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LTE General PTA Meeting

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1 LTE General PTA Meeting
LAKE TRAVIS ELEMENTARY PTA General Meeting Tuesday, February 12, 2012 Lake Travis Elementary School Call to Order - 6:00 p.m. 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

2 LTE General PTA Meeting
MEETING AGENDA Welcome – Karen Miller-Kopp Call to Order – Melissa Nelson Confirmation of Quorum – Karina Machnacki Pledge of Allegiance – Melissa Nelson Acceptance of Minutes from January 8, 2013 – Kim Cook Report of the Treasurer – Liz Morrow Report of the Executive Board – Melissa Nelson Report of the Vice Presidents Membership – Holly Dobson Fundraising – Carla Stoltman Report of Standing Committees - Committee Chairpersons Principal’s Report – Karen Miller-Kopp Announcements – Melissa Nelson Adjournment – Melissa Nelson 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

3 ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES - Kim Cook, Secretary
Minutes of LTE PTA General Meeting January 8, available on-line Motion Motion required to approve the minutes of the Lake Travis Elementary PTA meeting held on January 8, 2013. Second Questions/Discussion Vote All minutes are being posted on the web at for review 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

BANK BALANCES AS OF ARE AS FOLLOWS: CHECKING: $72,557.86 INCOME – Booster Club $217.44 EXPENSES – Field Trip $ and Challenge Lab $497.06 TOTAL EXPENSES - $ Mini Grants: Just received invoice for iPad Cart which will be paid this week Total = $16, a) CASH ACCOUNTING for simplicity; ALL Balances are cash-on-hand b) GREEN boxes are SAME as reported DEC 2008; New information Below Green boxes c) ORANGE box Dec 2008 is first declining balance; Rest of school year we expect Declining Balance d) GRANT is for $$ given to school; EXPENSE/INCOME are totals for all operations e) biggest Dec 2008 expense was Sally Foster $3,400 f) PINK box and Below are $$ PTA has promised to pay Need CHECK REQUESTS for Field Trips & Mini-Grants g) AVAILABLE FUNDS = $ 31,400 + $ 2,300 – ( $1,800 + $400 + $ 2,000 ) = $ 29,500 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

5 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD - Melissa Nelson, President
Executive Board met on January 29th , with quorum present. Actions requiring further action of the General PTA: Motion required to approve the LTE PTA 2013 Nominating Committee: Lisa Berneburg Kendal Fowler Kylene Assorgi Jennifer McKallip – Alternate and Teacher Representative 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

6 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD - Melissa Nelson, President
Nominations are now being accepted for the Lake Travis Elementary PTA Board. Please contact a member from the nominating committee if you are interested. Meet other parents in the school. Work directly with the school administration. Key role in fundraising and distribution of funds. Be a voice for the other parents in the school. 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

7 Report of Vice President, Membership - Holly Dobson
Membership Drive Totals: Total Members: 420 Faculty/Staff Members: 100% Faculty, 85% Staff Membership Cards have been distributed. Contact Holly Dobson if you did not get one. 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

Carnival – SATURDAY, APRIL 13TH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Sponsors Needed!!! Sponsorship packets are available – Julie Ferguson Silent Auction packets are available – Alison Blake & Leny Gonzalez DID YOU KNOW THAT… The Carnival & Silent Auction raised over $21,000 (profit) last year! 100% of the profit goes directly back to LTE. We try to cover our costs with sponsorship money so that all money made the day of the carnival is pure profit!! If your company sponsors at the $500 level and up we will put your company logo on a reusable grocery bag (800 bags!)that will be handed out at the carnival. AND you may put marketing materials in the bag (business card, coupon, pen, etc). 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

