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Rebecca Bussinger SOL: 6.13 Estimate visually the angle measure of a given angle by using 45°, 90°, and 180° as referents, and use appropriate tools to.

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Presentation on theme: "Rebecca Bussinger SOL: 6.13 Estimate visually the angle measure of a given angle by using 45°, 90°, and 180° as referents, and use appropriate tools to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebecca Bussinger SOL: 6.13 Estimate visually the angle measure of a given angle by using 45°, 90°, and 180° as referents, and use appropriate tools to measure the given angles; and measure and draw right, acute, and obtuse angles and triangles. Competency: Estimate visually the angle measure of a given angle by using 45°, 90°, and 180° as referents, and use appropriate tools to check the reasonableness of the estimate.

2  Respect each other.  Listen when the teacher is talking.  Always ask questions.  Be a good group member.  Share ideas during discussion.  Use a pencil on math problems.  Keep working until your task is complete.

3 15 minutes 30-45 minutes 15-20 minutes 10-15 minutes 30-60 minutes 5-10 minutes to multiple days 30-45 minutes

4  Task Analysis  1. The words “degree,” “angle,” and “referent.”  2. Use protractors, straight edges, and angle rulers.  3. Recognize right, acute, and straight angles.  4. Declarative knowledge (parts of the angle).  5. Estimating  5.13 The student will measure and draw right, acute, and obtuse angles and triangles, using appropriate tools.  Identify the appropriate tools (e.g., protractor and straightedge or angle ruler as well as available software) used to measure and draw angles and triangles.  Draw right, acute, and obtuse angles, using appropriate tools.  Measure right, acute, and obtuse angles, using appropriate tools, and identify their measures.

5  Rationalization: Angles are used everyday by architects and engineers. You even use them when you want to draw pictures, make cards, or even when making or flying kites.  Word Problem: On our class trip to the park everyone got to fly a kite. Susie was the first person to get her dragon shaped kite in the air. What type of angle is Susie’s kite making with the horizon? Using 45°, 90°, and 180° as referents, estimate the measure of that angle.

6  Students will use pretzels to represent the three referents and estimate the given angle. 90°, 45°, and 180° red lines represent pretzels. 90° 45° 180 °

7  Students will draw in three referents to estimate a given angle. 180° 45° 90°

8  Students will use protractors to check the accuracy of their estimations.

9  Examples  Nonexamples Students will sort examples and non-examples using the Concept Mastery Diagram. Students will explain why each item is either an example or a non-example. 180° 45° 90° 15° 145+92=237 20 X 9 180

10 CONVEY CONCEPT Key Words OFFER OVERALL CONCEPT NOTE KEY WORDS CLASSIFY CHARACTERSITICS CONCEPT DIAGRAM TIE DOWN A DEFINITION PRACTICE WITH NEW EXAMPLE EXPLORE EXAMPLES Examples:Nonexamples: Always PresentSometimes PresentNever Present 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 Angle EstimationMeasurement Two rays Common vertex Measurement in degrees Acute Obtuse Straight Right Circles Curves Ruler More than 2 rays Estimating angles is a type of measurement that always includes two rays, a common vertex, a measurement in degrees, and at least one referent angle. Angle Degrees Right Angle Acute Angle Obtuse Angle Protractor Referent 90  45  180  Referent angles

11 SOL: 6.13b Competency: Estimate visually the angle measure of a given angle by using 45°, 90°, and 180° as referents, and use appropriate tools to check the reasonableness of the estimate. Look at the angle. Think about whether it is straight, acute, right, or obtuse. Acute. Draw in the closest referent angles. (45 , 90 , or 180  ) Estimate the measurement of the given angle. 70  Check estimation by using a protractor.

12 SOL: 6.13b Competency: Estimate visually the angle measure of a given angle by using 45°, 90°, and 180° as referents, and use appropriate tools to check the reasonableness of the estimate. Look at the angle. Think about whether it is straight, acute, right, or obtuse. Acute. Draw in the closest referent angles. (45 , 90 , or 180  ) Estimate the measurement of the given angle. 20  Check estimation by using a protractor.

13 SOL: 6.13b Competency: Estimate visually the angle measure of a given angle by using 45°, 90°, and 180° as referents, and use appropriate tools to check the reasonableness of the estimate. Look at the angle. Think about whether it is straight, acute, right, or obtuse. Obtuse. Draw in the closest referent angles. (45 , 90 , or 180  ) Estimate the measurement of the given angle. 165  Check estimation by using a protractor.

14 Activity: Students will identify and explain similarities and differences of the two angle examples. Example 1 Example 2 The given angle is an acute angle. The given angle is an obtuse angle. A given angle Referent angles Estimated measure in degrees Accurate measurement with protractor

15  Students will be given a worksheet with several everyday shapes and pictures. Each picture will have a highlighted angle. (See Guided Practice Part 1)  Using the visual step-by-step process the students will estimate the measurement of the highlighted angles.  The students will then work in pairs to assess their own work by measuring angles using. (See Guided Practice Part 2)

16 Estimate.

17 Guided Practice Part 2 Measurement.

18  The students will receive a worksheet that has 5 angles on it. They will be instructed to draw in referent angles, estimate the measure of the angle, and find the exact measurement using a protractor. (See Independent Practice Part 1.)

19  1. EstimateMeasurement  2. Estimate Measurement  3. Estimate Measurement  4. Estimate Measurement  5. Estimate Measurement

20  Students will take part in a baseball game activity to apply their knowledge of measuring angles in a real life situation. ◦ Students will go outside and determine the measurement of angles between home plate and each base. ◦ In teams, the students will create word problems regarding the angles they have found.

21  The teacher will assess students individually using the learning visual and the rubric. (See Rubric.) The student will be asked to complete each step, with prompting if necessary.  While students meet with the teacher one by one; the rest of the class will be look through magazines finding examples of angles. They will trace the angles into their math journals and identify the angles as acute, obtuse, right, or straight. Then they will follow the learning visual to practice estimating using referent angles.

22 Objective 8/10 points for mastery Student: Accomplished Objective with no assistance (2) Accomplished Objective with some assistance (1) Did not accomplish objective (0) Identify the competency studied. Estimating the measurement of angles using referent angles Identify acute, obtuse, right, straight, and 45  angles. Draw referent angles around a given angle. Estimate the measurement of a given angle. Check accuracy of angle measurement estimation using a protractor.

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