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Embedded in the Future: Integrating Library Tools in Students’ Online Research Environments Julia Bauder and Elizabeth Rodrigues Grinnell College Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedded in the Future: Integrating Library Tools in Students’ Online Research Environments Julia Bauder and Elizabeth Rodrigues Grinnell College Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedded in the Future: Integrating Library Tools in Students’ Online Research Environments Julia Bauder and Elizabeth Rodrigues Grinnell College Libraries ILA/ACRL Spring Conference 17 April 2009

2 Where do students conduct academic research online? Search engines Course management sites …not the library homepage

3 How do we meet them there? Search widgets LibX Pop-out chat reference

4 Search Widgets

5 What are search widgets?


7 How do I build a search widget? A few of the available widget tools: Ebsco Search Box Builder Proquest Search Widgets Gale Search Widgets WorldCat …find someone to build it for you

8 Potential challenges Getting permission to add to courseware URL changes

9 LibX

10 What is LibX?

11 How can I adapt LibX for my library? LibX Edition Builder: ul/ ul/

12 Potential challenges Testing Promotion Keeping up-to-date Patron updates

13 Meebo Chat Pop-outs

14 What is Meebo?

15 Why use the Meebo widget as a pop-out?

16 Potential problems Pop-up blocker Javascript Accessibility

17 Literature Cited OCLC. (2005). College students’ perceptions of libraries and information resources. Accessed on April 6, 2009 from Thomas, C., & McDonald, R.H. (2006). Millennial net value(s): Disconnects between libraries and the information age mindset. Educause Quarterly 29:4. Accessed on April 6, 2009 from

18 Questions? Links and code from this presentation can be found at: http:/ omepage/ilaacrllinks.html/ http:/ omepage/ilaacrllinks.html/

19 Thank you for your time! Julia Bauder: Elizabeth Rodrigues:

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