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Mt. Diablo Unified School District Coordinated Care Teams

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1 Mt. Diablo Unified School District Coordinated Care Teams
Presented by: James C. Wogan, LCSW Administrator, School Linked Services (925) ext. 3054

2 Mt. Diablo Unified School District Coordinated Care Teams
To ensure that every child succeeds, school staff, students, families, and community agencies work together to increase the number of students who arrive each day ready and able to learn.

3 Mt. Diablo Unified School District Coordinated Care Teams
The first MDUSD Coordinated Care Team was established in at Mt. Diablo High School in 2002. Coordinated Care Teams now operate in 35 schools in MDUSD.

4 Coordinated Care Teams
Coordinated Care Teams are established in 35 MDUSD elementary, middle and high schools serving students from high- income, middle-income, and low-income neighborhoods.

5 An Umbrella of Student Support
Positive Behavior Support System Building Effective Schools Together (BEST) Positive Behavior Team (PBT) Coordinated Care Teams (CCT) Student Success Team (SST) School Attendance Review Teams (SART / SARB)

6 Framework for Promoting Educational Success: UCLA
Adelman, H. & Taylor, L., UCLA, 2002:

7 Individual Interventions
Mt. Diablo Unified School District Building Effective Schools Together: B.E.S.T. Mental Health Services / Social skills training Hughes Bill: Intensive BSP or FAA and PBIP Parent training and collaboration, Parent Project Triage referral, SMART team (wrap), MHC classes, AB3632, Day Treatment, NPS School, Residential SARB Positive Behavior Team Targeted/ Intensive (High-risk students) Individual Interventions (3-5%) Counseling / social skills training Self-management programs, i.e. Loma Vista Parent training and collaboration Adult mentors (check-in) Increased academic support, Triage 504 / BSP, train staff, monitor implementation Coordinated Care Team Selected (At-risk Students) Classroom & Small Group Strategies (7-10% of students) Social skills training Positive, proactive discipline Teaching school behavior expectations Active supervision and monitoring Positive reinforcement systems Firm, fair, and corrective discipline Universal (All Students) School-wide Systems of Support (85-90% of students)


9 Coordinated Care Teams
Employ a school-wide referral system to address educational, health, mental health, and other concerns that reduce student achievement. Meet weekly to discuss students of concern, develop intervention plans, and review progress.

10 Coordinated Care Teams
Provide a platform to deliver and coordinate community resources at school. Partnerships with community agencies and programs are formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with MDUSD.

11 Strength-based programs
Coordinated Care Teams Strength-based programs and activities are combined with professional services to form “packages of support” for individual students.

12 Coordinated Care Teams
Manage and coordinate all efforts to address student concerns. Intervene early after problems arise. Track intervention plans. Save time and increase effectiveness.

13 Coordinated Care Teams
Care Teams provide oversight and coordination of intervention plans for multiple students at each meeting.

14 Coordinated Care Teams connect students and families with:
School-based programs. 2) District interventions and programs. Community resources.

15 Coordinated Care Teams

16 CCT Forms Map of school resources
School-wide referral form (Elementary & Secondary) CCT Weekly Agenda Template Referral Reply form Parent Permission Form Provider Confidentiality Agreement CCT Central Disposition List End of Year Summary Forms Release of information forms

17 Coordinated Care Team Members
Principal and Co-administrator(s) Teachers (Special Education & General Ed) School Psychologist School Nurse Child Welfare & Attendance Liaison Registrar / Secretary After-school Program Staff Social Work / Psychology Interns Staff members of county and community-based agencies with whom the District has formed partnerships.

18 Assist to address school-wide and community concerns.
Coordinated Care Teams Assist to address school-wide and community concerns.

19 Coordinated Care Teams
Provide the coordination system for multiple components of the Coordinated School Health Program (Sponsored by the American Cancer Society).

20 Coordinated School Health Program (American Cancer Society)

21 Coordinated Care Teams
Coordinated Care Teams ensure that school-based programs are not used in a fragmented way.

22 Collaboration “A process where people come together to identify common interests, define common problems, and seek solutions that reach beyond what any one of them could accomplish on their own.” (Author Unknown)

23 Collaboration levels Collaboration Cooperation Communication

24 “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.”
Collaboration “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.” Yogi Berra

25 Outcomes and Benefits

26 Benefits To School Sites
Improved attendance rates. Reduced disciplinary rates. Improved educational success. Support for teachers and administrators. Alternatives to suspension / expulsion. Culturally competent service delivery. Enhanced communication among staff. Strengthened link between home, school and the community. Members learn up-to-date information about resources in the community.

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