 3149 DROZDOWSKI, Stanislaw +32 2 729 3760 ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective ATC 02.79

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