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1 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE DICOM Exchanging Imaging Data Various Modality Images, Presentation States, Structured Reports Various Modality.

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2 1 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE DICOM Exchanging Imaging Data Various Modality Images, Presentation States, Structured Reports Various Modality Images, Presentation States, Structured Reports Finding and Retrieving Imaging Objects DICOM Course – Singapore April 2005

3 2 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE DICOM... Is a GLOBAL STANDARD of Communication, developed under joint efforts of ACR (American College of Radiology) NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Assoc.) ESC (European Society of Cardiology) ACC (American College of Cardiology) SFR (Société Française de Radiology) DRG (Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft) AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology) AAD (American Academy of Dermatology) CAP (College of American Pathology) JIRA (Japaneese Radiology Vendors Association) COCIR (European Radiology Vendors Association) And 25 plus vendors……

4 3 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE 20 Vendors at the ‘93 DICOM RSNA Demonstration20 Vendors at the ‘93 DICOM RSNA Demonstration 40 Vendors at the ‘94 and 95 DICOM RSNA Demonstrations40 Vendors at the ‘94 and 95 DICOM RSNA Demonstrations More than 100 Vendors at RSNA 96More than 100 Vendors at RSNA 96 Since 1997 – Too many to count ! DICOM first release approved October ’93 10 year anniversary

5 4 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE DICOM documents updated yearly DICOM 2004 is a compatible extension of DICOM 2003 + 27 Clarifications/Changes + 80 Supplements But DICOM 3.0, DICOM 96, DICOM 98, DICOM 99, DICOM 2000 DICOM 2003 are only document publishing names. This has no direct impact on existing Product Conformance ! Available for free from the DICOM website:

6 5 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE STORAGE Networking Support, e.g.. TCP/IP IMAGE INFORMATION OBJECTS QUERY RETRIEVE IMAGE DICOM for Image Transfer Understanding Image transfer with DICOM...

7 6 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE DICOM Spans Most of Medical Imaging INFORMATION OBJECTS STORAGE Networking Support TCP/IP QUERY RETRIEVEIMAGE DICOM runs on Internet and Intranet CT, MR, CR Second. Capt. (SC) 1993 1995 X-Ray Cardio/Vasc X-Ray Fluoro 1996 USNMPET 1997 RT 1998 X-Ray Digital RAD X-Ray Digital Mammo X-ray Intra-Oral Stored Print 1999 Pathology, Optalmo. Vaweform 2003 enhanced MR, eCT, ….. 2001 Structured Reporting, KOS, Present. States

8 7 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE 1997 RT 1998 X-Ray Digital RAD X-Ray Digital Mammo X-ray Intra-Oral Stored Print DICOM Spans Most of Medical Imaging CT, MR, CR Second. Capt. (SC) 1993 1995 X-Ray Cardio/Vasc X-Ray Fluoro 1996 USNMPET 1999 Pathology, Optalmo. Vaweform 2003 enhanced MR, eCT, ….. 2001 Structured Reporting, KOS, Present. States DICOM transfers not only Images, but also: - Therapy Plans, Structures, etc. - Soon Waveforms - Structured Reports DICOM transfers not only Radiology images, but also: - Cardiology (X-Ray Angio, US, NM) - Oncology (RT Portal images) - Dentistery (X-ray Intra-Oral) - Pathology, Endoscopy, Microscopy, Optalmology, etc.

9 8 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE What can I really do with DICOM TODAY ? Build simple and easy-to-implement networksBuild simple and easy-to-implement networks Reap efficiency and productivity benefitsReap efficiency and productivity benefits Invest in a necessary step for future PACSInvest in a necessary step for future PACS

10 9 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Simple Networks in Radiology and Teleradiology Analysis or Review Workstation CT, MR, NM, US, Digitizer, CR, digital X-ray, PET ISDN Link or Dial-Up Local Area Network CT, MR, NM, US, Digitizer, CR, digital X-ray, PET ImagingEquipment ImagingEquipment DICOM SERVICES USED DICOM STORAGE QUERY/RETRIEVE DICOM STORAGE A DICOM Network, today’s common foundation both inside Radiology and for Teleradiology Remote Workstation

11 10 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Networks in Radiology and Care Units with Cluster Archiving Analysis or Review Workstation ImagingEquipment DICOM SERVICES USED DICOM STORAGE ImagingEquipment DICOM STORAGE Remote WS ISDN Link or Dial-Up DICOM STORAGE Local Area Network ClusterArchive CT, MR, NM, US, Digitizer, CR, digital X-ray Cluster Archive DICOM QUERY/RETRIEVE A DICOM Network is the common foundation both inside Radiology and for Teleradiology Care Unit Analysis or Review Workstation DICOM STORAGE

12 11 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE What should I do to build a DICOM Image Transfer Network ? a DICOM Image Transfer Network ? Three Steps: 1 - Clarify my Clinical Needs for Image Transfer and Image processing Applications 2 - Match Those Needs with DICOM Service Classes using the DICOM Conformance Statements 3 - Validate the Imaging Application Interoperability

