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OPSM 301 Operations Management Class 21: Logistic Drivers: Facilities and Transportation Koç University Zeynep Aksin

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Presentation on theme: "OPSM 301 Operations Management Class 21: Logistic Drivers: Facilities and Transportation Koç University Zeynep Aksin"— Presentation transcript:

1 OPSM 301 Operations Management Class 21: Logistic Drivers: Facilities and Transportation Koç University Zeynep Aksin

2 Drivers of Supply Chain Performance Efficiency Responsiveness InventoryTransportationFacilitiesInformation Supply chain structure Drivers

3 The Logistics Network The Logistics Network consists of:  Facilities: Vendors, Manufacturing Centers, Warehouse/ Distribution Centers, and Customers  Raw materials and finished products that flow between the facilities.

4 4 Example: Efes Distribution Network

5 5 Costs Total cost Inventory transportation Fixed costs Number of distribution centers costs ($ mil ion )

6 6 Comparison between industries Sources: CLM 1999, Herbert W. Davis & Co; LogicTools Avg. Number Of Depots 31425 Pharmaceutical GroceryChemicals - Service is not important(or shipping is easy) - Inventory is more expensive than transportation - Service is very important -Outbound transportation is -expensive

7 Transportation in the Supply Chain  Throughout the supply chain SUPPLIERS CUSTOMERS WAREHOUSE PRODUCTION WAREHOUSE Transport.

8 Transportation Problem DesMoines (100 unit capacity) Fort Lauderdale (300 units capacity) Cleveland (200 units required) Evansville (300 units capacity) Albuquerque (300 units required) Boston (200 units required)

9  How much should be shipped from several sources to several destinations –Sources: Factories, warehouses, etc. –Destinations: Warehouses, stores, etc.  Transportation models –Find lowest cost shipping arrangement –Used primarily for existing distribution systems Transportation Problem

10 The Transportation Problem D (demand) D (demand) D (demand) D (demand) S (supply) S (supply) S (supply)

11 Requirements for Transportation Model  List of origins and each one’s capacity  List of destinations and each one’s demand  Unit cost of shipping

12 The transportation problem  The setting –n factory (supply) locations –supplying m markets (demand points) –Cost of shipping one unit from factory i to market j is c ij –K i is the capacity of factory i –D j is the demand in market j  Formulate as an LP

13 Transportation Model  Which market is served by which plant?  Which supply sources are used by a plant? x ij = Quantity shipped from plant site i to customer j 5-13

14 A Transportation Problem: Tropicsun Distances (in miles) Capacity Supply 275,000 400,000 300,000 225,000 600,000 200,000 Mt. Dora 1 Eustis 2 Clermont 3 Groves Ocala 4 Orlando 5 Leesburg 6 Processing Plants 21 50 40 35 30 22 55 25 20

15 Defining the Decision Variables X ij = # of bushels shipped from node i to node j Specifically, the nine decision variables are: X 14 = # of bushels shipped from Mt. Dora (node 1) to Ocala (node 4) X 15 = # of bushels shipped from Mt. Dora (node 1) to Orlando (node 5) X 16 = # of bushels shipped from Mt. Dora (node 1) to Leesburg (node 6) X 24 = # of bushels shipped from Eustis (node 2) to Ocala (node 4) X 25 = # of bushels shipped from Eustis (node 2) to Orlando (node 5) X 26 = # of bushels shipped from Eustis (node 2) to Leesburg (node 6) X 34 = # of bushels shipped from Clermont (node 3) to Ocala (node 4) X 35 = # of bushels shipped from Clermont (node 3) to Orlando (node 5) X 36 = # of bushels shipped from Clermont (node 3) to Leesburg (node 6)

16 Defining the Objective Function Minimize the total number of bushel-miles. MIN:21X 14 + 50X 15 + 40X 16 + 35X 24 + 30X 25 + 22X 26 + 55X 34 + 20X 35 + 25X 36

17 Defining the Constraints  Capacity constraints X 14 + X 24 + X 34 <= 200,000} Ocala X 15 + X 25 + X 35 <= 600,000} Orlando X 16 + X 26 + X 36 <= 225,000} Leesburg  Supply constraints X 14 + X 15 + X 16 = 275,000} Mt. Dora X 24 + X 25 + X 26 = 400,000} Eustis X 34 + X 35 + X 36 = 300,000} Clermont  Nonnegativity conditions X ij >= 0 for all i and j

18 Implementing the Model

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