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Access library resources through

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1 Access library resources through

2 EZProxy for long-distance access to databases, e-journals and e-books

3 Useful RC & PH Databases Database NameFocus PsycINFOPsychology, psychiatry CINAHLPatient care, nursing, allied health (not much PH, tho) Academic Search PremierFull-text peer-reviewed journals PubMedMedical treatment, anatomy, health policy, administration ERICEducation/training Toxline Toxicology/toxic releases, haz. chemicals, enviro health Green=EBSCO databases Yellow = Cambridge Scientific databases

4 Here they are

5 PsycINFO – Start by searching your term in the Thesaurus 1. Type term. Change radio button to “Relevancy Ranked.” 3. Click on best term. 2. Hit [Browse].

6 Exploring Thesaurus terms + means more specific terms exist. To simultaneously search both the general & specific terms, click checkbox under Explode x

7 Full record Major concepts indicated by *

8 Results Click on title hyperlink to see abstract Folder”=list of citations you’ve selected. Click on Add or the folder icon to select this citation. Click on Add (1 - #) if you want every citation on the page selected for printing/saving/emailing.

9 Click on Cited References link to view an article’s bibliography, even if you can’t get full text of the rest of the article! For additional articles on your topic...

10 Sample “Cited References” page Possible link to full-text online

11 Linking through SFX Print journal

12 Refine Search To limit # of retrievals by adding more criteria, type in or use pull- downs under Refine Search tab.

13 Working with Selected Records Click on icon or words above results list to get to a list of citations you’ve selected. Then choose desired output function.

14 Advanced Search Truncate * = Truncate = add * to at least 3 letters at beginning of word to get all word variations that start same way. Here rehabilitat* finds: rehabilitate, rehabilitates, rehabilitated, rehabilitatation rehabilitations. 3 search boxes!

15 More about Advanced Search To require a term to be in a particular “field” (part of the citation), use the pull-downs to the right of the search box.

16 Click checkboxes to change or choose multiple databases to search If changing databases, unclick checkbox of “old” database when you click checkbox of “new” Click at top or bottom of page to get to search page

17 Searching multiple databases simultaneously? You will not get a thesaurus of subject headings because different databases use different headings. So you will have to search on keywords rather than on subject headings when simultaneously searching multiple databases.

18 CINAHL …almost identical to PsycINFO

19 The active page is indicated by a GREEN tab, inactive in BLUE. If you are given a thesaurus in an EBSCO database, you can reach it via the Suggest Terms checkbox above the search boxes in.

20 Adding subheadings in CINAHL Click on subject term to see which subheadings are available for that term.

21 Adding subheadings to a subject heading in CINAHL 1.Click one or more subheading checkboxes. 2.Make sure pull- down is at OR if including 2+ subheadings. 3.Click [Search]. 1 2 3

22 Search for items in a particular journal Under Publications tab’s Browse for search box, Relevancy Ranked is probably the more useful option.

23 PubMed – 16 million records and growing! Click here on any page to return to this basic search page Keyword search with truncation and phrase searching to get most recent citations (generally published within the past week)

24 Anatomy of a PubMed citation Subject headings summarize topics discussed in article in 1. Links to possible electronic full-text Each citation has unique ID # Abstract Major subject

25 Simple, general search by Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)

26 History Then type the # sign and set numbers combined with AND or OR or NOT in the search box at the top of the page or…. click on the set # in the table under Search. Use the resulting pull- downs under Options to move the search into the search box. First clear your search box.

27 More specific subject heading search Click checkbox to add a subheading to specify aspect of topic and/or to limit to articles focusing mainly on your topic.

28 To simultaneously search on multiple aspects (subheadings)… Click their checkboxes, then select the appropriate connector (AND /OR/NOT) from the SEND TO pull- down.

29 Edit If you want to change your search before running it, highlight text and hit DELETE or type in terms OR click in more checkboxes before you click [Search PubMed]

30 These results need limiting! Lines here means PubMed has an abstract for this article

31 To set limits: Reminder above results list of limits currently set Limits stay on for rest of search session, tho they are not applied to Related articles searches.

32 Selecting Records Orange = free full- text thru PubMed ! Green = electronic available but not necessarily via PubMed.

33 Clipboard Check at least one citation before you click [Send to] with Clip Remove or it’ll remove ALL!

34 Emailing Records

35 Emailing Page Will appear as email from - be careful about deleting unopened!!! Change order of citations here.

36 Correcting bad citations Use Single Citation Matcher and whatever info you have to complete an incomplete citation. If you find a reference contains incorrect info, type in the words and leave out one # at a time. Most referencing errors are in the volume, issue and page numbers.

37 Public Health – Special Queries

38 Journals Database Click on [Links], then [PubMed] for all citations from this journal in PubMed “Translate” full titles to title abbreviations if required for publication or translate title abbreviations to full titles to locate journals on shelves at HSCL

39 Web of Science Contains 3 databases: Science, Soc Sci and Arts/Humanities Use this to investigate the development of a topic from the citation you chose in PubMed

40 Cited Reference Search Type in info. Click Search.

41 Locate exact article you want Click View Record for abstract and links.

42 Cited References = sources author used in writing this article Times Cited = articles that have used this article in subsequent development of the idea(s)

43 Free e- journal/ book sources Strictly biomedical Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary older issues Electronic medical books

44 Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory - Check if peer- reviewed -MAYbe full-text access

45 Advanced search

46 Full text available thru Ulrich’s?

47 Legend and icons show 2 of 4 titles with “rehabilitation counseling” in the title are peer-reviewed/refereed.

48 For Help with Databases Attend one of the library’s free classes on using its databases. Or use our tutorials and handouts from the classes to figure out on your own how the different databases work.

49 Tutorials for databases This PubMed tutorial lets you choose individual database functions to learn about. Each is brief.

50 Tutorials for other Databases ERIC help here PsycINFO, PubMed help here

51 Get help! AskALibrarian Virtual Chat Reference OR Email a Reference Question Reference Desk: 392-3585 Health Science Center Library, 2 nd floor Mon-Thurs: 9-5:30 Friday 9-5

52 Ask Me! Nancy Schaefer Phone: 392-1306 Office: Communicore Building C2-26E

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