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Chinese Guest Teacher Program January 2007 Bringing the World to West Virginia.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese Guest Teacher Program January 2007 Bringing the World to West Virginia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese Guest Teacher Program January 2007 Bringing the World to West Virginia

2 China Initiative State Superintendent Steve Paine joins College Board trip to China 21 st Century Skills Initiative committed to Foreign Language education and global awareness

3 Foreign Language Expansion Initiatives Chinese Begin implementing high school program in 2007 Long-range plan to develop articulated middle school to high school program Elementary Foreign Languages Explore sites for immersion school Expand opportunities for foreign languages below grade 7

4 Benefits of Foreign Language Study Personal Cognitive –Higher-order thinking skills –Correlations to higher achievement in English and in math College readiness –Higher SAT and ACT scores Increases global awareness Societal Critical languages for business and national defense –Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Russian, Turkish Meeting the needs of a diverse American society –Education –Health care –Housing

5 Benefits of the China Guest Teacher Program Teacher salary provided by China Chinese language program can be launched with minimal initial investment Similar programs in other states Students can learn authentic Chinese language and interact with native-Chinese speaker Teacher can serve as a cultural resource in other subjects School can build pipeline to AP Chinese classes

6 About the Chinese Teachers Teaching certificate in China Speak Standard Mandarin Bachelors degree (or higher) Three or more years teaching experience Selected through rigorous screening process Travel with J-1 visa May work up to 3 years

7 Host Institutions Responsibilities Sign contract with the College Board Pay administrative fee of $3,000 (cover visa processing etc.) Provide housing (school facilities, rented apartment, homestay) Provide local transportation Provide mentoring and access to regular professional development opportunities Verify intent to continue Chinese program by hiring a full-time teacher

8 Application Process Application must be submitted to WVDE by Monday, September 18 WVDE will review applications, provide technical assistance, make recommendations & submit to College Board by September 25. Application available on-line Form.doc Notification by mid-October

9 Selection Criteria- Making the Case! General College Board selection criteria: –Potential for consistent or expanding student enrollment in a Chinese language course Number of students requiring foreign language for high school graduation &/or college entrance Current foreign language programs (lack of &/or prevalence) Community demographics with China connections Business connections –Evidence of program support Letters from BOE, Superintendent, Community, Businesses –Ability to serve as model for other districts/schools WVDE will generate letter endorsing schools as Model Schools Agree to showcase program benefits

10 Questions & Comments Contact Debbie Harki (304) 558-5325

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