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Team Shock Therapy: Tim Blake, David Bankhead, Travis McMillen 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Shock Therapy: Tim Blake, David Bankhead, Travis McMillen 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Shock Therapy: Tim Blake, David Bankhead, Travis McMillen 1

2  Background  Process of Defining the Project  Our Problem Definition/Goal  Test Setups  Procedure  Design Matrix  Future Work 2

3  Goal of Acoustic Research Detachment  Create quieter NAVY vehicles  Use lead-acid batteries to power their vehicles  A ship uses hundreds of batteries  Example: LSV-2 Cutthroat  Batteries need to be replaced every 4 years  NAVY wants to improve battery performance 3

4  NAVY  Originally CCCV vs. Pulse  Analyze rejuvenators  Indications of health of battery  University of Idaho  Navy specs not design, need design project! 4

5  Project Definition  Navy needs a reliable way to extend the life of their batteries.  They are considering using battery rejuvenators.  Project Goal  Design a procedure/algorithm that the Navy can use to characterize their rejuvenators. 5

6 Figure 3: Internal Resistance Test Setup Figure 2: Discharge Test Setup Figure 1: Rejuvenation Test Setup 6

7 Discharged Battery Internal Resistance Measurement Rejuvenate Battery Internal Resistance Measurement Discharge Battery Perform Calculations Decision Matrix 7

8 Compared Spec Sheets35 Ah rating Renaissance RC-2A12-2BatteryMinderRenaissance RC20A-12-240Max valueMin valuestandard Capacity Restoration80%95%65%100%01.000 Internal Resistance0.0976912790.1106846740.354608217100%01 Time Taken (h)1005.57973240711.13221521240 Renaissance RC-2A12-2BatteryMinderRenaissance RC20A-12-240Weight Capacity Restoration0.800.950.6560% Internal Resistance10%11%35%20%Legend Time Taken (h)-3.170.770.5420%-1 - 0.3 Terrible, do not use 0.3 - 0.7Okay -0.1322774390.7447667650.565751983 0.7-1Great 8

9  Automated control system  Verification of 2 Volt batteries  Quantify Internal resistance of batteries  Compare constant current constant voltage to pulse rejuvenators  First 10 min. of a rejuvenation. 9

10 10

11  Pulse rejuvenators work  BatteryMINDer works the best  Most important characteristics have been determined in characterizing a rejuvenator  Difference between two batteries pulsing in first 10 min.  Recommend pulse charging for the next charge setup 11

12  Acoustic Research Detachment of the Navy  Jim Klein  Dr. Herb Hess  Dr. Greg Donohoe  Dr. Touraj Assefi 12

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