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Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. Mahatma Ghandi
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
murderer : a person who kills someone cruel : causing pain or suffering because you want to justice : right and fair treatment revenge : doing something bad to someone because they did something bad to you forgiveness : letting go of anger towards someone who hurt you right : something you are allowed to do or have because of the law respect : to be careful not to do something against someone’s rights or wishes
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
8 . citizenship : the legal right of belonging to a certain country 9. execution : the act of killing someone legally as punishment 10. society : all the people who live in the same country and share the same laws and customs 11. innocent : not having broken a law 12. violent : meant to hurt someone by using force 13. guilty : having broken a law
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
EDITOTIAL 2 1 murder : 살인; murderer : 살인범 permanently : 영구적으로 destroy : 파괴하다; damage : 손상시키다 cry : 외치다 who cry, "How could this have happened?" : ‘“어떻게 이런 일이 일어날 수가 있지?” 라고 외치 는’ capital punishment : 사형(death penalty, execution) participate in (life) and enjoy life : 삶에 참여하 고 삶을 즐기다 * 공유된 목적어
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
살인의 피해자는 목숨을 비롯해 모든 것을 잃지만, 살인자는 살아남아 삶을 누린다.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
2 rather spend their lives in prison than die : ‘죽기 보다는 오히려 감옥에서 생을 보내다’ spend, die 모두 동사 ex) 그는 학자라기보다는 오히려 문필가이다. He is a writer rather than a scholar. or rather : 좀 더 정확히 말하자면 ex) He is a painter, or rather, a watercolorist. 그는 화가라기보다 정확히는 수채화가이다. natural : 자연스러운, 당연한 pleasures : 즐거운 일들 their loved ones : ‘그들이 사랑하는 사람들’ * 구를 절처럼 해석할 수도 있음.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
2 수감된 많은 살인자들이 죽지 않고 여러 즐거운 일들 을 경험하며 생을 보내고 있다. 재소자들에게 교육과 여가의 기회, 친지들의 방문이 허용되는 것처럼, 감옥이 항상 잔혹한 곳만은 아니다.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
3 주부 혹은 주절에 주장, 제의, 요구, 동의, 명령 등 당 위성을 나타내는 동사/형용사/명사가 나오면 술부 혹 은 종속절에 생략될 수 있는‘should’가 사용된다. Justice requires that each person respect ~ S1 + V1 + that + S2 + (should) + V2(동사원형) 주절 종속절
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
[동사] The doctor insisted that the head nurse take care of the patient. [형용사] It is essential that she not fail any courses. [명사] It is our sincere wish that he pass the exam.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
[주의] 사실을 전달, 주장할 때는 should 사용 안 함 <사실 주장> He insisted that the accident happened yesterday. <사실 전달> The research findings suggest that stress causes cancer.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
3 or : 그렇지 않으면 commit : 범하다, 저지르다 commit an error : 잘못을 저지르다 commit a crime : 죄를 짓다 put away : put aside(제거하다)
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
3 살인자가 살아 남아야 하는 이유는 없다. 모든 사람들은 타인들의 권리와 자유를 존중해야 한다. 살인자가 된다는 것은 시민으로서 살아갈 권 리를 포기하는 것이다. 희생자 가족을 포함해 국민들의 세금이 아깝다. 최선의 방법은 사형; 살인자를 영구히 제거함으로 써 재범을 막고, 경각심을 불러일으킬 수 있다.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
EDITOTIAL 2 1 cruelty : 잔혹, 잔인성 kill : vi. 사람을 죽이다 misunderstanding : 오해 make mistakes : 실수를 범하다(mistake) a serious mistake : 중대한 실수
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
꼭 잔인함 때문만이 아니고 분노, 오해로 살인을 저지를 수도 있다. 용서가 필요치 않다는 것을 가르칠 수 있기 때문 에 사형은 중대한 실수이다.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
2 동격의 ‘of’ the difficult job of (=) deciding who is innocent and who is guilty innocent : 결백한 He was innocent of the crime. 그는 그 죄를 범 하지 않았다. there always exists the possibility that an innocent person will be executed by mistake. ‘실수로 죄 없는 사람이 사형당할 가능성이 항상 존재한다.’-> 유도부사 there an even worse crime : ‘훨씬 더 나쁜 범죄’ the poor : 가난한 사람들
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
2 정부는 누군가가 죄가 있는 지 없는 지 밝히려 하지만 이것은 힘든 일이고 완벽할 수도 없다. 사형이 허용되면 무고한 사람이 희생될 수 있다. -> 더 끔찍한 범죄(무고한 사람을 죽이는 것) 빈민들과 소수계층이 백인들보다 더 자주 사형된다는 사실 사형에 대한 공포가 탁월하게 범죄를 예방한다는 연구 도 없음 살인자를 죽이는 것은 폭력행위 자체이고 복수이다.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
