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Independent Economic Development Task Force Meeting #7 October 2, 2013 K. Gleasman.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Economic Development Task Force Meeting #7 October 2, 2013 K. Gleasman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Economic Development Task Force Meeting #7 October 2, 2013 K. Gleasman

2 Agenda Review and approve meeting notes from Mtg #6 Transylvania County Economic Statistics, Mark Burrows Status agency discussions (progress from 9/18/13) – All* Summary Slides – Karen* o Definition of Economic Development o Decision criteria o Potential targeted industries Calendar* o Compare with Henderson County – D. Bradford o Product Development Task Force – K. Gleasman Other topics from task force* Public Comment Adjourn 10/2/20132 * These topics were deferred until 10/9/13

3 Review and approve meeting notes from Mtg #6 10/2/20133 Transylvania County Independent Economic Development Task Force 9/18/2013 Meeting #6 Members Present:  Bradford  Gleasman  Harris  Higgins  Neumann  Watkins  Whitmire Members Absent:  Bradford  Gleasman  Harris  Higgins  Neumann  Watkins  Whitmire Others Present:Various members of public Recording Secretary:Karen Gleasman ITEM DISCUSSION BEYOND SLIDE DECK ACTION Review and approve Mtg Notes 5Approved Karen to correct T Times rep Status for agency discussions Decided each agency answers questions individually All will continue with connections C of C board to get intro pres 9/19 - RH Suggest follow-up contact to confirm: EDAB - met 9/12 8AM; delivered questions - DB Ask for range of answers TDA - questions emailed, will meet 9/26 - JW Verify completion date City of Brevard - will be contacted 9/23- BH Target is end of October Sooner is better Is anything else needed? Reinforce public comment ok Lots of work to be done when responses come in Iterate Defn of Econ DevelopmentPositives: process, community (specific to place), quality of life, and reinvesting within the community (e.g. inport substitution & networked supply chain Challenge - economic definition of wealth creation, retention, andIs there a more straightforward way to discuss reinvestment wealth in this definition? Iterate decision criteria for EDO decisionIn an effort to simplify and specify: *Start with defn of econ development *Combine 7 elements into one criterion, the set is req'd *Recruitment defd soliciting companies to come here includes marketing *Workforce Dev - combines needs, facilitates solutions *Culture creation - econ dev culture, e.g. elim negative communication loop, send entreprenuers "you're powerful" message, enabling network *V/L/A= vision comes from this organization with metrics that relate to funding and mission *drop "able to attract" given adopted def of econ development *drop responsive to community by definition *user friendly includes easy to use and easy to understand, obvious *drop facilitates not creates by definition *substitute active engagement of whole county Calendar new activities October 2 - Mark Burrows summary of county data Other Topics Remember we can bring J. Goldsmith back, after data analysis perhaps Benchmarking successful NC counties as non-quorum groups Rails to Trails discussion does not currently fit in with our tasks Public Comment Consider payroll $ as targeted industry measure Does decision criteria include 0 (in addition to + or -)? Yes Accountability is key for new organization construct Suggest adding corporate character to criteria for targeted company profile Adjourn No meeting next week

4 Transylvania County Economic Statistics 10/2/20134

5 Status for agency discussions On average in less than 5 minutes per; focus on progress since 9/18/13…. o Re-Connection made? o Any issues? o Other progress relative to these discussions 10/2/20135

6 Definition of Economic Development “Economic development is a process by which a community creates, retains, and reinvests wealth, and improves the quality of life.” David Dodson, MDC Inc, Chapel Hill, NC 10/2/20136

7 Decision criteria for EDO decision 1.Economic development is a process by which a community creates, retains, and reinvests wealth, and improves the quality of life 2.Covers all seven elements of solid approach to economic development a.Recruitment – soliciting companies to come or start here, includes marketing b.Existing Industry Effort c.Small Business Development d.Entrepreneurial Development e.Workforce Development – EDO consolidates needs and facilitates solutions f.Economic Culture Creation g.Vision/Leadership/Accountability – includes metrics related to mission and funding 3.Anticipated good return on financial investment 4.Great utilization of human capital including terrific volunteer base 5.User friendly – east to access, explain, and understand 6.Active engagement of the whole of the county 7.Clear communication and cooperation amongst parts 10/2/20137

8 Targeted industry brainstormed list 10/2/2013 Goldsmith IndustriesIndustries Target Company Profile NutraceuticalsAerospace industry partsCut & SewRev range: $50K - $50M Outdoor Recreation EquipmentComposites3D Printing Number of employees: 1- 150 Food and Beverage Consider methods of mfg: e.g. precision maching, web based Environmental industries, e.g. recycled matls -> t-shirts Retention/expansion of current businesses Automotive PartsBrevard CollegeBRCCQuality of place is big draw Sports, Health, and WellnessBambooCamps Solo WorkerDestination spaMedical equipment TourismDestination health clubLabs e.g. biomedical Research lab: e.g. farm/agriBuild musical instruments Food processing, e.g. applesMore movies here Artisanal agriculture, e.g. mustards, Do More barsMusic recording studios Expansion of TVSEvents Parts/supplies for existing comp., e.g. cans for OSKAR BLUES More like Everett Farms, Busy Bee 10/2/20138

9 Summary of discussion with EON Chair EON: Economic Opportunity Network (Formerly Senior Resource Network) Chaired by Joe Wilbanks Offered to do research on behalf of this task force, e.g. Benchmark economically, most successful counties in NC and correlate with economic development organization structure Could either be done by experienced volunteers or through Brevard College students Promised to be unbiased source of information 10/2/20139

10 Calendar other topics Compare with Henderson County – D. Bradford Product Development Task Force – K. Gleasman 10/2/201310

11 Other topics from task force members 10/2/201311

12 Public Comment – new process Our meetings are full (i.e. long) We do not want to limit public comment Will ask that public comment be: o sent to this email address: o provided in writing prior to or after each meeting. New email will be accessible to all task force members Karen Gleasman will ensure written comments are passed on to all task force members 10/2/201312

13 Adjourn 10/2/201313

14 Roadmap to complete 3 tasks Have brainstormed list of 24 targeted industries Reviewed and modified: TC Assets TC Challenges Targeted companies profile Approach to econ development Branding Marketing 10/2/201314 9/11/20 13 underway

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