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Presentation designed by mussarrat ambreen From Defence Authority Public School O & A Levels.

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1 Presentation designed by mussarrat ambreen From Defence Authority Public School O & A Levels

2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES USING BLOOM'S TAXONOMY and 21 st Century skills and Approaches


4 Remembering Candidates should be able to: Describe the aims of government policies, such as full employment, price stability, economic growth, redistribution of income, balance of payments stability; Understanding Candidates should be able to: Discuss the possible conflicts between government aims; Applying Candidates should be able to: evaluate the government as a producer of goods and services and as an employer;(applying) describe the aims of government policies, such as full employment, price stability, economic growth, redistribution of income, balance of payments stability; Analysing Students will be examined the government’s influence (regulation, subsidies, and taxes) on private producers. Evaluating evaluate the government as a producer of goods and services and as an employer;(applying) Creating Students will be generate an article and essay on the importance of government.

5 TOPIC:2 Economic indicators

6 Remembering Candidates should be able to: With regards to prices candidates should be able to: Describe and know how the retail price index is calculated; Understanding Candidates should be able to: discuss the causes and consequences of unemployment describe the changing patterns and levels of employment; define Gross Domestic Product (GDP); Applying Candidates should be able to: illustrate the economic indicators like inflation, unemployment, balance of payments., balance of payments stability; apply the simple measures and indicators of comparative living standards, such as GDP per head, Human Development Index (HDI) in particle life Analysing Students will be examined and distinguish HDI and RPI. Calculate the inflation rate through RPI. Evaluating evaluate the government as a producer of goods and services and as an employer;(applying) Creating Students will be Argue the designed policies of the government and also designed and suggest new and updated policies after research work.

7 TOPIC:3 Developed and developing economies: trends in Production, population and living standards

8 Remembering Candidates should be able to: Distinguish between developed and developing countries Understanding Candidates should be able to: describe the effects of changing size and structure of population on an economy; Applying Candidates should be able to: demonstrate differences in living standards within countries and between countries, both developed and developing. Analysing Students will be to: analyse the problems and consequences of these population changes for countries at different stages of development Evaluating Students will be able to: Determine the factors and indicators of developing countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan Creating Students will originate policies and solutions for the elimination of poverty

9 teacher as facilitator In Economics syllabus in all topics students are required to produce questioner,repots, journals and projects they are also supposed to write articles and apply it in different economies so the products will be same. As mentioned in next slide.

10 Products include : Graph Spreadsheet Report Survey Conclusion Project

11 using technology successfully in the classroom is a mindset not a skill-set

12 Topic 21 st Century Teaching Approach 21 st Century Skills Techniques/Modes ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN AN ECONOMY 1.Observing and monitoring skills 2.Listening and speaking 3.Questioning skills 4.Encouraging skills 5.Interviewing skills Following abilities will be developed amongst students after this lesson 1.Collaboration 2.Cooperation 3.Communication 4.Creativity 5.Organization 6.Problem Solving 1. Graph 2. Spreadshee t 3.Report 4.Survey 4.Survey 5. Conclusion 6. Project Economic indicators 1.Observing and monitoring skills 2.Giving direction skills 3.Listening and speaking 4.Encouraging skills 5.Interviewing skills 1.Self-Direction & Social Responsibility 2.Technology Fluency 3.Problem Solving 1.Graph 2. Spreadsheet 3.Report 4. Conclusion 5.Project Developed and developing economies: trends in Production, population and living standards 1.Observing and monitoring skills 2.Giving direction skills 3.Listening and speaking 4.Questioning skills 5.Encouraging skills 1.Self-Direction & Social Responsibility 2.Technology Fluency 3.Problem Solving 1. Graph 2.Spreadsheet 3. Report 4.Survey 5.Conclusion 6. Project

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