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Published byAlexa McMillan Modified over 11 years ago
Mt. Diablo Unified School District IFAS Training Purchase Requests Using Web Screens Creating PRs and Receiving Items (First Revision)
9/16/20052 Enable Web Screens (1) Enable Web Screens. This step is only required once or whenever the Web screens are disabled. Sign onto IFAS. Once connected… From the main menu screen, click on Edit at the top left side of the screen. Select Options from the drop-down menu. Select the 7I tab. Click in the Enable box (a check mark will appear). Now scroll down the list to make certain that PO is also checked. If not, click on the box in front of PO (a check mark will appear). Exit by clicking Okay. You are now back at the main menu.
9/16/20053 Enable Web Screens (2) Example Click on Options Also Click on Purchasing if Check Mark is Missing Click on Enable Box to Insert a Check Mark Click on IFAS 7I Tab
9/16/20054 IFAS Menu Screen From the Main Menu, click on the plus sign (+) in front of PO. Click on the plus sign (+) in front of UP. Double click on Purchase Request. Or Just type POUPPR in the Mask Box (also known as the Type Ahead Box), press Enter. To Enter the Purchase Request Module (1)
9/16/20055 IFAS Menu Screen (1) Example Click on PO Click on UP Double click on PR OR Type POUPPR in Mask Box (aka Type Ahead Box), press Enter
9/16/20056 Blank Web Purchasing Screen (1) Example The main window of the screen holds general information about the purchase request you are about to create. To enter a new PR, click on the white paper icon above the PR: field. Click on the white paper icon to get a blank screen to enter a new PR
9/16/20057 Click on the ellipse (…) in the PR # field and select Auto [PR Seed]. A number beginning with an R will populate the field. To Get A Purchase Request Number (1)
9/16/20058 At the 7I Web Screen To Get A Purchase Request Number (2) Example Click on Ellipse Select Auto [PR.Seed]
9/16/20059 Click on the ellipse (…) in the Vendor field. Click on Lookup. A Value box will appear with the lookup option of Name and Like. Type in the name of the vendor. When displayed, highlight Vendor Name field. Highlight appropriate P address field. Only select a P (Purchasing) address. Double Click on the vendor name field or press Enter. The vendor code, name & address will populate on the purchase request screen. If you cant remember the full name of a vendor but know that, as an example, Printing is part of their name, you may key in *Printing* and press enter. All vendors with Printing in their name will display. * is a called a wild card. If the Addr: field on the PR screen did not populate correctly, click on ellipse and select a P address. To Select A Vendor (1)
9/16/200510 If you do not know which vendor to select, key TBD (to be determined) in the Vendor field. Purchasing will locate a vendor and complete this field. If you know the vendor but you cannot find the vendor in a search, key TBA (to be assigned). Then go to your Notes tab (not for print) and key in: company name, address, telephone number, e-mail and fax number. To Select A Vendor (2)
9/16/200511 To Select A Vendor (3) Example Click the ellipse on the Vendor field
9/16/200512 To Select A Vendor (4) Example Value box defaults with Name & like Type in Vendor name. Press Enter
9/16/200513 To Select A Vendor (5) Example Highlight Vendor name Highlight appropriate P address Double click on vendor name field or press Enter
9/16/200514 To Select A Vendor (6) Example Vendor name & address populates If other than P displays, click on Addr: field ellipse. Select appropriate P address
9/16/200515 Click on the Ship To tab. Type S then your site code and three zeros. (i.e. S112000). Exception: For the Dent Center, type S then 010 and then the manager code (i.e. S010018). Click on the Bill To tab. This field defaults to Fiscal Services. If it does not default, key S010012. Add: Ship To and Check: Bill To (1)
9/16/200516 Add Ship To and Check Bill To (2) Example Select Ship To tab, key code Check Bill To tab for default. If no default, key S010012
9/16/200517 Requested By (1) If you need to change the Requested By field to reflect the person who is requesting the item(s), it is necessary to key both the requesting partys name as well as the creator of the Purchase Request. i.e., Hall/Cathy. The persons name whose User I.D. opened this screen must remain in the field.
9/16/200518 To Create an Open Order (1) The steps are the same to create an Open Order with the following exceptions: Click on the down arrow in the PO Type field. Select B. Click on the Blanket/Dates tab. Fill in the Date Requested, Expiration Date and Amount fields. In the Description field, key OPEN ORDER NOT TO EXCEED $ (include the amount). Also include the from and to dates. Remove the tax percentage in the Tax Code field. The Amount field should reflect the maximum amount that can be spent. i.e., $1000.00. This must also cover taxes, shipping and handling charges.
