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Le label « Ville et Pays d’Art et d’Histoire » Project for a land ANVPAH & VSSP Musée d’Aquitaine 20, cours Pasteur 33 000 BORDEAUX – France

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1 Le label « Ville et Pays d’Art et d’Histoire » Project for a land ANVPAH & VSSP Musée d’Aquitaine 20, cours Pasteur 33 000 BORDEAUX – France Budapest 20th november2014

2 Towns and Regions of art and history PAH Vallées d’Aure et du Louron Cahors 181 towns and regions have signed an agreement with the ministry of Culture and Communication to develop a process aimed at obtaining in-depth knowledge of their region, to promote their heritage and raise public awareness (inhabitants, young people, tourists).

3 181 « Villes et Pays d’art et d’histoire » 1962 : Towns with protected areas 1965 : Creation of « Town of art » 1983 : Creation of ZPPAU (protection zones for urban and environmental heritage) 1985 : Creation of the label « Ville d’art et d’histoire » (VAH) 1987 : First Pays d’art et d’histoire (PAH) 2014 : 181 VPAH  115 VAH  66 PAH

4 Targets The label “Villes et Pays d’art et d’histoire” process to obtain:  To protect and promote cultural heritage  Looking for a territorial identity through cultural heritage  To develop territorial attractiveness  To help to the heritage reappropriation by the inhabitants  To unite heritage experts around a heritage project  To use cultural heritage to help economic development  To promote a high-quality tourism

5 Projects  To develop a politics of knowledge List of heritage sites, research, publication,…  To raise the inhabitant’s awareness of their living environment Themes visits, public meetings, exhibitions,…  To introduce young audiences to architecture, cultural heritage and town planning  To develop cultural tourism  To promote the dissemination of cultural heritage knowledge  To assist preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage  To support creation of urban planning tools  To develop awareness tools Interpretation Center,…  To encourage forums for debate exchanges

6 Criterion  A firm political will  A relevant area  Coherence of the cultural project with the other cities projects  Taking into account the entirety of the actions regarding knowledge, conservation, protection and enhancement of architecture, heritage and landscape  Global public policy relevance of the VPAH project Tourism office of Châlons-en-Champagne

7 How to become a « Villes et pays d’art et d’histoire »  Decision of the City Council A partnership between the town and the Regional Department of Cultural Affairs A diagnosis A project on the scale of the territory A file to write  The Conseil national des Villes et pays d’art et d’histoire gives Its opinion to the Ministery of Culture and Communication  A partnership convention is signed between the Prefect and the town for 10 years  Recruitment of the new manager of Art and History

8 Framework Convention  A contract between State and the labellised territory  A common action plan  A 10 years contract  Recognition of a cultural policy  Commitment to architecture and cultural heritage enhancement progress  An agreement to insure the label’s standards and financing

9 Town commitments  To develop cultural heritage knwoledge, preservation and mediation  To develop heritage preservation skills  To hire qualified professionnals  Interpretation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage Center opening (CIAP)  To develop communication and architectural heritage promotion Interpretation Center in Châlons-en-Champagne

10 State’s commitments  Technical and training support  Cultural and scientific support  Financial help for the position of heritage interpreters (50 % during 2 years)  Financial help for some projects  Financial help for interpretation of architecture and cultural heritage center exhibition  Scenography  VPAH graphical charter

11 Châlons-en-Champagne Creation of a cultural heritage department : 1 head of department 1 assistant (education workshops 1 home agent 6 guides Operating budget : €50 000 50% from the regional subsidies September 2012 : Interpretation of Architecture and Cultural Heritage Center (CIAP) 4 200 visitors in 2 years Label in 2007

12  Animations : academic, co-curricular, extra- curricular workshops : nearly 2 000 children per year ; adult workshops in connection with architecture, realisation of exhibitions, photo contest ; Sightseeing  Annual program of visits and visits-flash (nearly 1 000 people welcomed)  Organization of the European Heritage Days : 18 000 people hosted on the city and other national events  Heritage signs in town and realization of documents to visit monuments

13 Crédits photographiques : © ANVPAH & VSSP, sauf mention contraire Thank you for your attention With the support of: > Ministère des Affaires Étrangères > Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication > Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement Durable et de l’Energie > Ministère de l’artisanat, du commerce et du Tourisme > La Caisse des Dépôts > La Région Midi-Pyrénées > La Région Aquitaine > EDF Musée d’Aquitaine – 20, cours Pasteur 33 000 Bordeaux Tel/Fax : +33 (0) 9 72 49 97 06 Mail :

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