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Instructions: 1)Review the attached ppt, which is posted on the Media Center’s Research Assignments 2014-15 page. 2)Create one or two search queries,

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions: 1)Review the attached ppt, which is posted on the Media Center’s Research Assignments 2014-15 page. 2)Create one or two search queries,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructions: 1)Review the attached ppt, which is posted on the Media Center’s Research Assignments 2014-15 page. 2)Create one or two search queries, using strategies from the ppt., that could be used for this research project. 3)Register for a School Wires account using school ID and password information; log into the EDS and create an EBSCO folder account (located in the EDS). 4)Look over some of the databases recommendations, located on the Research & Resources Assignment 2014-15 Page in the Media Center’s website. Do not worry about perfection. Searching always gets better with practice and increasing your knowledge about the subject. Good Luck. Prepared by P. Fekete, Librarian

3 Sign-in or register screen, located on the MTHS website. Log-in screen for those with a SchoolWires account.

4 First Screen to Register for a SchooWires account...

5 Registration Form: Enter the following information ONLY First name Last name Title: Student Email: School address User name: School network ID Password: School network pw Check off box for “SchoolWires Terms of Use”

6 Monroe Twp. High School’s EDS Default’s to the Basic Search Sign-in or create and EBSCO Folder

7 Sign into your folder, or create an account.

8 Personal folder is available for storing articles, etc.

9 This side-bar contains the resources from publishers that did not provide copyright clearance for EBSCO to include their property into the EDS. These resources are linked and Users can connect directly, without returning to the Research page. “Basic” Search This is a simple “Basic” search. Notice the large return of records.

10 In this basic search “Boolean” operator was used. Notice the smaller # of records returned, in comparison. “Basic” Search w/Boolean Operator

11 “Advanced” Search Advance Searches provide opportunities to use bibliographic fields, such as title, subject, etc. and Boolean Operators. Selecting disciplines also help the end-user to fine-tune the search.

12 “Advanced” Search Result

13 subjects Classifying both keywords as subjects further narrows the search in this case. “Advanced” Search Result

14 Limiters The user can control search results by selecting specific limiters (i.e. date, source types, subject, publisher, geography, language, provider, publication).

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