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The value of the idea Is what you do with it. Its about identifying “key scenarios that unleash business value and help a company become a leader”. Mobility.

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Presentation on theme: "The value of the idea Is what you do with it. Its about identifying “key scenarios that unleash business value and help a company become a leader”. Mobility."— Presentation transcript:

1 The value of the idea Is what you do with it

2 Its about identifying “key scenarios that unleash business value and help a company become a leader”. Mobility a catalyst in the digital enterprise transformation.

3 Mobility rising from its humble beginnings is on a roll, driven by ever- higher-performing smartphones, tablets, as well as an explosion of innovative applications. Cloud-based enterprise applications enable ubiquitous access to critical enterprise resources, such as customer relationship management or other sales tools. Creating a successful mobile strategy is far tougher than it appears and can require rethinking the entire corporation, including business processes, the democratization of access to information, and updated IT systems throughout the organizations. Enabling mobile mind shift in FMCG across Africa is a compelling case for competitive advantage. The Mobile Mind Shift.

4 Mobility Role In FMCG.  Digitize your brand & consumer relationship.  Digitize your Route To Market.  Digitize how you work across your value chain & your organization.

5 Mobility Role In FMCG.  Digitize your brand & consumer relationship.  Digitize your Route To Market.  Digitize how you work across your value chain & your organization.

6 Out of 3000 CIO’s surveyed 75% believe mobility is a top priority in their business strategy. Choosing The Right Mobile Platform

7 M M mobile technologies have transformative potential for business, but they are not the “silver bullet” solution

8 Successful Mobile Platforms Business Processes PeopleTechnology 1 2 3 Require a “holistic” approach

9 Successful Mobile Platforms Business Processes PeopleTechnology 1 2 3 Require a “holistic” approach Often business processes & people overlooked and technology compounds the situation rather than enables it.

10 Where are the big opportunities, NOW ? External Facing Capability Delivery.

11 The next 1 billion…

12 Reaching consumers across Africa is complex Complex, fragmented, expensive, poor visibility, lack or capable partners, reliance on wholesale, poor understanding. People can’t buy what they don’t see & can’t access immediately Route To Market Key To Consumer Strategies

13 Route To Market Designing & executing Africa Route To Market strategies is a major challenge for FMCG companies in their Africa Expansion Business Strategies.

14 Determine the universe Outlet Classification Determine service package Measurement 1 Category, Brand, Competition, Benchmark brands. How does MOBILITY transform your RTM Strategy ? Developing a RTM Strategy across Africa. RTM Strategy

15 Determine the universe Outlet Classification Determine service package Measurement 12 Map & benchmar k current service package Category, Brand, Competition, Benchmark brands. Current executional standards Desired executional standards Top line shopper drivers Benchmark RTM Flow Cluster Outlets How does MOBILITY transform your RTM Strategy ? MOBILITY an integral part of your RTM Strategy RTM Strategy

16 Determine the universe Outlet Classification Determine service package Measurement 123 Map & benchmar k current service package Category, Brand, Competition, Benchmark brands. Current executional standards Desired executional standards Determine were to play Top line shopper drivers Determine how to play (service package) Channel, customer, geography considerations Scenario planning Cost & operational constraints Size of prize Benchmark RTM Flow Cluster Outlets How does MOBILITY transform your RTM Strategy ? Managing your service package delivery. RTM Strategy

17 Determine the universe Outlet Classification Determine service package Measurement 1234 Map & benchmar k current service package Category, Brand, Competition, Benchmark brands. Current executional standards Desired executional standards Determine were to play Top line shopper drivers Determine how to play (service package) Channel, customer, geography considerations Scenario planning Cost & operational constraints Agreed service package Current - future Execution plan Size of prize Benchmark RTM Flow Cluster Outlets How does MOBILITY transform your RTM Strategy ? Measuring your success. RTM Strategy

