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© 2000-2001 Ex Libris Ltd. All Rights Reserved. SFX: An Open Linking Framework for the Hybrid Library Tamar Sadeh ELAG 2001.

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1 © 2000-2001 Ex Libris Ltd. All Rights Reserved. SFX: An Open Linking Framework for the Hybrid Library Tamar Sadeh ELAG 2001

2 A&I e-print Full Text MetaLib Citations Web eTOC OPAC SFX: Interlinking Heterogeneous Resources

3 Non context-sensitive Limited in scope:  types of extended services  action radius of links Closed e-print Full Text A&I Citations Web Closed and non-context-sensitive linking frameworks The “appropriate copy” problem Today’s Linking Constraints:

4 Full text Ulrich’s PubMed Citation databases Subject Gateways OPAC “A p p r o p r i a t e” Document delivery service

5 SFX: Open, context-sensitive linking framework Open:  Enables third-party to configure the links  Based on open standards  Enables integration of various resources and services  Information provider independent Context-sensitive: sensitive to the user's institutional affiliation For example:  Which resources are available to the users?  What is the specific implementation of access?  Which services are offered by the user’s institution?

6 Service Component Source Targets Metadata Object Electronic Resources Default Links Appropriate Links OpenURL The Role of the Service Component

7 Full Text HoldingsDocument Delivery Related Resources Cited Author Lookup S F X S e r v i c e s SFX: Extended, Context-Sensitive Services UserMetadata Service Component OpenURL

8 Logged-in as a User of EXL

9 Logged-in as a User of Ghent

10 SFX Server: The Service Component Server Citations Full Text OPAC SFX Sources OpenURL A&I OpenURL e-print Institutional Service Component Linking server Describes context Makes metadata available to service component Creates the URL dynamically MetaLib

11 The SFX Flow Search or Navigation OpenURL- enabled resource B SFX Server? SFX button is added to the document C SFX Services D The user clicks the SFX button E SFX services are offered to the user A Server SFX Targets

12 The SFX Flow SFX SourceSFX MenuSFX Target SFX SourceSFX Menu

13 Accepts OpenURL as an input Collects metadata transferred by the OpenURL (by value) and/or through Fetch (by reference) Evaluates the appropriate services Computes the links to the targets The Service Component (SFX Server) Server SFX Source SFX Target OpenURL Link-to syntax

14 SFX Target: Supports deep linking to provide, for instance: SFX Source: Supports the OpenURL. Enables the generation of extended services by the SFX server at the user’s institution., EBSCO, ISI, IOP, ProQuest, Ovid, SilverPlatter ERL, OCLC FirstSearch Full text of an article Holdings information Document delivery form Academic Press, Cambridge University Press, Highwire, Kluwer, Springer, Swets, Wiley Ex Libris ALEPH 500, III Innovative, Endeavor Voyager, SIRSI Unicorn, COPAC-UK CURL Union Catalog The British Library, InfoTrieve, IBID SFX Sources versus SFX Targets

15 An emerging NISO standard Enables the transfer of metadata from an information resource to an SFX server Must be implemented by information service providers to enable their resource as an SFX Source OpenURL BASE-URL = service component Content = information supporting the fetch of metadata and/or elements of the metadata &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998& aulast=Smith&aufirst=Paul Examples

16 CrossRef/DOI Resolution DOIMetadata URL SFX/OpenURL and the CrossRef/DOI frameworks are compatible and complementary

17 CrossRef/DOI Resolution References MetadataDOI DOI Server DOI link URL to the publisher

18 CrossRef/DOI Resolution References The problem: “Appropriate copy”: Other providers Local resources Hard copies or document delivery service No option for alternative services

19 OpenURL Aware SFX Complements the CrossRef Initiative References DOI Server Server DOI OpenURL Metadata DOI link

20 SFX offers an open, context-sensitive framework based on the OpenURL standard SFX, as a service component, enables the institution to provide localized, extended services using the appropriate links SFX sets up standardization of services across resources, defined by the librarian SFX linking is compatible with other linking services including DOI/CrossRef SFX: Summary

21 Research publications OpenURL specifications Cookie Pusher description

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