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Art The Human expression of creativity Elements of Design The tools an artist uses to create a composition Shape, Color, Line, Value, Space, Form, Texture.

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Presentation on theme: "Art The Human expression of creativity Elements of Design The tools an artist uses to create a composition Shape, Color, Line, Value, Space, Form, Texture."— Presentation transcript:


2 Art The Human expression of creativity

3 Elements of Design The tools an artist uses to create a composition Shape, Color, Line, Value, Space, Form, Texture

4 Color Wheel A Chart that Shows Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors

5 Secondary Colors Orange, Green, Yellow

6 Primary Colors Blue, Red, Yellow

7 Color Encode Process the Brain uses to Convert Information

8 Optical Illusion When an Artist Deliberately Fools the Eye in a Composition

9 Holographic 3D Effect in a Composition

10 Value The Amount of Lights and Darks in a Work of Art

11 Line A Mark Made with a Pointed Tool

12 Geometric Shape A shape that is precise and requires a tool like a ruler to draw it perfectly.

13 Two Dimensional Height + Width

14 Pablo Picasso A Famous Artist that used Geometric Abstract Shapes in his Cubist Paintings

15 Organic Shape A Freeform Shape or Shape with no Straight Lines

16 Henri Matisse Used Organic Shapes in his cut out compositions at the end of his life because he could not see as well anymore

17 Pattern Repeated Shape, Lines and Colors

18 Texture The way a Surface Looks or Feels

19 MC Escher An Artist and Mathematician who is Best Known for his Tessellations and Complex Patterns

20 Tessellation A complex pattern of shapes that fit together like a puzzle without gaps or overlaps.

21 Tessellations A pattern of shapes that fit perfectly together like a puzzle so that there are no gaps or overlaps. Tessellations A pattern of shapes that fit perfectly together like a puzzle so that there are no gaps or overlaps. How can one shape create a limitless variations of patterns?

22 Today you will Learn new vocabulary about tessellations by watching artist Jim McNeill demonstrate 3 methods of creating tessellated patterns.

23 Translation Method Translation Method - Glide to Opposite Side

24 Reflection Method Reflection Method - Glide to Opposite Side and Flip

25 Rotation Method Rotation Method – Rotate around the vertex or common point where shapes meet.

26 Alexander Calder An Artist Best Known for his Moving Sculptures or Mobiles

27 Mobile A Moving Sculpture Alexander Calder

28 Asymmetrical Balance Two Sides are Different yet Balanced

29 Symmetrical Balance When Something Appears to be the Same on Both Sides

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