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Transmission Line Theory
Chapter 2 Transmission Line Theory
Transmission-Line (TL) Theory
TL theory bridges the gap between field analysis and basic circuit theory. ZL Rs l m, e, s sc Lumped-element equivalent circuit At DC or very low frequencies, the equivalent circuit can be simplified as Rs R ZL At medium and high frequencies, the equivalent circuit becomes Rs R L G C ZL
Distributed equivalent circuit
At RF and microwave frequencies, a general two-conductor uniform line divided into many sections can be used to describe the transmission-line behavior. ZL Rs l = NZ Z N sections Rs L Z R Z G Z C Z ZL L,C,R,G are called distributed parameters.
where R: Conductor resistance (Series resistance) per unitlength. I2R/2: Time-average power dissipated due to conductor loss per unitlength. L: Self inductance (Series inductance) per unitlength. I2L/4: Time-average magnetic energy stored in a unitlength transmission line. C: Self capacitance (Shunt capacitance) per unitlength. V2C/4: Time-average electric energy stored in a unitlength transmission line. G: Dielectric Conductance (Leakage conductance, Shunt conductance) per unitlength. V2G/2: Time-average power dissipated due to dielectric loss in a unitlength transmission line. At very low frequencies: (s represents dielectric conductivity) Thus, L,C,G can be ignored at very low frequencies. But at high frequencies, effects due to L,C,G have to be considered.
Solutions of L,C,G parameters
PDE: (Laplace’s Equation) BCs: Z=l C S Z=0
L,C,G Distributed parameters can be found as
For distributed parameters of TEM transmission lines
Example2.1: Find the TL parameters of coaxial Line?
Solution( another solution can refer to p.54 of the text book) a b PDE: BCs: Due to symmetry, PDE becomes ODE: BCs become
General solutions for electric potential at z=0
Substitute BCs into general solutions to find the coefficients C1 and C2 Final solution Electric and magnetic fields at z= 0
Current along the inner conductor at z=0
Find distributed parameters L,C,G Check the following relations between LC and C/G
Conductor resistance per unitlength
Loss tangent of dielectric Material e=ere0 tandc FR4 er= 4.5 0.014 Ceramic er= 9.9 0.0001 Teflon er= 2.2 0.0003 GaAs er= 12.9 0.002 Silcon er= 11.9 0.015 Conductor resistance per unitlength t C1 C2
Skin effect: At high frequencies, currents tend to concentrate on surface of the conductor within a skin depth d or penetration depth (Defined as amplitude of fields decay to 1/e) d Effective conductor thickness t d(f) tec fec f
Example2.2: Two-wire line
D a Example2.3: Parallel-plate line d w
Wave Equations of Transmission Line
Telegrapher equations General solutions (traveling-wave solutions) of transmission-line equations yield: where ps. The parameters and Z0 are called transmission line parameters.
Lossless Transmission Lines
(Lossless conditions: R= G=0) Low-Loss Transmission Lines (Low-loss conditions: R<<w L, G<< w C,) Therefore, where ac is attenuation due to conductor loss ad is attenuation due to dielectric loss
Example2.4: a b For low-loss coaxial lines,
For low-loss two-wire lines, D a For low-loss parallel-plate lines, d w
Distortionless Lines Lossy line has a linear phase factor as a function of frequency. Relation : Verification : Advantage : Distortionless line transmitted signal without dispersion. Dispersion : If the phase velocity is different for different frequencies, then the individual frequency components will not maintain their original phase relationships as they propagate down the TL, and signal distortion will occur.
Why 50 characteristic impedance for coaxial lines?
b From distributed parameters From transmission-line parameters Attenuation constant due to conductor loss Attenuation constant due to dielectric loss Assuming that the outer dimension b is fixed, c has a minimum when b/a= The value comes from
Considering the breakdown voltage Vb
Then the maximum power capacity Pmax Assuming that the outer dimension b is fixed, Pmax has a minimum when b/a= The value comes from Therefore, use 50 to compromise between 77 and 30. (Also reference textbook p.130 “point of interest” and problem 2.28 and 3.28.)
The Terminated Lossless TL
Zin Match conditions Match Mismatch (Total Reflection) Reflection coefficient Return loss (RL,dB) Standing wave ratio Transmission line impedance equation
Terminated in short circuit
Terminated in open circuit
Quarter-Wave Transformer
A useful and practical circuit for impedance matching. Defined as TL with length equals to ℓ=/4(+ n/2). Perfect matching occurs at one frequency (odd multiple) but mismatch will occur at other frequencies. Impedance matching is limited to real load impedances (complex load impedance can be transferred to real one, by transformation through an appropriate length of line.) Substituting ℓ=(2/)(/4)= /2 into equation Zin can find In order for =0, one must have Zin = Z0, then Insertion Loss (IL)
Formulations for TL
Generator and Load Mismatch
Load matched to line Generator matched to line Zin=Zg ; l 0 ; SWR>1 Zl=Z0 ; l=0; Zin=Z0 ; SWR=1 Conjugate matching Zin=Zg* ; g 0 ; l 0 ; 0 ; SWR>1 Multiple reflections may add in phase to deliver more power P to the load.
The Smith Chart The Smith chart is a plot of constant-r circles
constant-x circles
Compressed Smith Chart
It is applied for both active and passive networks. While a standard Smith chart is used in passive networks where Re(Z)0. Example2.5: A load impedance of 50+j100 terminates a lossless /4 line (Z0=50). Find the input impedance, the load reflection coefficient, and VSWR? Solve 1 Solution from equations
Solve 2 Solution from Smith chart
Example2.6: A lossless 75 line is terminated by an impedance of 150+j150. Find (a) L , (b) VSWR, (c) Zin at a distance of 0.375 from the load, (d) the shortest length of the line for which impedance is purely resistive, and (e0 the value of this resistance? Solve
Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Wave (Chapter 3)
Characterized as TEM wave have a uniquely defined voltage, current, and characteristic impedance. TEM wave exists in TL consisted of two or more conductors. single-conductor closed waveguide two-conductor TL
Transverse Electric (TE) and Transverse Magnetic (TM) Wave
TE Wave : kcis cutoff wavenumber. Wave propagation needs: is real k>kc f>fc (cutoff frequency) Cutoff or evanescent mode f<fc is imaginary TM Wave : TE and TM waves have not a uniquely defined voltage, current, and characteristic impedance. TE and TM waves often exist in single-conductor structure. Equation must be solved subject to the boundary conditions of specific geometry
Parallel Plate Waveguide
Parallel Plate Waveguide
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