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WVDE Language Leaper Curriculum Development Team Webinar Thursday, December 9, 2010 3:30 – 4:30.

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Presentation on theme: "WVDE Language Leaper Curriculum Development Team Webinar Thursday, December 9, 2010 3:30 – 4:30."— Presentation transcript:

1 WVDE Language Leaper Curriculum Development Team Webinar Thursday, December 9, 2010 3:30 – 4:30

2 Agenda Revised Timelines Online System Lesson Plan Format Assessment Plan Format Script Documents Next Steps

3 Revised Timelines Independent Lesson/Script Development Work – December 9, 2010 – December 31, 2010 Partner groups complete unit lesson plans, scripts, and conceptual drafts of relevant ancillary materials. Assessment Development – December 9, 2010 – January 30, 2010 Assessment members refine Assessments 1 & 2, develop I can learning target statements, identify informal/formative assessments, and refine assessment rubrics. Consistency Editing –January 7, 2011 –February 15, 2011 Review by Whitney of scripts/lessons/units for consistency

4 Online System Locate Unit by Title Create a Lesson Plan for each Episode (15) Create Assessment Lesson Plans (2) Upload Support Documents into Lesson Plans and Assessment Lesson Plans

5 Unit Titles

6 Online System

7 Lesson Plan

8 Copy & Paste from Kindergarten Samples

9 Types of Activities 1 & 2 Phase 1 (Focus on Interpretive Listening) Gouin series (Action Series) L & C Pages 67-70 Identify the item (hold up card according to what is described) TPR & Simon Says (Act out) Dress the Alien Where is the Alien? Complete a Survey using the Aliens answer. Phase 2 (Moving Toward Interpersonal Communication) Teacher uses Master Screen to assess students Teacher asks a question and students respond with answer. Phase 3 (Interpersonal Communication) Students Narrate Sequence Information Gap Activities Tell/Ask a Partner Complete a survey

10 Gouin Series I take the fondue pot. I plug it in. I pour the chocolate. I put in some cream. I stir it. I smell it. I taste it. I say: "Yum, yum it's good!" Making Fondue

11 Giving/ Following Directions Dress the Bear

12 Wheres the Teddy Bear?


14 Assessment Lesson Plan Copy & Paste from Kindergarten Samples

15 Assessment Lesson Plan Copy & Paste from Kindergarten Samples

16 Script Documents


18 Attaching Script & Ancillary Documents within a Lesson

19 Ancillary Conceptual Design Nomi hatboots jackettruck

20 Ancillary Conceptual Design

21 Create 15 lesson plans for each assigned unit. -Fill in Warm-up/Teaching Context/Wrap-Up sections (using copy and paste from Kindergarten) -Determine Standards, Objectives, etc….for each lesson -Draft Activities 1 & 2 Write Scripts for each lesson and upload to lesson. Develop any conceptual ancillary sheets and upload to lesson. Next Steps: Content Teachers

22 Create 2 Assessment Lesson Plans -Use Overview document as a guide to draft initial tasks within Assessments Identify I can statements based on each lesson Follow-Up call with Center For Applied Linguistics (To be Determined) Next Steps: Assessment Developers

23 Questions?

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