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Staying On Track With Hearing Conservation Good Morning and Welcome! Presented by: Helene R. Freed, Ed.M.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying On Track With Hearing Conservation Good Morning and Welcome! Presented by: Helene R. Freed, Ed.M."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying On Track With Hearing Conservation Good Morning and Welcome! Presented by: Helene R. Freed, Ed.M.

2 Prevent Hearing Loss: Participate in Hearing Conservation

3 Blindness separates you from things, deafness separates you from people. --Helen Keller

4 Hearing Effects quality of life Directly related to our ability to communicate with loved ones Allows us to interact with society and nature. To work and to play safely

5 PREVENTION! IS the most effective approach to the management of hearing loss associated with chronic noise exposure.

6 Some numbers Loss from noise trauma. 30 Million are exposed to injurious levels of noise 10 Million Americans have permanent, irreversible each day. 44% of carpenters and 48% of plumbers have perceived hearing loss. 49% of male, metal/nonmetal miners by age 50 have hearing loss vs. 9% of the general population. 70% of metal and non metal miners will have hearing impairment by age 60. (NIOSH ) 90% of coal miners have hearing loss by age 52.

7 AND off the job NOISE AND ACOUSTICS Hazardous noise exposures occur on the job

8 How we hear Acoustic energy to mechanical energy to hydraulic energy to chemical exchange to electrical impulse

9 Ear Anatomy

10 Healthy Hair cells.

11 Hair cells after a history of noise exposure

12 Hearing Loss Due To Noise Exposure Is … Painless Permanent Progressive … and very PREVENTABLE !

13 Components Of A Hearing Conservation Program

14 Noise Level Evaluation Audiometric Testing Hearing Protection Record Keeping Training Written Program

15 Noise Level Evaluation HOW LOUD IS IT???


17 Effects of Noise Exposure When is Noise Too Loud? Noise is measured in units calleddecibels or dB If two people 3 feet apart must shout to be heard, the background noise is too loud (above 85 decibels).

18 Personal Sampling by Dosimetry 80 / 90 dBA Criterion Level Engineering / Administrative Controls Formal Documentation Updating Your NLS… When? 5 dB Doubling Effect Noise Level Evaluation

19 Remember This When working with the Hearing Conservation Regulation Legal levels are minimum requirements and do not protect all employees exposed to high levels of noise in the work place. –To protect ALL your employees you need to EXCEED the minimum legal requirements.

20 If results are…. <85dB No Action Required >85dBMinimum Legal Requirement 85dB STS Mandatory HP 90dB Mandatory for all

21 Exposure at these levels over a work life will produce the following significant hearing losses. EPA 90dBA 22% 85dBA 12% 80dBA 5% NIOSH 90dBA 29% 85dBA 15% 80dBA 3%

22 DurationTWA / dBADose/PEL 85dB50% 8 Hrs90100% 4 Hrs95100% 2 Hrs100100% 1 Hr105100% 1/2 Hr110100% 15 Min115100% 5 dB Doubling Effect

23 Remove the hazard Remove the worker Protect the worker

24 Audiometer and Test Environment The test environment must be controlled and testing must be reliable Testing does not conserve hearing alone You need to know when how to counsel and educate employees When to refit and adjust hearing protection When to recommend engineering and administration controls

25 Engage All Stakeholders Engage persons having an investment in what will be learned...and what will be done with the knowledge

26 What is M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N? An inducement An emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action To stir to action or feeling To egg on, excite, goad, inspire, instigate, move, pique, prick, prod, prompt, propel, provoke, set off, spur, trigger ENCOURAGE CHEER ON


28 Purpose of Test Identify temporary hearing losses before they become permanent To take remedial steps

29 Normal Hearing 250Hz 500Hz 1kHz 2kHz 3kHz 4kHz 6kHz 8Hz



32 Rising Audiogram

33 Unilateral

34 Sloping Audiogram

35 Tinnitus: Ringing or buzzing 25% have difficulty coping with tinnitus Its associated with disruption of sleep, stress and depression. 1 In 200 cant lead a normal life. Hyperacusis/Recruitment: Abnormal reaction to loudness changes which often accompanies SNHL Phonophobia: Fear of noise that can accompany hyperacusis accompany Protecting your hearing also protects you against:

36 Occupational Noise isnt our only concern. Recreational Sports create Dangerous Decibels

37 VUVUZELAS 113 dBA at 2 meters!

38 Once in a HCP, how long does an employee have to go without being exposed at 85dB to be removed from the program? Employees who have not been exposed to noise = or >85dB for an entire year following their last annual audiogram may be removed from program.

39 STS Follow-Up Employee may obtain a Retest within 30 days: a. If shift is found to be temporary, no further follow-up is necessary. a. Notify In Writing b. Retrain on proper fitting of hearing protection c. Mandatory hearing protection >85 dBA b. If shift is found to be PERSISTENT, or a retest is NOT performed you must:


41 SUMMARIZE RESULTS Look for trends in certain areas, depts. STS should not exceed >10%population Upon retest, show more TTS Make HPD use and compliance part of the contract of employment –In writing –With disciplinary action


43 Dont make the mistake of thinking your job is done if you simply provide hearing protection and periodic hearing tests. Train workers how to recognize noise hazards, utilize noise controls, and use of hearing protection.

44 Hearing Protection No Cost to the Employee Offer at least 2 types / Custom Plugs 85dBA offered vs. 90 dBA mandatory Attenuation / NRR

45 Types of Hearing Protectors Earplugs –Single-Use –Multiple-Use –Detectable Banded Protectors –Banded Earplugs –Canal Caps Earmuffs –Standard (Headband) –Cap-Mounted –Electronic –Special Application

46 Make Hearing Protection Mandatory at 85dBA New Hires STS Save More Hearing. Halve Their Exposure Reduces Risk of Hearing loss From 25% to 8% Make this a policy of employment!


48 AUDIOMETRIC TESTING 1.All employees assigned to AREA A will receive baseline audiogram within six months of first high noise exposure and mandatory hearing protection. 2.Audiograms will be given annually and compared to baseline to determine if a STS has occurred. 3.Mandatory Hearing Protection is required in the following areas:





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