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IGCSE Business Studies 1.1.1 The purpose of Business Activity.

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1 IGCSE Business Studies 1.1.1 The purpose of Business Activity

2 Learning Outcomes Demonstrate awareness that different business activities pursue different goals Understand the reasons for the existence of these different goals

3 Types of Organisations Ownership Types Private Sector Public Sector Unincorporated Sole Trader Partnership Incorporated Private Limited Company Public Limited Company Public Corporations Public Services Local Authorities Profit Non-Profit Charities Trade Unions NGOs Social Organisations Advocacy Orgs

4 Private Sector Organisations (Public Enterprise) What are they? Organisations owned and controlled by private individuals and organisations Likely Objectives? - To survive in a competitive market - To maximise their profits - To make returns for their shareholders (dividends)

5 Public Sector Organisations (Private Enterprise) What are they? Organisations owned and controlled by the state or government Objectives Provide an essential service Provide it cheaply or free of charge, therefore it is available to everybody They are generally beneficial to society.

6 Types of Public Enterprises… Transport Education Healthcare Leisure Mail????? Utilities Banking

7 Questions…. What is Privatisation? What are the benefits of Privatisation to: – Governments – Consumers What are the disadvantages of privatisation?

8 Questions…. Why does the public sector exist so some extent in all countries?

9 Non Profit Organisations What are they? Non-profit (not-for-profit) organisations are formed for the purpose of providing goods & services under a policy where no individual will share in any profits or losses of the organisation Objectives and examples Lets find out…….

10 Research Task….. 5 mins Each pair will research a different organisation. You will look on their website and summarise in 100 words. What the organisations aims are Examples of what the organisation does Then it will be feedback time…..

11 Non-profit organisations Greenpeace Amnesty International Young Focus PETA Carbonica BSM Wateraid USA Waterpolo inc Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation National Trust

12 What is this cartoon implying? Do you agree?

13 Task- 5 mins Open the document ‘Private, Public and Not-for-Profit Enterprises’ Fill in the table

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