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Go to: Select a school: High School Click on Library Click on Electronic Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Go to: Select a school: High School Click on Library Click on Electronic Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Go to: Select a school: High School Click on Library Click on Electronic Resources

2 You should see this screen – Click on K-12 Databases.

3 You should see this screen – Click on the gold tab “Start Searching”

4 You should see this screen – Under Secondary Resources click “Start Searching”

5 You should see this screen – Scroll down to the purple boxes that say “Student Research Center” with a box appearing to the right. Above the box you see EBSCO Secondary Research Databases. Type a search term (EXAMPLE: abraham lincoln) in the box and press enter.

6 Notice the number of results: All Results: 1-10 of 11355 Click on Refine Search

7 You should see this screen. Notice the top left, below “Find: Abraham Lincoln” (where you see “AND”). Add more search terms to refine your search. Also uncheck some boxes beside “Document Types” to narrow your search. Press Search.

8 This should take you to a new screen with fewer choices. At this screen you need to create an account and sign in so you can save your articles. Click on Sign In.

9 You should see this screen – click on Create a new Account.

10 Follow the directions to create an account. WRITE DOWN your account information for later use.

11 After you have created an account you will return to your search results. Open the articles to see if you might want to use one in your research.

12 When you find an article you want to save (make sure you’re logged in – look for your name at the top right) click on Add to folder.

13 Notice how mine says “Added” and if I click on that I can see my article that I added to my folder. Also notice Find More Like This – this locates similar articles. You can also continue to refine your search.

14 You can click on Citation for citation information (click on HTML Full Text to return to the full text article). Click on New Search to begin a new search. Also notice the Encyclopedia and Dictionary tabs – you can look here for more information.

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