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Chapter 1: The Nature of Science

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1: The Nature of Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1: The Nature of Science

2 Scientific Thought Skepticism- a questioning and often doubtful attitude. Why do we need to know this word? Thinking like a scientist helps you solve problems and think critically about the world around you.

3 What is this creature?

4 Groups

5 What you are doing in your group.
Describe how you would evaluate the existence of the Loch Ness monster.(what scientific evidence would you look for to prove the existence? How would you collect that evidence? Etc.) You will share your evaluation with the class.

6 Universal Scientific Laws(not facts)
Law of gravity Law of conservation of energy Laws of planetary motion Apply to all branches of science and to every person.

7 Science and Ethics Because scientific experimentation and discovery can have serious ethical implications, scientific investigations require ethical behavior.

8 Scientific Investigation
1. Make observations 2. Formulate a hypothesis 3. Design an experiment Control- standard for comparison Independent variable- factor that the scientist changes Dependent variable- factor that changed due to the independent variable Constants- factors that remain the same in an experiment

9 Scientific Experiment, cont.
4. Analyze results 5. Draw a conclusion 6. Consider bias

10 Scientific Theories The main difference between a theory and a hypothesis is that a hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction for a limited set of conditions and a theory is an explanation for a broad range of data.

11 SI Units You must use SI units in science to have a common language.

12 What is biology? Biology is the study of life.
Includes: biochemistry, ecology, cell biology, genetics, evolutionary theory, microbiology, microbiology, botany, zoology, and physiology.

13 Evolutionary Theory Study of changes in types of organisms over time.
Remember that a scientific theory is an explanation for a broad range of data. Because we are in a science classroom we will only discuss scientific theories. This class is not designed to try and change your religious beliefs, but to teach you about biological principles and concepts. Your beliefs are completely your choice.

14 Properties of Life Cellular organization Homeostasis Metabolism
Responsiveness Reproduction Heredity Growth

15 Cellular organization
Smallest unit capable of all life functions. The basic structure of cells is the same in all organisms.

16 Homeostasis All living things must maintain a stable internal environment. When this happens, even when the external environment changes, it is called homeostasis. (ex) body temp/sweating

17 Metabolism The sum of all of the chemical reactions carried out in an organism. (ex) bank account

18 Responsiveness DUH How have you responded to your environment today?

19 Reproduction When an organism makes more of their own kind.

20 Heredity The passing of genetic traits from parent to offspring.

21 Growth All living organisms grow.

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