18 Right Place Right Time Right Consumer Proposition Winning The Route To Market Equation.

19 Interface with your distributor’s ERP to get real time data & manage your distributors. 1Distributor management. Enable distributor selling organizations to reach a the right level of execution – Excellence at POP. 2Build a professional salesforce. Big Wins RTM Mobility Africa. Build an optimal RTM supply chain to market – based on fact based decisions. 3Optimize RTM supply chain. Leap frog competition by designing a winning RTM strategy enabled via mobile technology. Make RTM a strategic competitive advantage

20  No integrated strategy.  Often hinder rather than help business.  Ivory tower, not executable in real world.  Home grown, long complex implementation.  How many brand owners see their current mobile platform as a competitive advantage ? Current Solutions “Scratch The Surface” Most current mobile solutions not transforming business & unleashing potential.

21 Customer Mobile Engagement Service Package Distribution Staff Resources Trade Marketing Promotions Price Discounts Trading terms Advertising Mobility role in managing the service package

22 Customer Mobile Engagement Ability to execute consistently across multiple POP’s is a game changing strategy for consumer brands. Managing your business through a long & complicated value chain at each critical level. Fragmented retail today means solutions are required to ensure execution 5 P’s strategy at the point of sale. Most FMCG companies currently struggle across Africa with RTM, game changing strategies are required. Information today is poor in quality & availability. Solutions need to address holistic requirements of business model. Why its Important ? Impact to Business ?

23 Why is not working today ?

24 Determine the universe Outlet Classification Determine service package Measurement 1234 Map & benchmar k current service package Category, Brand, Competition, Benchmark brands. Current executional standards Desired executional standards Determine were to play Top line shopper drivers Determine how to play (service package) Channel, customer, geography considerations Scenario planning Cost & operational constraints Agreed service package Current - future Execution plan Size of prize Benchmark RTM Flow Cluster Outlets Its An After Thought. Not an integral part of your RTM strategy RTM Strategy

25 Solutions don’t address a holistic approach Business Processes PeopleTechnology 1 2 3 A belief that technology will address the process & people issues.

26 Not Made Here….. Organizations develop their own solutions, often outdated but jealousy held onto versus outsourcing. Clumsy, long & complicated development required for changes, expensive & don’t pool innovation. Slow uptake on new technologies, i.e. crowd sourcing, digital image recognition. Cloud based SAAS solutions enable customers to benefit every-time a solution is upgraded anywhere in the world. Home grown solutions particular issue in South Africa.

27 Start by walking a mile in your worker's shoes, or driving a mile in his truck, says Cokes CIO. Walking The Mile.

28 What true off-line capabilities does your mobile solution have ?

29 Accessing global suppliers only becomes feasible if they have the capability to service your business locally, across Africa, benefitting from global is only relevant when you can execute locally. Right Technology Partner

30 Complicated Solutions v Off The Shelf Selecting an off the shelf solution that meets 90% of your requirements. Customizing 10% of your solution makes best business sense. Quicker time to execution, lower costs. Cloud based SAAS solutions exist that today meet 80-90% of CPG companies requirements.

31 Data Rich – Insight Poor. Brands are bombarded with information, however if that data is not delivered in a timely manner, in a format that is easy to access, easy to understand & it does not become actionable. Reports a month late, in complicated formats with masses of information leave businesses making poor decisions which are often too late anyway. Driving timely delivery in user friendly dashboards enables organizations to develop insights required for informed business decisions.

32  Integrate mobility into your RTM strategy.  Holistic approach addressing process, people & technology.  Cloud based SAAS solutions are the future.  Walk the mile – make it relevant & executable.  Understand the true off line capability – it’s a minimum requirement.  Right technology partner – global solution, locally implemented.  Off the shelf 90% of your requirements, develop the 10% gap.  System must provide insights that drive informed decisions & action. FMCG Africa Mobility Strategy

33 Customer Mobile Engagement FMCG companies competing across Africa know that Route To Market is a critical part of the formula for success with African consumers. Recognizing & executing a mobile customer engagement solution drives compelling & sustainable RTM solutions.

34 Michael Wood +27 (0)11 367 4951 +27 (0)79 503 4701

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