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Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval System 박사 과정 6 차 학기 김 훈 규.

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Presentation on theme: "Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval System 박사 과정 6 차 학기 김 훈 규."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval System 박사 과정 6 차 학기 김 훈 규

2 Topics  Overview  Related work  Architecture  Keys and Searching  Retrieving data  Storing data  Managing data  Adding nodes  Protocol Details  Performance analysis  Security  Conclusion

3 Overview (1/2)  What is Freenet?  인터넷상에서 의사소통의 진정한 자유를 보장하기 위해 설계된 P2P application  완전한 익명성 하에서 누구나 정보 제공 / 획득 가능  누구도 ( controls Freenet, not even its creators  Freenet nodes 에 의한 통신은 암호화 됨  정보 요청자가 누구인지, 내용이 무엇인가를 결정하는 것이 어렵게 하기 위해 경로를 통해 다른 노드로 접근  Who is behind Freenet?  Originally, Ian Clarke while a student at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.  Still supervised by Ian Clarke, though many other people contribute to the project.

4 Overview (2/2)  Purpose  Prevent information censorship  Maintain personal privacy  Design Goals  Anonymity for information producers, consumers, and holders  Deniability for storers of information  Resistance to information censorship  High availability and reliability through decentralization  Efficient, scalable, and adaptive storage and routing

5 Related work  File-sharing  Gnutella, FastTrack, Overnet  Consumer Anonymity  Anonymizer, SafeWeb/Triangle Boy  Producer Anonymity  Rewebber, TAZ, Publius  Shared-storage  OceanStore, Cooperative File System, PAST

6 Architecture (1/2)  Peer-to-peer network KeyReferencelocal aNode7, … bNode5, … cNode1, … dNode2, … eNode3, … fNode5, … gNode1, … new old data deleted dynamic routing table (LRU) file (a) file (b) file (c) file (d) local datastore

7 Architecture (2/2)  A cooperative distributed filesystem incorporating location independence and transparent lazy replication  Basic Model  Key 요청이 proxy requests chain 을 통해 node 에서 node 로 전달  각 node 는 요청을 다음에 어디로 보낼 것인를 자체적으로 결정  Routing algorithm : adjust routes over time to provide efficient performance  Request  hopes-to-live : to prevent infinite chains  pseudo-unique random identifier : prevent loops by rejecting request they have been seen before  result is passed back up the chain to the sending node  No node is privilege : no hierarchy or central point of failure

8 Keys and searching  Files in Freenet are identified by binary file keys  applying hash function : 160-bit SHA function  Key types  Keyword-signed key (KSK)  simplest type of file key  A short descriptive text string chosen by the users  Signed-subspace key (SSK)  Used primarily for data storage  Generated by hashing the content  Content-hash key (CHK)  Generated with a public key and (usually) text description, signed with private key  Can be used as a sort of private namespace  Description e.g. politics/us/pentagon-papers

9 Keyword-signed key (KSK) key pub key priv SHA(key pub ) = KSK key priv (File) Signature, minimal integrity check File E(, File) Encryption KSK@plays/shakespeare/Coriolanus  To retrieve the file  user need only publish the keyword  Problematic flat global namespace  두 사용자가 상이한 파일에 대하여 동일한 keyword 를 각각 독립적으로 선택하는 것을 막을 수 없음

10 Signed-subspace key (SSK) SHA( ) SHA(S-key pub ) S-key pub SHA(…XOR…) = SSK XOR S-key priv S-key priv (File) E(, File) randomly generated Signature Encryption SSK@rBjVda8...cPAgM/TFE// File  To retrieve the file  user need only publish the keyword together with subspace’s public key  Storing data  require the private key  the owner of subspace can add file to it

11 Content-hash key (CHK) (1/2)  Useful for implementing updating and splitting  To retrieve the file  user publish the content hash key itself together with the description key  Most useful in conjunction with signed-sunspace keys using an indirection mechanism  To store an updateable file  inserts file under its content-hash key  insert an indirect file under a signed-subspace key whose contents are the content-hash key Key encrypt E(File) File SHA(File) = CHK randomly generated Encryption CHK@WX0fa7GU...MAwI,jMQymYuK

12 Content-hash key (CHK) (2/2)  To update a file  insert a new version (new CHK)  insert a new indirect file (original SSK)  Splitting files  Desirable because of storage and bandwidth limitation  트래픽에 잇점  각 부분을 CHK 하에 별도로 삽입을 하고, 하나의 indirect file (or multi levels of indirect files) 을 만들어 각 부분들을 point 함  Problem of Finding keys in the first place  hypertext: conflict with the design goal (decentralization)  create a special class of lightweight indirect file 파일 삽입 시, 파일에 대한 포인터를 갖고있는 일련의 indirect files 를 삽입  create compilation of favorite keys, publicize (use on WWW)

