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Physics 321 Hour 39 Final Review. When, Where, etc. Be on time! Classroom Counts 10% of the total grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 321 Hour 39 Final Review. When, Where, etc. Be on time! Classroom Counts 10% of the total grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 321 Hour 39 Final Review

2 When, Where, etc. Be on time! Classroom Counts 10% of the total grade

3 What to Study Tests 1 & 2 Sample Tests 1 - 3 Review 3

4 What to Expect 6 problems, 4 fro new material Solids, Euler angles Coupled Oscillators Chaos Scattering, cm kinematics More quantitative than qualitative Several will probably finish in 1 ½ hours

5 Problems – First Material Basic force/torque problems + drag, Lorentz Basic Lagrangian Lagrange Multiplier Hamiltonian Potential Energy Rotating Coordinate Systems

6 Problems – Last Material Solids: Inertia tensor, finding principal axes and principal moments Solids: Euler’s equations, Euler’s angles, constants of motion, precession-spin-nutation Coupled Oscillators: Lagrangian in Matrix form, finding normal modes and frequencies Chaos: No repeated motion, sensitive to initial conditions, harmonics, state space, frequency doubling in onset to chaos Scattering: cm, solid angle, impact parameter, finding cross sections, definitions

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