9 Why is the Carnival SO Important?
Where does all this money go? Directly back to LTE. Last year the PTA raised an additional $25,500 for mini grants and a large portion of this was used to purchase an iPad Cart. Why is the LTE PTA Budget so high? The PTA supports wonderful programs for LTE. Here’s just a few: Program Expenses = $17,200 which includes field trips, math/science/social studies/language arts nights and Pioneer Day also Service Expenses = $9, which include grade level awards, hospitality for teacher and staff appreciation, Back to School Night, Kinder Round-Up and Yearbook Stipends 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

Fuss Free – Carla Stoltman Rock Star Sponsor Any fuss free donation over $100 during the school year. 100% of your donation goes to LTE. You will receive a car decal and recognition. Tax deductible and accepted all year. Spirit Night 2/13 is the next Spirit Night at Chick Fil-A. 3/7 All Star Burger Night 4-close 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

Box Tops, Randall’s, etc.. – Maria Turner, Chair We must turn in our next batch on Feb 20th . Please turn in any Box Tops now, so they can be sorted and counted. Please cut on the line or Maria will have to re-cut them. 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

Volunteers – Ferree Rhodes Total January hours: 741 Total volunteer hours through January: 7,517!! Volunteer of the Month for February – Alison Blake Staff of the Month for February – Deana Locklear IMPORTANT: Log your hours!!! Please go to to log your volunteer hours or Ferree Rhodes at Nominations for Volunteer and Staff of the Month can be sent to Ferree Rhodes, Volunteer Chair 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

Volunteers – Ferree Rhodes Best Club Members – thru end of January 2012 Holly Dobson Liz Morrow Oneida Gonzalez Laura Guerrero Julie Fergerson Jimmy Chipman Ashley Wade Melissa Nelson Carla Stoltman Monica Melgarejo Michelle Dent Kellie Carson 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

Communications – Oneida Gonzalez and Paloma Rodriguez LTE PTA website is: Please REGISTER, so you get MEMBER ACCESS Web-site currently has the following: Friday Feast Volunteer Sign Up Spring Carnival Sponsorship Packets 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

Hospitality – Laura Guerrero “Friday Feast” will be February 22nd and is hosted by SECOND grade. We need your help to make this lunch a success!! Please sign up on the website to bring an item.   12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

Squire Booster Club – Kellie Carson LTE Hoodies – there are a few of the hoodies left and they can be purchased through Kellie or at the school store. School Store – Lara Anton, chair - Open on Fridays during the lunch hours, 11am-1pm! Contact Lara Anton, if you are interested in working at the school store each Friday! Fridays are SPIRIT DAYS at LTE!! Wear your LTE shirts to show your school pride! LTE spirit wear t-shirts are still available in the school store. 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

17 Health and Welfare, Jennifer Wright
Career Day for the 3rd graders is May 7th and for the 4th & 5th graders is May 8th Please contact Jennifer Wright if you are interested in sharing your career with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

18 REPORT OF THE PRINCIPAL - Karen Miller-Kopp Principal
Updates Math a thon 7 February 2012 LTE General PTA Meeting

 February: 2/13 – Chick Fil-A Spirit Night 2/18 – Bad Weather Make Up Day (no school if not needed) 2/20 – Box Tops Due 2/22 - Friday Feast with 2nd grade hosting and February Birthday Celebration 2/24 – Fit Smart event at Lake Travis High School 2/26 – Math Night March: 3/5 – PTA General Meeting at 6:00 – Nomination of PTA Officers & 1st Grade Performance 3/7 – All Star Burger Spirit Night 3/11-15 – Spring Break 3/20 – Kinder Round- Up 3/29 – March Birthday Celebration 3/29 – Student Holiday 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

IMPORTANT LOCATIONS FOR INFORMATION!!! www. - LTE PTA’s website! PLEASE sign up to request access to website! Then login for important information including sign ups, forms, calendar, etc. - LTE’s official website!!! - LTISD’s website!!! - Lake Travis Education Foundation - Texas PTA’s website!!! - Website to log all of your volunteer hours!!! 12 February 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting

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