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 American Literature Level F.  (n) A general pardon for an offense against a government; in general, any act of forgiveness or absolution S= reprieve.

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Presentation on theme: " American Literature Level F.  (n) A general pardon for an offense against a government; in general, any act of forgiveness or absolution S= reprieve."— Presentation transcript:

1  American Literature Level F

2  (n) A general pardon for an offense against a government; in general, any act of forgiveness or absolution S= reprieve Amnesty International is an organization that works world wide to get leaders and governments to grant amnesty to those imprisoned/accused unfairly.

3  (n)Self-government, political control S= home rule A=dependence, subjection The palm reader told the man he needed to gain autonomy from his dead end career and be more independent!

4  (adj.) self-evident, expressing a universally accepted principle S= taken for granted A= questionable, dubious

5  (v.) to adorn or embellish; to display conspicuously; to publish or proclaim widely S= broadcast, trumpet A= hide, conceal, bury Their family crest was blazoned with flourishing colors of vibrant red and Gold.

6  (n.) a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior S= admonition, word to the wise The “wet floor” signed served as a caveat to all passers by after the child spilt his large Coca-Cola in the middle of a busy mall.

7  (adj.) fair, just, embodying principles of justice S= right, reasonable, even-handed A= unjust, unfair, one-sided, disproportionate The judge demanded for an equitable Trial after the man was removed for His outburst against the defendant.

8  (v.) to free from entanglements or difficulties; to remove with effort S= disentangle, extract A= enmesh, entangle The firemen worked quickly to extricate the person for the wrecked vehicle.

9  (v) to steal, especially in a sneaky way and in petty amounts S= pilfer, purloin, swipe The city posted signs around the downtown area to prevent pickpockets from filching money from unsuspecting visitors.

10  (v.) to mock, treat with contempt S= sneer at, snicker at, scorn A= obey, honor The mime thought it was funny to flout the child’s crying but the parent did not and stormed away.

11  (adj.) tending to be troublesome; unruly, quarrelsome, contrary; unpredictable S= refractory, recalcitrant, peevish A= docile, tractable, cooperative The movie was interrupted by the fracticious couple sitting behind us!

12  (n.) a rule of conduct or action S= principle, maxim (expression of general truth) The precept “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is considered the golden rule to many.

13  (adj.) beneficial, helpful; healthful, wholesome S= salubrious (good for health), curative (serving to cure) A= detrimental, deleterious (having a harmful effect) Our recent trip to Figi had a salutary effect on my stress levels!

14  (adj.) bitter, severe, withering; causing great harm S= searing, harsh, savage A= bland, mild The harsh winter had a scathing effect on me as I was forced to stay indoors for 7 days!

15  (v.) to whip, to punish severely, (n.) a cause of affliction of suffering; a source of severe punishment or criticism S= (v.) flog, beat; (n.) bane, plague, pestilence A= (n.) godsend, boon, blessing The young children considered the mean Headmaster of the school to be the scourge of the earth!

16  (adj.) funeral, typical of the tomb; extremely gloomy or dismal S= lugubrious (mournful), mortuary The sepulchral photo of the young lady was an accurate depiction of who she was in life.

17  (adj.) tending to cause sleep; relating to sleepiness or lethargy, (n.) something that induces sleep S= (n.) narcotic, anesthetic A= (adj.) stimulating, (n.) stimulant, stimulus The lullaby had a soporific effect on the newborn baby as she drifted off to sleep in 2 minute flat.

18  (adj.) extremely strict in regard to moral standards and conduct; prudish, Puritanical S= highly conventional; overly strict, stuffy A= lax, loose, indulgent, permissive, dissolute (indulging in vice) In the Victorian Era, men and women dressed in a straitlaced and overly proper manner, all of the time.

19  (adj.) lasting only a short time; fleeting, (n.) one who stays only a short time S= (adj.) impermanent, ephemeral, evanescent A= (adj.) permanent, imperishable, immortal A meteor shower is so transient, one may go through life and never experience such a sight!

20  (adj.) not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity S= bulky, clumsy, impractical A= manageable, easy to hold The grand piano was too unwieldy to move up the four flights of stairs.

21  (adj.) dull, uninteresting, tiresome; lacking in sharpness, flavor, liveliness, or force S= lifeless, colorless A= zesty, spicy, colorful Many criticics consider Paris Hilton to be a vapid celebrity as she is not famous for anything interesting and acts like it!

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