9/16/200519 To Create an Open PO (2) Example Click on down arrow, select B Remove the Tax Code 8.5 by clicking on the down arrow, then select None. Key in Description Click on Blanket/Dates tab, complete fields
9/16/200520 Click on the Notes tab. Are these Notes for View only during the approval process or do they need to be printed on the PO? For Notes to view only: Click on the PR Notes, key data. For Printed Notes Before (the Item Description): Click on Print Before, key data For Printed Notes After (the Item Description): Click on Print After, key data. Keyed data will not pass beyond the blue line and will wrap to the next line. To Add Notes (1)
9/16/200521 Notes (not for print) is where you place the justification for expenditures for SIP (School Improvement Plan), Title 1, and GATE (Gifted and Talented program). For SIP & Title 1: The justification should reference your Single Plan for Student Improvements, Planned Improvement Number, Article Alpha Letter, & Page Number or Supplemental Support Activity Number and Page Number. Example for Single Plan for Student Improvement Reference: Pl, 1d, Pg 11. Example for Supplemental Support: SAA3, Pg 30. For GATE: The justification should reference the GATE Program plans name and subject. Questions: Please contact the Curriculum and Instruction Department. To Add Notes (GATE, SIP, Title 1 Justification) (2)
9/16/200522 Click on the Notes tab To Add Notes (3) Example
9/16/200523 For Notes to be seen, only For Notes to be seen & printed Before Item Descriptions on PO For Notes to be seen & printed After Item Descriptions on PO To Add Notes (3) Example
9/16/200524 Move cursor to Quantity and click. Key in quantity. Tab to Units. Key or lookup unit type. To lookup: Click on ellipse, select appropriate unit type. For ex: EACH, BOX, LOT, PKG, SET. Tab to Description. In all CAPS, Key a description of the item including item number, such as the catalog number, ISBN, etc. This field can hold descriptions of text that wrap around as you type. At this time, you cannot see the full description all at once. Scroll up and down to see the text. Please do not insert notes to Purchasing in the Item Description field. Tab to Amount. Key in amount. To Enter An Item (1)
9/16/200525 Tab to General Ledger. Key or lookup Org. Key and Object Code. To lookup: Click on field. The field changes into two fields. Click on the ellipse next to the Object field. Select Lookup Org Key. Scroll until appropriate code is displayed. Double click on code to return it to the screen. Repeat process, except select Lookup Object Code to search for and to select an Object Code. Press Enter to save or to add another item. Do Not enter data into fields not mentioned in this training material. Other fields on the grid are for other organizations purposes. To Enter An Item (2)
9/16/200526 To Enter An Item (3) Example Enter quantity Enter unit type Enter brief description Enter dollar amount Enter budget code Press Enter to add another item Tax rate defaults to 8.25 & is added to item cost resulting in Extended Amount
9/16/200527 Shipping & Handling (1) Place the amount for shipping and handling in the Charge Amount field. If you are splitting codes and are using dollar amounts, you must then calculate the shipping and handling amount into the dollar amount being split. If you are splitting codes using percentages, the system calculates the shipping and handling into the split codes.
9/16/200528 To split codes, click on the Account Distribution tab. To open the split function to create or to see an existing split, click on the General Ledger field. There are three fields: Org Key and Object Code and Amount. Click on the down arrow next to the Amount field. Select New Account Split. Key in Org Key, Object Code, and dollar amount. To enter a second or more account numbers, click on the down arrow again. Choose New Account Split. Enter account code and dollar amount. Repeat for each additional account code. Remember, the dollar amount must add up to the PR amount including tax, shipping & handling. To Split Codes (1)
9/16/200529 To split codes using percentages, click on down arrow next to Amount field. Select Split by Percentage. Key in Org Key, Object Code, and percentage. To enter a second or more account numbers, click on the down arrow again. This time, choose New Account Split and enter account code and percentage. Repeat for each additional account code. Remember, the split amount must add up to 100% including tax, shipping & handling. To Split Codes Using Percentages (2)
9/16/200530 When you click on the down arrow, you will see all the account numbers you have entered as well as either the amount or percent allocated to each one. You can edit on account or amount by selecting it and making any changes. You can delete an account number from the account split by selecting it and choosing Delete Current Account in the drop down box. Warning messages will appear if the sum of the split account numbers entered do not equal the amount of the item. When you have entered an account split for an item, you will not see all the account numbers entered, just the first one. This first account number will be followed by … to indicate that there are more account numbers associated with this item. To View Split Codes (3)
9/16/200531 To Split Codes (4) Example New Account Split (by dollar amount) Split by Percentage Click on down arrow to get options
9/16/200532 Saving the Purchase Request To save the purchase request, press Enter. Look just above the PO# field for a green check mark and the message: Record Accepted. Other messages may display. For Example: Warning 0003456276888 is over budget amount. Any warning message may be by passed by pressing Enter until the check mark and the Record Accepted message displays. To Save A Purchase Request (1)
9/16/200533 To Save A Purchase Request (2) Example Press Enter. Watch for Message: Record Accepted
9/16/200534 This is the final step for the Purchase Request creator. The creator remains on the PR screen. Click on the Workflow tab on the Task Bar (left of the PR screen). Click on the Enable" button (you only have to do this once). The Enable button changes into a Refresh button. Click on the Refresh button. The PR will be available for approval within a minute. If not, click on F5 to refresh. Click on the green check mark. A message box appears. Click on the Submit button at the bottom of this box to move the PR into the Workflow approval process. To Send Purchase Request to First Approver (1)
9/16/200535 To Send Purchase Request to First Approver (2) Example Click on the Refresh button, wait a moment for PR to display on Task Bar Click on green check mark on Task Bar to move PR into the Workflow approval process Once & only once, you will need to click on an Enable button. It changes into a Refresh button A message screen will appear, click on the Submit button at the bottom.
