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How to File for Unemployment Benefits. How to File Unemployment Benefits Telephone Mail 2.

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Presentation on theme: "How to File for Unemployment Benefits. How to File Unemployment Benefits Telephone Mail 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to File for Unemployment Benefits

2 How to File Unemployment Benefits Online @ Telephone Mail 2.

3 Register with Maine Job Bank at This is a Requirement CareerCenter offers assistance on: Resume preparation Interviewing skills Job search assistance services 3

4 Filing for Unemployment You must have worked in the state of Maine within the past 18 months Or served in the military in the last 18 months 4

5 You will need the following information to complete your claim. Your Social Security Number; Alien Registration Number, if applicable; Business name, address and telephone number of each place you worked at during the past 18 months; The jobs you held and the dates you worked for each employer within the past 18-month period;

6 Filing Online for Unemployment The asterisk signifies that all questions need to be answered in order to process your claim. Very important to remember your 4 digit pin #. Remember at the end of the application you should receive a confirmation number. If you do not receive a confirmation your application will not be processed. 6

7 Payment Options 2 payment options Direct Deposit Maine Automated Payment Debit Card Allow for 5 business days for processing Verifying Payments 7

8 Filing Weekly Claims Online You can file a weekly claim at this web site if: You have filed a new claim or reopened a claim in the past two weeks OR You have filed a weekly claim in the past two weeks. To file your claim, you will need: Your Social Security Number Your PIN number 8

9 Information Center Use this website to get information on your claim. 9

10 Filing for Unemployment by Phone Toll-Free 1-800-593-7660 TTY 1-888-457-8884 Claims Center Wait Times Very high on Mondays Shorter on Wednesdays Thursdays 10

11 Filing for Unemployment by Mail To file by mail you need to complete: Initial Application Form (B9.2) Income Tax Withholding Form (W4-V) Dependents Form (B-70) Forms are also available at your nearest Career Center. 11

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