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1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+)  2005 Protest Rally – Workplace laws. 

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Presentation on theme: "1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+)  2005 Protest Rally – Workplace laws. "— Presentation transcript:

1 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+)  2005 Protest Rally – Workplace laws.  1

2 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+)  VALUES  Economic Circumstances  Technological Advances  Political Circumstances  Increased community awareness and information  Significant incidents  Updating the legal system 2

3 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+)  Significant changes in the community over the past 100 years (Do laws need to keep up?)  Then Now 47yr life expectancy79 (men) 84 (women) HorsebackCars/Airplanes Pen and PaperComputers GaslightsStreet lights Chalkboards IWB – eLearning Board games F’book/Social Media Silent MoviesDigital TV/Internet CompassGPS Wood burning stovesMicrowaves 3

4 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+) VALUES  Values generally refer to the beliefs/principles that are the most important to you and/or society  Changes in values can and do influence new laws and changes in existing laws.  Examples of Values????????????????????  Eg – Smoking in cars with children (Now an offence)  In july 2007, Victorian laws banned smoking in pubs, bars and clubs. In 2009, the Cancer Council Victoria revealed around 40% of recent quitters stated smoke free bars and clubs helped them quit, and of those Victorians continuing to smoke, a third reported reducing the amount they smoked. (Source LAPANAS/SHAW (2010)  4

5 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+) Economic Circumstances Governments need to ensure economic growth and prosperity. Industry needs to ensure they are competitive in order to survive. Laws need to keep pace with changing work places and environments.  Fair Work Act 2009 (CTH) provides legislation to enable enterprise bargaining (wages/working conditions) – Employers and Employees negotiating  Changes in Taxation to ensure revenue i.e., GST, income tax free thresholds  Health Benefits, Means testing the Private Health Insurance rebate  Carbon Tax - The idea is that polluters will pay per tonne of carbon they release into the atmosphere. This cost will initially be set at $23, and increase gradually until 2015, when we will shift to a trading scheme that will let the market set the cost. This is widely thought of as the most effective and least costly mechanism to reduce carbon output and reduce the level of climate change that is occurring 5

6 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+) Technological Advances  The law needs to change in order to recognise and keep up with changes in technology.  The law needs to change to meet the demands of changes such as the way business operates, changes in communication and changes in transportation. Mail vs e- mail, Phone Vs Skype, Bike Vs Car.  Sexting. Is it an issue?? (Complete worksheet)  6

7 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+) Political Circumstances  A variety of circumstances can and do exist that require legislators to implement and change laws for the good of society.  These laws may not be popular by society for a variety of reasons such as loss of civil liberties Example – Water restrictions during 2009  Created fines and regulated when and how water could be used. Example - World trade centre 09/11/2001.  Created counter-terrorism laws, increased police powers including detention of suspects, increased security at ports of international departure and loss of liberties. 7

8 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+) Increased community awareness and information  People are more informed than in previous generations. People are more willing to be critical thinkers and exercise their right. We in general, are more informed of local, national and global issues.  More information is available to us due to impart the internet and requirements upon legislators to provide full and frank information.  When it comes to areas such as the protection of our rights, we are more likely to put pressure onto lawmakers to make/amend legislation. (Sex Discrimination Act)  Issues such as the protection of the environment is considered an important issue due to information becoming known. Our actions are more and more being scrutinised. (Clean Energy Act 2011) – Carbon Pricing. 8

9 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+) Significant Issues  Significant events can cause substantial media coverage and public awareness that is highlights short comings and/or inadequacies in legislation.  Text book discusses Brodies Law (Workplace Bullying) & Dommestic Animals Amendment (Restricted Breeds) Act 2011 – (4yo mauled to death) 9

10 1.5 - The reasons laws may need to change (P.17+)  Updating the legal system  Sunset clauses (Forces review of some legislation by a set date)  Improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of the legal system such as the use of specialist courts and ADR methods  Utilisation of Finite resources  2ctrf.html 2ctrf.html 10

11 Your Turn  Questions 1 – 6 (Page 20) 11

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