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Pesticide Use in Schools - Minimizing the Risk Maine Board of Pesticides Control Requirements for Pesticide Application & Public Notification 287-2731.

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2 Pesticide Use in Schools - Minimizing the Risk Maine Board of Pesticides Control Requirements for Pesticide Application & Public Notification 287-2731 or

3 Why be Concerned About Pesticide Use in Schools? Kids are more sensitive to chemical exposure than adults Acute Poisoning Delayed Effects: Tumors, cancer, birth defects, blood and nervous system disorders. Allergic Effects: Asthma and skin, eye and nose irritation. Environmental Impacts All Pesticides Pose Risk!

4 State Pesticide Regulations Purpose: Manage pests to protect health, environment and property while minimizing risks of pesticide exposure. 1. Licensing (Chapters 10 & 31) 2. Integrated Pest Management (Chapter 27)

5 What are pesticides? Insect sprays, granules, dusts, etc.: Raid, Safer Soap Weed killers: Round-Up, weed&feed lawn products Plant disease protectants: rose sprays Ant Cups Rat/mouse baits: D-con Insect repellents Mold/mildew products Disinfectants & bleaches: Lysol, pine oil These and More!

6 State Pesticide Regulations 1.Licensing: Person applying pesticides on properties regularly used or occupied by students or staff of any school must have a valid Commercial Applicators License With a few exceptions

7 What pesticides can school staff use without a license? Disinfectants used in routine cleaning Emergency stinging insect control Repellants for personal protection If repellants are to be applied to students by school staff, must have permission from the parent/guardian Most repellant labels prohibit self application by children (under 18 years of age) Non-powered application of wood preservative and other pesticide- containing paints/stains No recommendations or endorsements intended

8 What applications require a licensed applicator? Indoor pest control such as: Ant cups, baits or sprays Roach baits or sprays Mouse or rat poisons Duct cleaning & mold remediation

9 What applications require a licensed applicator? Outdoor pest control Weed control on lawns, athletic fields, fence rows, parking lots Insect control on trees, shrubs, lawns or around the building Mosquito or tick control Plant disease control Includes use of low risk or organic pesticides like Weed & Feed, RoundUp, Safer Soap, Diatomaceous Earth, Bacillus Thuringiensis, mosquito dunks, etc. No recommendations or endorsements intended

10 Standards of Pesticide Application in Schools (Chapter 27) Applies to all Maine K-12 public or private schools and any nursery school that is part of an elementary or secondary school Applies to applications done in school buildings and on school grounds

11 School Grounds Include: Land associated with school buildings Playgrounds, athletic fields, agricultural fields Other outdoor areas used by students or staff that may be owned privately or by a municipality… That are regularly used for school activities

12 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Required in Schools a) Adopt IPM Policy b) Appoint IPM Coordinator c) Notify Parents/Staff Annually and before higher risk Pesticide Applications d) Use IPM and Least Risk Pest Control Practices e) Keep Records for 2 Years

13 IPM Requirements For All Schools a) Written IPM Policy Must be Adopted and Implemented Sample Policies Available: 1. MSMA - Policy ECB – or 2. MBPC – or

14 Integrated Pest Management Policy What should an IPM policy include? Pest management objectives Duties of an IPM Coordinator Education of the school community Record keeping Posting & Notification Pesticide purchasing & storage guidelines Licensing of applicators

15 All Schools Must Appoint an IPM Coordinator Must be a school staff person who will: Record pest sightings, Record all pest management actions including pesticide use, Keep parents, guardians or staff informed, Coordinate with pest management specialists.

16 Integrated Pest Management Coordinator Appoint a staff person as IPM Coordinator who will: Approve appropriate pesticide applications, Assure all feasible IPM recommendations are completed, Assure posting & notices are done, Evaluate effectiveness of the schools IPM program regularly.