3 at a high cost : 비싼 대가를 치르고 wait for years for ~ : 여러 해 동안 ~을 기다리 다 [it-to]진주어ㆍ가주어 구문이다. 여기서 it이 가 리키는 바는 ‘범죄자를 사형시키는 것’이다. cost A B : A에게 B(금액)를 치르게 하다 It cost me 10,000 won. 만 원 들었다.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
3 미국도 다른 유럽 국가들처럼 사형을 폐지했다가 1977년부터 다시 시행함 사형집행 여부를 기다리는 사형수 가족들의 애타 는 마음 종신형보다 사형을 집행하는데 비용이 더 많이 들 어감 감옥이 좋은 이유 : 사회를 보호, 범죄자의 자유 박탈
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
4~5 People can change. : ‘사람들은 변할 수 있다.’ even : ~조차; even people who have made terrible mistakes : ‘끔찍한 실수를 저지른 사람 들조차’ example : 본보기 murdering hope : ‘희망을 죽이는 것’ ->
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
4 (Caryl Whittier Chessman (May 27, 1921 – May 2, 1960)
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
4 사람은 변할 수 있고, 실수를 저지를 사람들조차 변할 수 있다. 감옥에서의 삶이 변할 수 있는 기회를 부여 - 체스맨 : 다른 재소자에게 읽는 법을 가르치고 여러 권의 책을 출판, 사형 전 마침내 증오하지 않 는 법을 배웠다고 밝힘 - 시리퐁스 : 사형수일 때 수도승이 됨 5 산 자는 이런 귀중한 교훈을 배우는 반면 죽은 자 는 그럴 수 없음 따라서, 사형 = 희망을 죽이는 것
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
Chart 1 captions : 도표의 설명 부분 interpret : 해석하다 definitely : 명확히 for the last 10 years : 지난 10년 동안 for : ~을 찬성하는 ↔ against a country (that) you know well : ‘당신이 잘 알고 있 는 국가’ "except special circumstances" : ‘특별한 상황을 제 외하고’ Gallup Poll : G. H. 갤럽이 설립한 미국여론연구소 (American Institute of Public Opinion)에서 행하는 여론조사 voters : 투표자들, 유권자들 as shown in A : A에서 보이는
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
1. When were these facts published? -> 2007 2. How many countries have definitely not used the death penalty for the last 10 years? Why do you think this is so? -> 30 countries 3. Are most of these countries for or against the death penalty? Explain. -> Against. More countries have abolished the death penalty or have not used it for decades. * be for A : A에 찬성하다 <-> be against A
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
4. Can you use these facts to explain how the death penalty is used in a country you know well? -> The answer can be vary. 5. What do you think "except special circumstances" means? -> The answer can be vary.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
Chart 2~5 support : 지지하다 ↔ oppose(반대하다) life imprisonment : 종신형; life imprisonment with absolutely no chance of parole : ‘완전히 가석방의 기회가 없는 종신형’ parole : 가석방 drop : 떨어지다 decision에 어울리는 동사는 make이다.; make a decision : 결정을 내리다 the innocent : 결백한 사람들 anything these six countries have in common : 이 여섯 국가들이 공통으로 가지고 있는 어떤 것 → 이 여 섯 국가들의 공통점
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
6. Why do you think the number of voters who support capital punishment dropped from 65 percent in Chart 2 to 47 percent in Chart 3? -> It dropped because people were given another choice: life imprisonment without parole 7. What conclusion can you make61) from these charts? -> Many people support life imprisonment than capital punishment.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
8. What does this information show about the capital punishment system in the United States? -> It shows that innocent people have been imprisoned or executed by mistake. 9. Can anything be learned from this information? Explain. -> The answer can be vary. 10. Can you think of anything these six countries have in common? -> They exercise the death penalty. There are no European countries that have the death penalty.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 202 1. 현재완료 사용할 때 - 과거에 시작 - 현재에 계속 - 미래에 계속 She has visited him almost every day. * 현재완료 시제는 어쨌든 현재에도 계속 영향을 끼치고 있다는 것
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 202 2. 현재완료 사용할 때 (현재완료 / 완료) - 어떤 행동이 최근에 완료되었을 때 Their hopes and plans have ended permanently. (완료된 행동)
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 202 3. 현재완료 진행(progressive) - 과거에 시작 - 현재에 진행 * 진행의 의미 강도 have p.p. < have been ~ing We can’t imagine the pain of family members who have been waiting for years for the government’s decision to execute or not execute their loved ones.(진행중인 행동)
