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Reaching the MDGs - Partnering for Development Cases United Nations Development Programme.

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1 Reaching the MDGs - Partnering for Development Cases United Nations Development Programme

2 Why engage with the private sector ? “Open markets and private enterprise are the best generators of economic growth and reduced poverty.” Mark Malloch Brown, Administrator of UNDP

3 Examples of Partnership Initiatives Global Networking Academies in LDCs — ICT for development Who? CISCO, UNDP, UNV, USAID What? To meet the IT skills shortage in LDC’s by establishing ‘networking academies’ and provide training in computer networking. Academies in 10 countries. How? UNDP’s initial involvement started under the Asia regional programme on ICT for development through negotiations between UNDP - CISCO.

4 Venezuela Governance — Human rights Who? Government, Amnesty International, Statoil and UNDP What? Build capacity within judiciary system on international human rights law. Training of judges and federal prosecutors as trainers. How? Statoil approached UNDP for cooperation and protection of human rights was defined as area of common interest. This coincided with strengthened emphasis on human rights in national judicial system. Examples of Partnership Initiatives

5 Who? UNDP, UN Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck & Co., Inc, Govt of Botswana, Botswana TV What? HIV/AIDS Teacher Capacity Building Program brings together Brazilian communications experts and Botswana educators and media professionals. Includes development and implementation of audio-visual HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum in schools throughout Botswana. Botswana HIV/AIDS — UNDP facilitates coalitions for change

6 Examples of Partnership Initiatives Ghana ICT to the country — Mobile Telecentre To-Go Who? Government, UNDP, 11 companies, civil society groups What? Introduce information and communication technology to schools, health clinics, farms, local businesses, NGOs etc. through mobile telecentres located in a bus. How? UNDP organized workshop to present various ICT related initiatives and ideas. Several companies became interested and recognized importance of ICT.

7 China Social impact and poverty alleviation West–East pipeline Who? UNDP, Shell, PetroChina, Government, Universities and various institutes What? UNDP is undertaking social impact assessment in preparation for the construction of West-East pipeline, to ensure that social and community concerns are taken into consideration and are being addressed, and to examine how local communities along the pipeline can best benefit from the project. How? UNDP, based on an agreement with Shell, has engaged the Government, PetroChina and various universities, development institutes and local governments to participate in the assessment exercise. Examples of Partnership Initiatives

8 Examples of Nordic partnerships

9 Norwegian experiences  Companies give high priority to the way they are approached  Sponsorships  The most important challenge is to create the dialogue and to identify common interests  There is a demand for someone to spar with  When asked companies believe that they have a lot to contribute with and that they would like to contribute positively to poverty reduction, human development etc  Economise and achieve goals otherwise not possible  There were no examples of partherships having been checked to see if they were in accordance with the developmentstrategies or PRSPs

10 Main issues:  Problems  Trust

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