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Human Development Competency 1: The teacher understands human development processes and applies this knowledge to plan instruction and ongoing assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Development Competency 1: The teacher understands human development processes and applies this knowledge to plan instruction and ongoing assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Development Competency 1: The teacher understands human development processes and applies this knowledge to plan instruction and ongoing assessment that motivate students and are responsive to their developmental characteristics and needs.

2 A. Cognitive Related to the process of acquiring knowledge Jean Piaget: Descriptions of interactions with one’s environment Four stages of Cognitive Development Ages 0-2 Sensorimotor Ages 2-7 Preoperational (egocentrism) Ages 7-11 Concrete Operations (decenter), (categorize) Ages 11-15 Formal (abstract)

3 Piaget and Vygotsky Hands-on learning is pedagogically sound, drawing from the constructivist thinking of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky (keeping in mind the differences between these two theories). Piaget stresses the importance of learning by doing and advocates for learning environments that are rich in physical experiences believing involvement is the key to intellectual development. Vygotsky’s theory promotes learning contexts in which students play active roles in learning and where teachers collaborate with their students in order to help facilitate meaning construction.

4 B. Social/Emotional Erik Erikson: Psychosocial development Trust/Mistrust. Parental Attachment Autonomy vs. Doubt. New self-control Iniative vs. Guilt: Primary age. Move away from parental attachment and control. If not able to move away from this, the child experiences guilt. Industry/Inferiority: Entering school, gains academic skills and makes friends. These things need to happen or the child develops a sense of inferiority Identity/Identity Diffusion: Junior High. What a person believes in (goals, values). Failure to discover these things leads to identity diffusion. Intiacy/Isolation: High school. The person who does not achieve identity cannot experience true intimacy.

5 B. Social/Emotional (cont.) David Elkind: Two characteristics of adolescent development Imaginary audience=everyone’s watching Personal fable=perception that no one understands or has the same experiences as me

6 C. Physical Factors affecting physical condition: Nutrition, sleep, early childhood stimulus factors, parental experimentation with drugs Recognize that there are variances at any given age Through developmentally appropriate instruction: Assess Choose materials for student level

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