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 202 4. 상태동사(Non-action verbs)는 현재완료 진행형으로 사용되지 않음 - be 동사 - 정신상태 / 감정 (believe, wish, trust, know) * I have trusted you since then. (O) For, most prisoners, life in prison has been difficult. Many prisoners have wished they could be free.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 202 5-1. for(~동안) 와 since(~이래로) 와 함 께 쓰이는 현재완료 및 현재완료 진행 However, since 1977, our society has allowed capital punishment again. We can’t imagine the pain of family members who have been waiting for years for the government’s decision to execute or not execute their loved ones.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 202 15-2. always 와 recently와 함께 사용되는 현재완료 및 현재완료 진행 Amnesty International has always worked to protect human rights throughout the world. Recently, most Americans have been supporting life imprisonment without parole.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Wayne Paulson (be) ________in prison since 1992. For many years he (wait) _______ _________for the government’s decision whether or not to execute him.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Wayne Paulson (be) has been in prison since 1992. For many years he (wait) _______ _________ for the government’s decision whether or not to execute him.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Wayne Paulson (be) has been in prison since 1992. For many years he (wait) has been waiting for the government’s decision whether or not to execute him.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Lately, he (write) _____________ letters because he wants to make sure that his loved ones understand that he is innocent. He (be) _______ very lonely in prison. Only a few people have visited him.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Lately, he (write) has been writing letters because he wants to make sure that his loved ones understand that he is innocent. He (be) _______very lonely in prison. Only a few people have visited him.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Lately, he (write) has been writing letters because he wants to make sure that his loved ones understand that he is innocent. He (be) has been very lonely in prison. Only a few people have visited him.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Only a few people (visit)_____ ___________ him. But one person (come)_______ ____________ to see him nearly every day – his mother.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Only a few people (visit) have visited him. But one person (come) ______ ___________ to see him nearly every day – his mother.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 Only a few people (visit) have visited him. But one person (come) has been coming to see him nearly every day – his mother.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 She will visit him as long as he remains in prison because she (always / believe) ________ ___________ that her son is innocent. Wayne’s mother (tell) _______ ___________ everyone that her son is a good citizen.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 She will visit him as long as he remains in prison because she (always / believe) has always believed that her son is innocent. Wayne’s mother (tell) _______ ___________ everyone that her son is a good citizen.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 She will visit him as long as he remains in prison because she (always / believe) has always believed that her son is innocent. Wayne’s mother (tell) has been telling everyone that her son is a good citizen.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 She will continue to do this because she (love) ________her son since the day he was born.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p. 203 She will continue to do this because she (love) has loved her son since the day he was born.
Unit 10. Crime and Punishment
GRAMMAR p (Recently / 119 countries / not / use / death penalty) Recently, 119 countries haven’t used the death penalty. 2. (30 countries / not / use / death penalty / 10 years.) 30 countries have not used the death penalty for 10 years. 3. (China / execute / more than / 1,000 / annually.) China has been executing more than 1,000 people annually.
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