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Ainsley Cunningham Education and Information Coordinator April 11, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Ainsley Cunningham Education and Information Coordinator April 11, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ainsley Cunningham Education and Information Coordinator April 11, 2006

2 Agenda Start when you are young You have money You have time Statistics Power of Compounding Set some goals Use a budget Pay yourself first Reward yourself

3 Money Challenge Prize Question Would you rather have $10,000 or a penny a day doubled for 30 days?

4 START WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG Do you know how much money you have? Canadian Tweens (ages 9-14) spend $1.9 billion annually. ( Canadian teens (ages 13-19) spend $14 billion annually. ( Tweens influence $20 billion in household purchases annually. ( You spend your money on food, clothing and entertainment.

5 HOOK YOU WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG Time is on your side To learn good habits To recover from market ups and downs To benefit from few financial obligations You have the money

6 START WHEN YOU ARE YOUNG Some of the hard facts Divorce rates on the rise Debt is at an all time high Money matters affect every aspect of our lives Cost to achieve our dreams

7 Power of Compounding Compound Interest Interest earned not only on your original investment, but on your accrued earnings as well.

8 Short Term Pain Long Term Gain AgeInvestedValue 19$2000 $2,200 20$2000 $4,620 21$2000 $7,282 22$2000$10,210 23$2000$13,431 24$2000$16,974 25$2000$20,872 26$2000$25,159 27 65$1,035,161 Total Invested$16,000 !0% rate of return

9 Short Term Pain Long Term Gain AgeInvestmentValue 27$2,000$2200 35$2,000$29875 40$2,000$61545 45$2,000$112550 50 $2,000 $194694 55$2,000$326988 60$2,000 $540049 65$805,185 Total Invested$78,000 !0% rate of return

10 SETTING GOALS What is a goal? Short term – Spend (weekly) Medium term – Save (six months – one year) Long term – Invest (many years) Giving – Donate (giving to help others)

11 TOOLS TO REACH YOUR GOALS Budget A budget is like a road map. If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to get there? Income (Earnings) – Expenses (bills) = Savings (thrills)

12 Pay yourself first Pretend you are a bill that comes due at the end of each month Saving $10 a week gives you $580 Save loose change by: Bring your lunch to school Take the bus, ride your bike or car pool Cut down on double lattes or number of movies you go to Borrow books from the library TOOLS TO REACH YOUR GOALS

13 Build in room for rewards Don’t quit spending all together. When you have reached your goal reward yourself

14 Key Identify your goals Set a plan Follow through

15 1.01 2.02 3.04 4.08 5.16 6.32 7.64 8. 1.28 9 2.56 10 $5.12 11 $10.24 12 $20.48 13 $40.96 14 $81.92 15 $164 16 $328 17 $655 18 $1311 19 $2621 20 $5243 21 $10486 22 $20972 23 $41943 24 $83886 25 $167772 26 $335544 27 $671089 28 $1342177 29 $2684354 30 $5638709 31 ? $10737418

16 Play the Games Review the four games The Thing That Ate my Paycheque Honey I Shrunk the Money Kids and Cash Future Fortune Prizes to be won Parental consent form

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