13 Retrieving data (1/3)  Data request message  Key, Hope-to-live value (HTL), Unique ID  Retrieve successful  node will pass the data back to the upstream requestor  cache the file in its own datastore and create a new entry in routing table (actual data source with request key) send Data Reply check HTL wait for answer send Data Request send Data Failed [found] [not found] [ok] [not ok] [not found] [Data Reply] lookup nearest key in routing table [Request Failed] search file in datastore

14 Retrieving data (2/3)  A typical request sequence Data Request Data Reply Request Failed a c b d ef 1 12 2 3 6 7 5 8 9 10 4 11 start data Data Return path : d -> e -> b -> a cached node : e, b, a

15 Retrieving data (3/3)  Quality of the routing should improved over time  specialize in locating set of similar keys  specialize in storing clusters of files having similar key  Transparently Replicated  popular data to be transparently replicated and mirrored closer to requestor  create new routing entries for previously-unknown nodes, increasing connectivity  direct link to data source are created, bypassing the intermediate node used  node that successfully supply data will gain routing table entries and be contacted more often than nodes that do not

16 Storing data (1/2)  Insert message  Key, Hope-to-live value (HTL), Unique ID  check its own store to see if file already exist and insert check if key already exists check HTL wait for answer send insert message send “all clear” [not found] [ok] [not ok] [not found] lookup nearest key in routing table Return reply [found] try again using a different key [Request Succeed]

17 Storing data (2/2)  All clear : successful result  HTL value is reached without a key collision being detected -> propagate back to the original inserter  user send the data to insert, propagate along the path, and stored in each node along the way  each node create an entry in routing table with the new key

18 Managing data  Storage : LRU cache  If datastore is full, the least recently used files are evicted  There is no permanent copy  Once all the node have decided to drop a particular file, it will no longer be available to the network  Advantage of expiration mechanism  allow outdated documents to fade away naturally after being superseded by newer document  Encrypted content  node operator not to explicitly know the content  암호화 절차는 파일을 보호하려는 의도가 아니고 node operator 가 저장된 내용을 알지 못하게 하려는 의도

19 Adding nodes  New nodes must announce their presence  Two conflict requirement  라우팅 효율성 향상을 위해, 모든 노드들은 신규 노드에 보낼 키 결정에 일관성이 있어야 함  보안을 위해, 한 노드가 라우팅 키를 선정할 때, 일관성을 지키기 위한 가장 직관적인 방법은 제외함  Use cryptographic protocol  Announce public key and physical address (e.g. IP) to an existing node  Announcement is recursively forwarded to random nodes  Nodes in the chain then collectively assign the new node a random GUID

20 Protocol details (1/2)  Packet-oriented and uses self-contained messages  For efficiency, nodes using a persistent channel(TCP)  Node address = IP address + port number  Nodes with frequently changing IPs use ARKs  signed-subspace keys updated to contain the current real address  Transaction Message  Request.Handshake  specifying the desired return address of the sending node  Reply. Handshake  specifying protocol version number  Handshakes are remembered for a few hours

21 Protocol details (1/2)  To request data  Request.Data (Trans ID, HTL, depth, search key)  Reply.Restart  Send.Data : when the request is succeed  Reply.NotFound : when the request is failed and HTL are completely used up  these message terminate the transaction and release any resource held  Request.Continue : remaining HTL  To insert data  Request.Insert (Random Trans ID, HTL, depth, Key)

22 Performance analysis (1/4)  Topology  1,000 node networks, datastore = 500 item, routing table size = 250 address  key associated with links are hash of destination IPs  Network convergence

23 Performance analysis (2/4)  Scalability  Key assigned to new nodes = H(IP)  Scales as log(n) until 40,000 nodes  at 40,000 node, RTs are full

24 Performance analysis (3/4)  Fault-tolerance  Median path length < 20 at 30% node failure  network becomes ineffective at 40% failure

25 Performance analysis (4/4)  Small-world model  Most nodes form local  Few high link connecting node  Power law distribution provides high degree of fault tolerance

26 Security  Protect the anonymity of requestors and inserters of files  Key anonymity (receiver anonymity)  sender anonymity : local eavesdrop  Anonymity of storer : encrypted contents  Pre-routing  Mesg. Encrypted by public keys which determine path of pre-routing  Protecting data source  using random and probabilistic methods  Malicious modification : hash key and signature  Denial-of-service : insert a large number of junk files to storage

27 Conclusion  Provides a network to anonymously store and request files  Adaptive routing who’s efficiency increase with experience  Deal with privacy and data integrity in various scenarios  Freenet is an ongoing project that still has plenty of flaws  There may be a tradeoff between network efficiency and anonymity, robustness.  More information at


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