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Cells and Their Environment Chp 4. I. Cell Membrane a.Cell membrane also known as plasma membrane, selectively permeable membrane, and semi-permeable.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells and Their Environment Chp 4. I. Cell Membrane a.Cell membrane also known as plasma membrane, selectively permeable membrane, and semi-permeable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells and Their Environment Chp 4

2 I. Cell Membrane a.Cell membrane also known as plasma membrane, selectively permeable membrane, and semi-permeable membrane. b.The cell membrane maintains homeostasis by controlling substances entering and leaving cell. c.The cell membrane is a fluid phospholipid bilayer (double layer) with proteins.


4 d.The phospholipid heads attract to water (hydrophillic). e.The phospholipid tails repel water (hydrophobic). f.Proteins are the workers of the cell membrane. g.Carrier/Transport proteins help move substances across cell membrane.


6 A.Passive transport is the movement of a substance across a cell membrane without the use of energy (ATP) from the cell. B.During passive transport substances move down the concentration gradient from an area of high concentration to an area low concentration II. Passive Transport

7 1.Concentration Gradient- Difference in the concentration of substance across a space 2. Equilibrium- concentration of a substance is equal throughout a space

8 D.Types of Passive Transport 1) Simple Diffusion- the movement of a substance (very small or neutral molecules) from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across the lipid bilayer. Ex. Blue dye demo, smells (Discuss solvent, solute and solution)


10 2.Osmosis: the diffusion of water only. Prefixes refer to the concentration of the solute (substance being dissolved)

11 Hypotonic- less solutes Hypertonic- more solutes Isotonic- equal solutes

12 Hypotonic solution (water moves into the cell) Hypertonic solution (water moves out of the cell) Isotonic Solution (water moves in and out at the same rate)


14 CONTRACTILE VACUOLES-pump out excess water (only found in unicellular organisms that live in water)

15 TURGOR PRESSURE= the amount of water pressure in the plant cell

16 Which hose has more turgor pressure?

17 3) Diffusion through ion channels- ion channels are proteins that have a pore through which charged ions can cross the cell membrane (ex. Na +1, K +1, Cl -1, Ca +2 )

18 4) Facilitated Diffusion- uses a carrier protein to move substances through cell membrane (ex. Large molecules such as glucose & amino acids)**faster

19 Animations of Passive Transport

20 III. Active Transport A. Movement of substances from areas of LOW concentration to HIGH concentration B. REQUIRES ENERGY FROM THE CELL! C. Types:

21 1. Sodium-Potassium Pump- a protein pumps 3 Na +1 out and 2 K +1 in the cell **important b/c too much Na +1 is toxic and cells need K +1

22 2.Vesicles- moves very large molecules either in or out of the cell (ex. proteins & polysaccharides) a) the cell membrane forms a pouch around the substance and pinches off from the membrane & forms a vesicle 2 processes i. Endocytosis- moves substances in the cell by either phagocytosis (cell eating) or pinocytosis (cell drinking) ii. Exocytosis- move substances out of the cell



25 Animations of Active Transport

26 Ch. 5- Energy I. Photosynthesis- the process of using light energy to produce glucose & oxygen *Drawing of Photosynthesis

27 H2OH2O LIGHT ENERGY Chlorophyll- capture light O 2 given off (we breathe it!) H 2 O splits LIGHT DEPENDENT REACTION LIGHT INDEPENDENT REACTION CO 2 in Given off evaporated 6(CO 2 + H 2 ) C 6 H 12 O 6 H 2 O MITOCHONDRIA AND O 2 release energy by cellular respiration

28 air roots air glucose evaporation Light Dependent Reaction: H 2 O + light energy O 2 + H 2 Dark (Light Independent)Reaction: H 2 + CO 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 H 2 O END RESULT: Produces O 2 and Glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) which drive cellular respiration

29 II. Cellular Respiration- breaks down glucose to make energy (ATP) for the cell, occurs in the mitochondria A. 2 types 1. Aerobic Respiration- occurs in the presence of oxygen, produces 38 ATP each cycle 2. Anaerobic Respiration- occurs when oxygen is not available, produces only 2 ATP each cycle END RESULT- Produces Energy, CO 2 & H 2 O which drive photosynthesis END RESULT- Produces Energy, CO 2 & H 2 O which drive photosynthesis

30 Comparison of Equations Photosynthesis Photosynthesis H 2 O + CO 2 + light (energy) -> C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 -> H 2 O + CO 2 + ATP (energy)

31 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration o makes o uses o makes o Occurs in light o Occurs in Chloroplast o Plants only o uses Cellular Respiration o uses o makes o uses o Occurs day & night o Occurs in Mitochondria o Plants & Animals o makes Photosynthesis Glucose? CO 2? O2?O2? Day /night? Organelle? Plant/Animal? H 2 O?


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