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Ch 5: Part 2 – Emotions & Stress Feb 12, 2008. Managing Emotion In addition to research on emot intell, new research on emotional dissonance: –Situation.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 5: Part 2 – Emotions & Stress Feb 12, 2008. Managing Emotion In addition to research on emot intell, new research on emotional dissonance: –Situation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 5: Part 2 – Emotions & Stress Feb 12, 2008

2 Managing Emotion In addition to research on emot intell, new research on emotional dissonance: –Situation where you’re required to display emotions on the job inconsistent with your true emotions –Can occur in at least 3 ways: how? –Due to expectations of your role –Cognitive & physiological effort involved is referred to as ‘emotional labor’ –Related to stress

3 (cont.) In emot labor area, Morris & Feldman distinguish: – ‘surface acting’ – ‘deep acting ‘ –Some researchers suggest coping w/this by depersonalizing the situation Cultural differences in emotional labor? Differential effects of SA & DA on burnout

4 Affective Events Theory (AET) Weiss & Cropanzano (’96) –Antecedents to our emotional reactions –Consequences of emotions at work –Personality & mood moderate the relationships Work Environment Daily Hassles & Uplifts Pos and Neg Emot Work Outcomes (Job sat & Job perf) Personality & Mood (moderators)

5 AET (cont.) Antecedents: –Our reactions partly determined by work environment (demands, resources) and daily events Moderators: –Personality (NA/PA) –Daily mood – both affect interpretations Outcomes: –Job sat – experience more pos emotion – higher job sat. –Job perf – positive correlation w/pos emotion

6 Stress Stress – pattern of emotional states and physio reactions in response to stressors Strain – accumulated effects of stress (physical symptoms, perf effects) Key is cognitive appraisal of potential stressors (Lazarus & Folkman) –Primary appraisal – –Secondary appraisal –

7 Lazarus & Folkman’s model Stressor Appraisal Stress Reaction Coping

8 Work-related stressors Some occupational differences –Decision-makers, constant monitoring, unstructured tasks, etc. Work/non-work conflict –Dual career households; work-family stress (role conflict) Role ambiguity – uncertainty about how to complete a job

9 Work-related stressors (cont.) Overload – average #hrs/week hasn’t changed since 70’s, but more outliers Karoshi – Japanese term for ‘death by overwork’ –Officially recognized as fatal illness by Japanese in 1989 –How large is its effect?

10 Sexual Harassment Viewed as a stressor –See book for legal definition –Legal categories: Hostile environment – examples? Quid pro quo – examples? –Extremely negative effects on job outcomes, mental health, and health outcomes

11 Harassment (cont.) Impact of climate tolerant of harassment –Negative effects of harassment on bystanders –Results from Schneider et al. (1997) study? Ethnic harassment components –Verbal slurs, exclusion due to ethnicity –Similar negative effects as sexual harassment –Schneider et al. (2000) study - who had the worst job-related and psychological outcomes?

12 Socialization & Hazing New research on organizational bullying, hazing newcomers… Hazing new employees –McDonald’s example –Power Company example –Most likely in blue-collar jobs requiring teamwork Why is it done?

13 Non-work stressors Holmes & Rahe’s Stressful Life Events scale: –Neg & pos changes in life affect vulnerability to illness –How is the measure linked to illness likelihood? –Can we develop a similar stressful events scale based on job events/changes? Impact of daily hassles – minor irritations that accumulate

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