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Vocabulary The Great Gatsby Cycle 3 English II. Cycle 2 Timeline Day 1 (Thursday Jan 26, 2011) You will receive 10 new words from The Great Gatsby Homework.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary The Great Gatsby Cycle 3 English II. Cycle 2 Timeline Day 1 (Thursday Jan 26, 2011) You will receive 10 new words from The Great Gatsby Homework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary The Great Gatsby Cycle 3 English II

2 Cycle 2 Timeline Day 1 (Thursday Jan 26, 2011) You will receive 10 new words from The Great Gatsby Homework will be assigned and due Monday Day 2 (Wednesday Feb 2, 2011) You will have a review session in class Continue to study with note cards Day 3 (Feb 3, 2011) You will have a quiz Notecards will be checked

3 Vocabulary Cycle 3- toil: (n) hard and continuous work ; (v) to engage in hard and continuous work fortnight: (n) the space of fourteen nights and days; two weeks.

4 Gaudy: (adj) brilliantly or excessively showy Contemptuous: (adj) showing or expressing disdain; scornful

5 Credulity: (n) willingness to believe or trust too readily, esp. without proper or adequate evidence; gullibility. Provocation: (n) something that incites, instigates, angers, or irritates.

6 Corpulent: (adj) large or bulky of body; stout; fat Swoon: (v) to faint; lose consciousness. (n) a faint or fainting fit.

7 scamper: (v) to run or go hastily or quickly. (n); a quick run gayety: (n) the state of being cheerful or showiness; finery:

8 Practice! In predetermined pairs you will create sentences that demonstrate your understanding of the word’s part of speech and definition. You will be given 10 minutes and then your pair will present your work to the class!

9 Homework Now that you’ve practice using this words in pairs, you are ready to start using these words on your own! Create sentences for EACH of the vocabulary words (if there are 2 parts of speech then one for each) that demonstrate your understanding of its part of speech and definition. Make sure to have your name, date, period and homework topic on the sheet. For Example: John Marshall Jan 31, 2011 Period 6AB The Great Gatsby Vocab Cycle 3- Sentences This is DUE Monday Jan 31, 2011

10 Quick Reminders Make sure you copied EVERYTHING down correctly! It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with your homework and study these words Spelling counts on the quiz! Good Luck

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