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China’s Economy The Past, Present and Future The Past… The People’s Republic of China formed in 1949. This government, led by Mao controlled the entire.

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Presentation on theme: "China’s Economy The Past, Present and Future The Past… The People’s Republic of China formed in 1949. This government, led by Mao controlled the entire."— Presentation transcript:


2 China’s Economy The Past, Present and Future

3 The Past… The People’s Republic of China formed in 1949. This government, led by Mao controlled the entire economy.

4 In 1978 China opened its doors to world trade. China now allows people greater economic independence to own businesses and to make a profit.

5 Currency China’s unit of currency is called the YUAN. Currently one US dollar equals six yuan.

6 How has this changed China’s economy? World Ranking in GDP ( Gross Domestic Product=Value ($) of Goods made in a country in a year) 1.The USA 2.The European Union (28 EU countries) 3.China

7 How has China’s growing economy changed its people? The GOOD NEWS… China’s people have a higher standard of living. They enjoy more modern ways and material goods. Can you name something the Chinese might enjoy because of a higher standard of living?

8 How many people live in China? 1.3 billion people

9 What do the Chinese desire? /view/assetGuid/5ABB6519-121C-4AC8- 87FE-AE4B2908B0A9 /view/assetGuid/5ABB6519-121C-4AC8- 87FE-AE4B2908B0A9

10 The BAD NEWS Modern Industrialized Countries leave greater carbon footprints. What is a Carbon Footprint? –It is the amount of carbon dioxide we send into the atmosphere.

11 The SCARY News The USA contributes 20% of the world’s carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Twenty percent of the footprint is made by our country! China currently contributes 18% of that carbon footprint.

12 Pollution in China is Widespread When listing the top 20 most polluted world cities, 16 are cities in China!

13 The world’s most polluted city is Linfin,China

14 What is the source of this “polluting energy”? Imagine the city of Beijing…describe the skyline….

15 Two days in Beijing…low grade coal burning produces the scene on the right…

16 Workplace safety in China is also in question. Silicosis Severe Burns at Zinc plating factory

17 MORE SCARY NEWS By 2040 China’s GDP will equal that of the USA and the European Union What does this mean? China currently has a population that is four times greater than our country. If China wants to “live like us” what will happen to the Earth’s resources?

18 Prosperity? Hunnan Province

19 Matsutake Mushrooms

20 If I asked you to buy one pound of mushrooms at Redner’s Market what would you pay? An average pound of China’s Matsutake Mushrooms costs 120 dollars! Why is this an environmental problem?

21 Let’s Calculate the Environmental consequences of China’s “Role Modeling of the average American consumer 7960 kw (Amer use)/ 880 kw (Current Chinese Use) = The USA uses 9 times more energy when compared to China!!! If there are 4 people living in China for every person in US… The world will need to find 36 times more energy to meet China’s energy demand!

22 How can you use this information about China’s economy? As a student? As a worker? As a consumer of goods?

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