17 Annual Notice All schools must send an annual notice to all school staff, parents and legal guardians within the first two weeks of the school year This notice must advise them: about the IPM policy & where it can be viewed, that pesticides may be applied, that notices will be given before higher risk applications, that records of applications are available for review, and a copy of Chapter 27 is available for review.

18 Application Specific Notification During the regular school year, schools must provide written notices at least 5 days before pesticide applications with a higher risk of exposure Notices may go by backpack or email, etc. Notice may be given universally, or The school may establish a notification registry Some flexibility for agricultural fields, orchards, nursery or greenhouse classrooms Download sample notice at Mr./Mrs. Smith Xyz Street YourTown, ME

19 Board allows enforcement discretion for school Ag and Hort programs Reduces the scope of the notification requirements… When pesticides are applied to remote fields or detached greenhouses as part of a high school program, and Students are trained as Agricultural Workers according to the EPA Worker Protection Standard Need only send 5 day notification to staff and parents or guardians of students that regularly enter those areas

20 Definition of Regular School Year Approximately last week of August to third week of June Does not include week- long vacations or summer school No more exceptions for applications done on nights or weekends

21 Application Posting All year round, schools must post signs 2 working days before higher risk pesticides are applied and leave them up for 48 hours 8 1/2 x 11 inches min 4 x 5 inches min Indoor sign Outdoor sign

22 Pesticide Uses Exempt from Specific Notification All uses exempt from applicator licensing, plus… Pesticides injected into cracks, crevices or wall voids, Bait blocks, gels, pastes, granular and pelletized materials placed in areas inaccessible to students, Indoor application of a pesticide with no re-entry interval specified on the label but entry to the treated area is restricted for at least 48 hours. No recommendations or endorsements intended

23 Pest Management Requirements Before pesticides may be used, the school must: Monitor for pests Identify pests Assess & document pest severity Use non-pesticide control measures

24 Pesticide Choice When pesticides must be used, lowest risk treatments available must be chosen No recommendations or endorsements intended

25 Indoor Applications Must be limited to baits, wall void, crack & crevice and pool or spa treatments Unless the pest threatens the health and safety of staff or students House Mosquito (Culex pipiens)

26 Reduce Exposure Indoors Only apply pesticides when students or staff are not in the same room May set out bait blocks, pastes or gels when informed staff are present Indoor applications should be planned to occur on weekends or during vacations

27 Reduce Exposure Outdoors Only apply pesticides when students or staff are not in the target area or close enough to be exposed to drift or vapors Ideally, schedule for maximum drying time before re-entry Avoid broadcast treatments

28 If Contracting for Pest Control Services: Develop written IPM contract ( sample contract available from Safer Pest Control Project Specify how contractor will: Inspect and monitor for pests make recommendations for sanitation, maintenance, prevention. Use pesticides only where and when there is demonstrated need and a pest identified Use least-risk methods available Pesticides must NOT be applied on regular basis or as a preventative.

29 Record Keeping Keep records for 2 years Pest monitoring records Pesticide application records MSDS and Label for each pesticide used Provide to public and BPC inspectors upon request Pesticide Application Records Labels & MSDS

30 Pesticide Application Records

31 Pesticide Storage Must be in original container, with MSDS and product label, in secure enclosure, maintained to prevent unauthorized use, mishandling or loss; and to prevent contamination of the environment and risk to public health. If no licensed staff – dont store pesticides!

32 School IPM Web Site http://www.thinkfirstspray http://www.thinkfirstspray

33 Why should schools comply? Reduced liabilities Reduced health risks Improved indoor air quality Better facilities maintenance Reduced energy costs

34 Why should schools comply? Practicing IPM instead of scheduled treatments provides for… Effective, long-term pest control A healthier learning environment More efficient use of school funds save $$$ in the long run

35 Help is available Education, consultation, referral 287- 2731, or Pest identification (1-800-287-0279 ) or Other resources How-to manuals, fact sheets, checklists, templates, sample IPM plan, workshop announcements http://www.thinkfirstspray http://www.thinkfirstspray

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