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Developing a process of electronic question banking in 2 nd and 3 rd year courses Dalal ALQahtani; BDS,MSc,M ed Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist Lecturer.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a process of electronic question banking in 2 nd and 3 rd year courses Dalal ALQahtani; BDS,MSc,M ed Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist Lecturer."— Presentation transcript:


2 Developing a process of electronic question banking in 2 nd and 3 rd year courses Dalal ALQahtani; BDS,MSc,M ed Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologist Lecturer College of Dentistry King Saud University, Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ©2014 Vice Rector for Education and Academic Affairs Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching - CELT

3 GOAL Develop an effective process of question banking by applying it on small scale “course level”, then transferring it into a large scale (department, college, etc).

4 Old exams ? Question bank PROCESS

5 Objectives  Enhance the content validity of examination by matching the questions to the curriculum that is taught  Banked questions are monitored on each exam occasion, this is particularly useful when developing and trailing questions  Electronic banking making it easy to design the structure of the question bank to suit course ‘intended learning outcomes.  Get a graphical overview of how questions are matching course objective. It also shows the questions past exam performance.

6 How can we achieve this ?

7 The developed process of question banking

8 Phase I: Selecting the suitable system  Reviewing the available systems in question banking and item analysis  Testing the systems and process of approving

9 OMR SCANNER OMR SHEETS Question bank and Item analysis software

10 Phase II: Questions review  Design Question Check List  Review available questions for approval



13 Phase III: Questions review Input questions into the question bank using an excel template Title; Question Text; Keyword; Course Skill; Subject ; Objective; Question Style, Time for Completion( expected time to spent in solving this question), Cross Reference,;Correct Response;

14 Reviewing process for banked questions

15 Phase IV: Questions output  Produce assessment blueprint  Choose exam format  Gather results  Reporting

16 -Correct answer report -Absentee report -Item analysis report -Score distribution -Audit report -Performance breakdown

17 Item analysis

18 Phase V: Evaluation and continues improvement of question banking


20 As summary, through the phases of this project, we achieved the following:  A well-organized set of questions. The questions were organized into subjects, skills and other specified attributes.  Easy access to questions based on search parameters. Search parameters included subject, keywords, or other attributes of a question.  Minimising the time and energy required to construct a test.  Monitoring the performance of question across varying testing criteria  Gathering of exam statistics  Provision to update the question based on analysis of students’ responses to the question

21 Recommendations  Generalize the project’s experience from course to a college level  Develop a question bank for more than MCQs, but for other formats also (Short Answer, Modified Essay Question, Extended Matching Questions, OSCE, etc.)  Create an auditing system to enhance the quality of banked questions

22 Developing a question banking process is NOT only about the electronic system because it is only a tool which needs protocol so it can run efficiently

23 W would like to thank Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching – CELT for supporting and funding this project

24 Thank you Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence * Vince Lombardi

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