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THE ABCs OF EMC Buenos Aires, Argentina – 2003.11.13 Diethard E.C. Moehr Secretary IEC TC 77 (EMC)

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2 THE ABCs OF EMC Buenos Aires, Argentina – 2003.11.13 Diethard E.C. Moehr Secretary IEC TC 77 (EMC)

3 TC77CISPR ACEC 3 TC77CISPR ACEC Working together for you

4 TC77CISPR ACEC 4 EMC - The Questions  What is EMC?  Who can help?  How to avoid problems  and more !

5 TC77CISPR ACEC 5 And now...  the Answers

6 TC77CISPR ACEC 6 What is EMC? 1  The ability of electronic and electrical equipment to work correctly when they are close to each other.

7 TC77CISPR ACEC 7 What is EMC? 2  EMC requires two conditions:  Equipment must limit the disturbances it creates.  Have an adequate level of immunity to the environment where it operates.

8 TC77CISPR ACEC 8 EMC Disturbances  Equipment must not disturb:  Other Equipment  Radio Services  Power Network  Other Networks

9 TC77CISPR ACEC 9 EMC Immunity 1  Equipment should be immune to:  Radio transmissions  Mains-bourne disturbances  Electrostatic fields  Other Phenomena?

10 TC77CISPR ACEC 10 EMC Immunity 2  Note that immunity can impact:  Product reliability  Customer satisfaction  Functional safety

11 TC77CISPR ACEC 11 Who is responsible for EMC?  TC 77  CISPR  ACEC

12 TC77CISPR ACEC 12 What do they do?  Assist Technical Committees  Co-ordinate all EMC issues  Basic and Generic Standards  Establish emission limits  Recommend Immunity levels  Produce Product Standards

13 TC77CISPR ACEC 13 What is TC 77?  Responsible for emission limits to protect the power network.  Basic & Generic Immunity Standards.

14 TC77CISPR ACEC 14 What is CISPR?  Responsible for emission limits to protect all radio services.  Immunity of ITE, TV and domestic appliances, etc.

15 TC77CISPR ACEC 15 What is ACEC?  o-ordinates with TCs & other bodies  dvises the Committee of Action  eviews EMC Standards  ducates CARECARE


17 TC77CISPR ACEC 17 How do we get there?  Most TCs need EMC limits  How do you handle EMC?  Have you read Guide 107?  Why do it the hard way?

18 TC77CISPR ACEC 18 It’s as easy as ABC!  - Read EMC leaflet  - We are here to help you  - Don’t re-invent the wheel! ABCABC

19 TC77CISPR ACEC 19......and more!!... …and more

20 TC77CISPR ACEC 20 Think EMC  lectricity and radio use is growing  ore EMC issues to consider  ost of getting it wrong is high EMCEMC

21 TC77CISPR ACEC 21 and finally think... We are here to help your TC. TC77 CISPR ACEC

22 TC77CISPR ACEC 22 For more information:  EMC Leaflet, etc. -  ACEC Secretary - Rémy Baillif e-mail -

23 Thank you for your attention. Any questions?

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