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Implementing a discovery environment across three large acute trusts in Manchester Steve Glover Head of Library Services September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing a discovery environment across three large acute trusts in Manchester Steve Glover Head of Library Services September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing a discovery environment across three large acute trusts in Manchester Steve Glover Head of Library Services September 2015

2 NHS Libraries invest a large amount of resources both financial and organisational to provide high quality information and knowledge to our workforce.................. However most of it is not easy to find or access to the unskilled user. The Problem

3 Why? in a era of interconnectivity Where we are the architects of how this information is created, stored, and shared. Is this still the case? Our users move seamlessly through mobile platforms to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogs, online shopping, pay-pay and get want they need. Until they come up against barriers we have erected to control access, organise knowledge, and create value added silos.

4 “ One stop shops”..............? –NHS Evidence –“My Athens” –PubMed & PubMed Central –HDAS Databases –Publisher platforms –Knowledge Hubs –Library Websites –Repositories –Google & Google Scholar –Discovery environments




8 Problems for users –What do we have access to? –How can we find it (Discovery) –Simple and advanced queries –How can we access the content? –Books and Journals

9 Manchester Hospitals Discovery Project -Three large teaching hospitals in Manchester -Central Manchester University Hospitals -Salford Royal Hospital -University Hospital of South Manchester -2014 Bid for funding to pilot discovery -EBSCO Discovery Service -Three different Library Management Systems

10 Central Manchester University Hospitals Implementation Project Plan Autumn 2014 Raise purchase orders Assigned CS contact in US Complete EBSCO DS Database Q Agree “home page” layout Integrate local content Choose Open access content Choose search box design Choose widget integration Integrate LMS catalogue records January 2015 Go Live EBSCO DS training












22 Issues with CMFTs EBSCO DS –Clinical Key meta data for E-Books & Journals –NHS Collections –OpenURL linking –Publications search on full text finder –Linking to Clinical Key from off-campus

23 Local Choices @ CMFT –Default result set to “full text” –Login to get to “Home page” –Offer of native interfaces for expert searchers –NOT put in our print resources (book cat meta data) –Widgets to search other resources

24 UHSM local features


26 How to evaluate success? –Measure baseline usage of key resources –Compare COUNTER usage data –Compare search & session data –Qualitative feedback from different user groups – Account for confounding factors

27 Observed benefits –Increased usage of e-resources –Increased searching statistics on publisher resources –Feedback from user education sessions –Feedback from Clinical Librarians

28 Summary –Increased visibility of all e-Content –E-Books discoverable in addition to journal content –Single “hub” with choices of access routes for in- depth searchers –Easy to use interface




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