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Celestine Johnston, NLH. CCDG Core Content Statistics 2008 Celestine Johnston, National Library for Health, Jan 2009.

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1 Celestine Johnston, NLH. CCDG Core Content Statistics 2008 Celestine Johnston, National Library for Health, Jan 2009

2 Celestine Johnston, NLH. 1.0 AMA Collection: Full Text Downloads Successful FT Article Requests by Month 2008 Jan- 08 Feb- 08 Mar- 08 Apr- 08 May- 08 Jun- 08 Jul- 08 Aug- 08 Sep- 08 Oct- 08 Nov- 08 Dec- 08 YTD Total Total for all journals4,0223,5764,0144,0404,0523,9683,8003,2315,7475,8666,0604,65153,028 Local librarians can get access to statistics for their trusts from If they scroll down the page, they will see links to access usage reports for each journal title in the AMA collection. The username for them is their Athens org ID, and the password is ‘password’. The only slight problem with this is that there is no way of amalgamating figures for all the titles – library staff have to go into each journal title individually to collect the figures, and can then total them to find their overall use of the collection.

3 Celestine Johnston, NLH. 2.0 BMJ Collection: Full Text Downloads Successful FT Article Requests by Month 2008 Top 10 FT Downloads 2008

4 Celestine Johnston, NLH. 3.0 Coutts MyiLibrary Successful Logins & Books Accessed 2008 Top 10 Books Viewed, September & December 2008 Statistics are also available to show logins at regional and local level, as well as login by professional group within each region.

5 Celestine Johnston, NLH. 4.0 EBSCO CINAHL Searches: EbscoHost / NLH Search 2.0 2008 Health Business Elite: EbscoHost / NLH Search 2.0 2008 The EBSCO platform provides statistics on database searches and full text downloads at national level on the EBSCO website. NLH Search 2.0 stats are only available from Sept08. Patterns of searching CINAHL follows same trend for both EBSCO interface and Search 2.0. However, since Sept08 Search 2.0 shows a much higher usage for searching HBE than via the EBSCO interface, with a marked decline showing in the HBE stats via EBSCO.

6 Celestine Johnston, NLH. EBSCO: Full Text Downloads Successful FT Article Requests by Month & Database 2008 N.B. NLH Search 2.0 stats only available from Sept08.

7 Celestine Johnston, NLH. EBSCO: CINAHL – Top 20 FT Downloads Top 20 FT Downloads 2008 Top 20 FT Downloads: Nov, Dec 2008

8 Celestine Johnston, NLH. EBSCO: Health Business Elite – Top 20 FT Downloads Top 20 FT Downloads 2008 Top 20 FT Downloads: Nov, Dec 2008

9 Celestine Johnston, NLH. 5.0 Ovid Databases: Search 2.0 & OvidSP Total Searches By Database 2008 Total Searches by Month – by Database Stats shown for total searches by Search 2.0 and direct via Ovid interface. OvidSP stats only available Jul-Dec 08. Searches direct via Ovid interface account for only 0.19% of all searches carried out during 2008.

10 Celestine Johnston, NLH. 5.0 OvidSP Searches Total Searches, Sessions & Abstracts By Database Jul – Dec 2008 Total Searches, Sessions & Abstracts by Month DatabaseSearchesSessionsAbstracts PsycINFO147712215455 AMED42353374 BNI8831281278 Embase345621723161 Medline882451141754 HMIC40251977 Grand Total15465108282999 Stats show searches carried out on native OvidSP interface only.

11 Celestine Johnston, NLH. 5.0 OvidSP Searches Total Searches By Database and SHA Jul – Dec 2008

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