13 12 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Step 2 - Compare DICOM Conformance Statements SCU = Service Class USER SCP = Service Class PROVIDER CT Scanner Conformance Statement Workstation Conformance Statement 1-CT STORAGE SCU 2-QUERY SCP 3-RETRIEVE SCP 4-MODALITY WORKLIST SCU 1-CT STORAGE SCP 2-QUERY SCU 3-RETRIEVE SCU 4-MR STORAGE SCP 5- BASIC PRINT SCU Matching DICOM Service Classes The necessary step to find what will work

14 13 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Service Object Pair (SOP) Class CR Image Storage SOP Class CT Image Storage SOP Class + Store Command (the Service) = DICOM Communication (SOP Class) Image Info. Obj. (the Data) Modified Slide from Don Van Syckle Patient Modul e Gener al Study Modul e Patient Study Module* General Series Module Frame of Reference Module General Equipment Module Imag e Mod ule Genera l Image Modul e Image Plane Modu le Contra st/Bolu s Modul e Overla y Plane Modul e* VOI LUT Modul e* SOP Comm on Modul e Image Pixel Module

15 14 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Image IODs Patient Module General Study Module Patient Study Module* Patient Information Study Information General Series Module Frame of Reference Module General Equipment Module Series Information Image Module General Image Module Image Plane Module Contrast/ Bolus Module Overlay Plane Module* VOI LUT Module* SOP Common Module Image Pixel Module Image Information Not only contains pixel data but also key information about the image Patient’s Name Patient’s ID Patient’s Birth Date Patient’s Sex Patient’s Weight* Referring Physician’s Name Accession Number Study Instance UID Modified Slide from Jay Gaeta

16 15 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Storage Send/Receive (i.e. push images on the network) SOP Class dependent on IOD –CT, MR, US, CR/DR, X-ray, Secondary Capture, RT, NM, Structured Report… (i.e. not only images) How the SCP stores the image is not defined by DICOM (i.e. storage of all data not guaranteed) May send a study via multiple associations May send more than one study on an association DICOM does NOT define an “one size fits all” image

17 16 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Storage Transfer – Push Images Shared Archive Digital Modality - C-STORE-RQ Command - Image Header Data (i.e. Name, ID, Row, Col..) - Pixel Data C-STORE-RQ … C-STORE-RSP… -C-STORE-RSP Command (Status) Multiple transfers usually occur on the same association Storage SCU Storage SCP Modified Slide from Don Van Syckle

18 17 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Query/Retrieve Typically used by workstations for remote access and image retrieval from archives Simple queries such as - “give me the patient name and ID for studies performed today” Simple retrievals such as - “give me images for Study XYZ Based on information models –Patient model, Study model and Patient/Study only Enables the “pulling” of images Modified Slide from Don Van Syckle

19 18 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Verification “Echo” to verify application level communication between two DICOM products Often used for service diagnostics to determine if another product is on-line or off-line Products who accept DICOM associations are required to support Verification as an SCP Verification SCUVerification SCP C-ECHO-RQ (no data set) C-ECHO-RSP (success status) Shared Archive Digital Modality Modified Slide from Don Van Syckle

20 19 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Query Remote Device Query SCP -C-FIND-RQ Command - Study=today, give me name/ID, etc. C-FIND-RQ C-FIND-RSP -C-FIND-RSP Command (Pending Status) - Study=Today, Joe Smith, 13456-7 C-FIND-RSP -C-FIND-RSP Command (Pending Status) - Study=Today, Phil Jones, 2761-2 C-FIND-RSP -C-FIND-RSP Command (Success Status) - Query remote database - Pending rsp for each match - One rsp for final status Query SCU Shared Archive Workstation Modified Slide from Don Van Syckle

21 20 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Retrieve – Pull Images Workstation Retrieve SCU Shared Archive Retrieve SCP -C-MOVE-RQ Command - Study Inst UID for images to pull. C-MOVE-RQ -Request Move “Pull” of images -Archive opens second association to send images (the roles change for storage) -Response on same association as C-Move-RQ C-STORE-RSP C-STORE-RQ (Typically for Multiple Images) Separate association then Move C-MOVE-RSP Same association as Move-RQ -C-MOVE-RSP Command (Status) Modified Slide from Don Van Syckle

22 21 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE Three Device Move Workstation A Retrieve SCU Shared Archive Retrieve SCP C-MOVE-RQ - A requests the Move of images to B - Archive opens second association to B - Archive sends images to B then closes assoc - Association between A and archive open during image transfer - Archive provides final Move-RSP status to A - All Retrieve SCPs required to support the Three Device Move C-STORE-RSP C-STORE-RQ C-MOVE-RSP After the image transfer completed Workstation B Storage SCP Modified Slide from Don Van Syckle

23 22 DICOM Singapore 2005 C. Parisot - GE We hope you understood DICOM and are now ready to use it. Thank You ! charles. parisot @ med. ge. com

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