9/16/200536 Purchasing Notification Once Purchasing has received your Purchase Request and it has entered their processing, an e-mail will be sent to you, the creator of the PR, verifying it has been accepted.
9/16/200537 Delete a Purchase Request or Item (1) To delete an entire Purchase Request before it has moved through the approval process, search and find the PR. Click on the down arrow on the Options icon (right of the binoculars icon) at the TOP of the screen. Select Delete Record. Click Yes on Delete prompt. Purchase Request is deleted. To delete an item that is entered, select the Item tab. Move to the item. Click on the down arrow on the Options icon at the BOTTOM of the screen, select Delete Record. Click Yes on Delete prompt. Item is deleted.
9/16/200538 Search queries allow you to view items on your computer screen without running reports. In order to use this feature, you need to access the purchasing screen. To Find/Search a purchase request or a purchase order, open the Purchasing screen. Click on the binoculars and select Find/Search Click in PR or PO Number field and key in the number. Press Enter. For ANY search you initiate/complete, you must Cancel it by clicking on the binoculars and select Cancel Find. Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (1)
9/16/200539 In the Date field enter any date such as 12/05/04 and press Enter. The system will display all PRs created on 12/05/04. Use the forward or backward arrows to toggle through the PR records listed. Remember to Cancel the Search. Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (2)
9/16/200540 Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (3) Example Click on Binocular Icon Click on Find/ Search
9/16/200541 Key in PR # or PO #. Press Enter Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (4) Example
9/16/200542 Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (5) Example PR or PO will display
9/16/200543 Another way to locate a PR or PO: Left of the PR screen is a Task Bar (mostly hidden). To open up to view, click on the chevron at the top right of this field. It will open to reveal several tabs. Click on Entity tab. The PRs created from your site on the queried date are listed. Click on the PR or PO number and it will display on the PR screen. The list only displays a limited number of PRs at one time. To view the next set of numbers: Extend the Task Bar, highlight the last PR #, click on the forward (next) arrow. The PR list will advance to the next set of PR numbers for your site. Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (6)
9/16/200544 Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (7) Example To open Entity List, click on tab. To display PR, click on PR/PO number
9/16/200545 The following fields are commonly used as search criteria to narrow down the inquiry selection: PR, PO, Status, Vendor, By (requested), and Date. You can also perform a blank search by clicking on the Binocular icon and select Find/Search from the drop down menu. The system displays a blank screen. Press the Enter key. The system will display all the PRs in the system for your security code. You can use the forward and backward arrows to toggle through the PR records. Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (8)
9/16/200546 To search by Vendor, click the ellipse next to the Vendor field and click Lookup. The Data Lookup window will display. Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (9) Example Key in the first few characters of the vendor name in the blank field and click on Apply.
9/16/200547 Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (10) Example Highlight desired vendor and double click
9/16/200548 Find/Search Purchase Requests/Orders (11) Example Once the Vendor field is populated with the desired vendor, press Enter and all the PRs for that vendor and with your security code will display in the Entity List. You may also toggle through the PRs using the forward or backward arrow. PRs of Searched Vendor displays here
9/16/200549 From your IFAS Main Menu: Click on PO Click on UP Click on RC Or Key POUPRC In MASK Box To Receive Items (1)
9/16/200550 Enter the Purchase Order number in the PO number field and press the TAB key or press Enter. Click your mouse in the QTY Accepted field and enter the quantity received for that item. Click the Save button to record the entry. A green dot mark at the top of the screen indicates that the record has been accepted. To Receive Items (2)
9/16/200551 To Receive Items (3) When you see this prompt, just click on the green check mark
9/16/200552 To Receive Items (4) Enter PO Number in PO # field Click on QTY Accepted field and enter amount received
9/16/200553 To Receive Items (5) Enter Qty Accepted Click the Save button to record the entry. A green dot mark at the top of the screen indicates that the record has been accepted.
9/16/200554 To Receive Items (6) Example Notice that the Received To Date field has been updated and the Record has been Accepted.
9/16/200555 To Reject Items (7) Example if you wish to return items, enter Quantity Rejected Enter PO Number in PO # field
9/16/200556 To Reduce/Add Quantity Received (1) If you completed and saved the Receiving screen showing more items than you actually received, use a minus to reduce the amount. For example, if you keyed in 34 but only received 29, -5 will reduce the amount to 29 once saved. If you have received a partial order, you should complete the Receiving screen for that amount only. When the remaining amount is received, key in the new amount. The system will add the two amounts to display total amount received. For example, if you ordered 62 but received only 50, key in 50 and save. When the remaining 12 are received, open the Receiving screen and key in 12. The amount received will change to 62.
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